MAN. This thread is beginning to depress me

How I yearn for a 2+ hour Warzone extravaganza on Salamun Market or Visari Hammer or ANY FUCKING MAP in Killzone 2, for that matter, as they were all kind of GODLY in their own special way. Playing out a Search & Destroy objective on those maps with balanced and talented teams obliterates any experience you can have in Killzone 3.
I think the main problem with 3 is the
insane degree to which it caters to class and map exploitation, enticing players to purely camp or run around, meleeing like a cockbag and ultimately ignoring the objective.
When I cop a cheap kill from a cowardly MRK sitting in a corner next to our spawn, it pisses me off; it makes me want to respawn and do to others exactly what he just did to me, just so I don't feel cheated, rage and quit.
I played as a MED in Killzone 2. Every single time I respawned, I would make a bee-line for the objective and revive my buddies like it was going out of fashion; and guess what? My whole team was there, too, working towards WINNING. Classes were considerably more balanced (mind the speedy rocketeer wangs), i.e. the Engineer and the Engineer ALONE could use the shotgun. Objective-based gameplay was encouraged. Now, there're just too many options/weapons for each class and consequently, the objective fades into the background.
And for your information, I sunk a POO-load of hours into KZ2's multi - hours that were comprised purely of public matches.
Polar. Opposite. Design. Quality.
Also, not being able to aim and "shoot" your Revive Gun is idiotic and clunky; why can they not just make its effect null on the opposition? I really don't see any grave problems arising from this.