Torgo said:Not that I know of, but it works really well with Move.
For me the way melee works has been my only disappointment with using the Move in kz3.
Torgo said:Not that I know of, but it works really well with Move.
fuzzyreactor said:no thanks. it would be much better if the camera aimed you to the nearest medic and you could signal him.
fuzzyreactor said:MP changes
From the forums:
GG said:MP changes
From the forums:
What we'd like to do is give you guys some idea of how your hard work has paid off on parts of the game you've commented on, but haven't seen a patch for in the open beta. We've received a tremendous amount feedback from all of you, some of it obviously in favor of specific changes, while some other feedback was split down the middle. To compensate for the split feedback, we've looked at information and statistics we've been collecting while you've been playing on the server. Below you'll find a list of some of the most talked about points during beta, and what we plan to do to address these specific issues.
* A fix to the "Your Faction Has Won/Lost" issue, along with all oddities that resulted from this occurring
* An issue that allowed more than two clans to join a clan match will be fixed
* Increased Accuracy, Bullet Damage and Faster Reload Ribbons will update correctly on personal statistics screens
* We've simplified the process to invite players into your game (just one button press)
* The radius of the Marksman's Scramble++ has been lowered
* Medic's Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased
* No collision on mortally wounded player bodies
* Increased player stamina
* An icon will be shown in the menu when you have a Killzone 3 message in your inbox
Shortly after the game's release, you'll also see these changes patched in:
* Support for color-blind players
* Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches
* Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to:
o Control over games modes and settings
o Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with
o The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used
o Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.
o Selecting which careers you want available to players
o Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off
o Faction switching enabled or disabled
* The Clan Officer role will be added to clans
* Separate turn speeds for hip-fire and ADS
* Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down
* Increased the amount of kills required to win a Guerrilla Warfare match
* Increased Accuracy ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered
* Likewise, the Bullet Damage ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered as well
* Matches will end if the other team forfeits (i.e. too few, or no players on the enemy team)
* Matchmaking enhancements that will close and merge games based on player count, which will keep games more full
* Balance factions out by moving players to the other team at the end of the match if one team is lopsided
* The ability to turn off HUD markers for point pop-ups and objectives
* A menu option to allow squad-only chat
* The addition of a Mute All button
* Scoreboard flickering will be fixed
* Clans will no longer get matched against other clans that have many more players than they do (i.e. 4 vs. 7, 5 vs. 8)
And that list is just the beginning. As we release our patches you'll get a full list of everything we've updated in a patch list, which is much more than what we've listed above.
the_prime_mover said:I support most of those changes, though a post release patch that will change the controls may not be a good idea. I personally agree with the change as you shouldn't be able to aim as fast in ADS, but it may be a rather big change depending on the difference in speed and how often a given player uses ADS. I wonder how this will affect Move users.
I am really glad to hear that you can turn of individual HUD elements.
Too bad they aren't adding a medic indicator to the mini-map for mortally wounded players. The current system makes waiting near pointless, but the extended range may encourage more people to give the class a shot.
The should have increased the cool down timer on the Marksman cloak - scramble++ is a perk I will have to think long and hard before purchasing so changes to it will not really change the overall value of this class.
Torgo said:I played-through the entire game with Move by resting my right hand on my leg and using that as a pivot. I seriously can't imagine holding my arm straight out for 6+ hours.
Yes, they're sending one from what I hear
Check this out-
Well that is kinda the roll of the marksman. He picks off people from a distance and gets owned up close(well he would if they got rid of the AR) It's not like the maps are so big that its hard to find where you are getting shot from. if they added a killcam the game would be a even bigger cluster fuck of people not going for objectives and trying to get revenge.nib95 said:But then I don't get to see where that cowardly cloaked camping Markman shot me from!
Full Recovery said:Thank Visari.
yea i really see no point in having private only custom games.alr1ghtstart said:great list of changes. Hopefully turning off all the pop-up garbage doesn't turn everything else off. Make those custom matches joinable by anyone and we have a deal.
fuzzyreactor said:MP changes
From the forums:
alr1ghtstart said:great list of changes. Hopefully turning off all the pop-up garbage doesn't turn everything else off. Make those custom matches joinable by anyone and we have a deal.
Galvanise_ said:Good list.
Still not increasing health or recoil.
Galvanise_ said:Good list.
Still not increasing health or recoil.
alr1ghtstart said:3 tweaks would make it much better:
One or two more bullets to kill
Reduce autoaim/lock on
Squad leader spawn
baby steps though
Sethos said:Increased player stamina ... Eugh, guess I'm sticking to SP then. ( They mean MP HP right? )
denomes said:I believe it's sprint-time, not HP.
TTP said:Hey guys, I just got the retail code from Sony. I was looking for TURBINE CONCOURSE SE-6 in botzone but it's not in there. Is this normal? Is this map supposed to be some sort of DLC perhaps?
Sethos said:Increased player stamina ... Eugh, guess I'm sticking to SP then. ( They mean MP HP right? )
coolcole93 said:What are other Brits planning on doing from the 22th to the 25th? Watching endless amounts of videos or trying to forget the game exists..?
alr1ghtstart said:3 tweaks would make it much better:
One or two more bullets to kill
Reduce autoaim/lock on
Squad leader spawn
baby steps though
TTP said:Hey guys, I just got the retail code from Sony. I was looking for TURBINE CONCOURSE SE-6 in botzone but it's not in there. Is this normal? Is this map supposed to be some sort of DLC perhaps?
Massa said:That's weird. It was also not playable in Botzone in the previous beta (the other two maps were).
Are the other 7 maps available in Botzone?
I'm guessing you want to try the jet pack with Move... are the online servers offline?
coolcole93 said:They mean how long you can run for. Unless I've misinterpreted this question.
What are other Brits planning on doing from the 22th to the 25th? Watching endless amounts of videos or trying to forget the game exists..?
tiddles said:You've got Warzone selected, right? Most likely it's the AI reason - jetpack flying by the AI in the SP game uses special paths, same as the sentry drones use, but I'm not sure these are compatible with jetpacks in MP![]()
dustin said:Are the people who are complaining about the 9.5 also complain about getting A minuses and B pluses in school?
TTP said:Yeah, Warzone selected. It has to be AI related indeed, although it could have been done by having the AI NOT bothering with the jetpacks just like they don't with the EXOs in Corinth as far as I can tell.
tiddles said:Bots do use Exos, but I think their use is damped down a bit, probably to stop them dominating the action.
Exactly. Obviously every game that looks better than MW2 is now automatically given a 10. Forever.Steroyd said:I think it's more to do with who got a 10 rather than KZ not getting one.