Fuck me GG, why would you put some trophies for the last weapons / abilities for classes ? How long do you think it is to grind all the way up there, for two classes that I don't use (Engineer and Tactitian...)
T-0800 said:Bought the new maps yesterday. My goodness GG know how to make awesome looking levels. The 3 that I was able to play in Botzone run really well too. Shame that the framerate can take a hit when playing online. Seems to be the lag that affects it more than anything else as some games have it running as well as it does against bots.
Not sure who's better at making the PS3 sing, GG or ND.
patsu said:I think that may be the problem. Most of us play with "Any". You can play on the new DLC maps and the old maps that way.
lucius said:I am playing the campaign the 1st time through on normal(Trooper) with Move about the 4th level and it seems kind of easy with Move should I bump the difficulty up or does it get much harder later or do the harder difficulties have cheap deaths?
I only died twice so far and was messing around the first time I died.
canadian crowe said:It's hard leveling up other classes when you have the medic at full power. The perk that lets you revive yourself is indispensable now.
GraveRobberX said:1. You go to the Schick website
2. Press Get Started
3. Fill Out Information, if using spam e-mail, remember each one, code will be sent there, if using g-mail the period trick work, like [email protected] , can be changed to almost 3500+ different e-mail by putting a period in between the letters, but all the e-mail codes will come to [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
etc. (if you finish, now add 2 periods, then 3, when you finish put period from the right side work that way)
4. Put a normal ZIP & State and DOB over 21 (up to you), put address as 123 Fake Street, First Name F, Last Name U
5. Now you have to enter the promo code either 841058005209 or 841058005261
6. Enter captcha
7. Pick your choice of DLC, if KZ3 and you want retro map pack use the 841058005261 code to get free theme "The Hatch". If 3 point unlock grab that or the GT5 code
inFamous 2 is not active till June 7th, keep code in safe place.
9. Profit by pressing the back button twice to go back to filling information, change the period or e-mail go through the next steps again
Put code in Voila
If you want multiple KZ3 point unlocks like I did, do the trick 10+ times, then go to PSN store add 5 codes at a time, you can see how many codes are active by Account Management > Transaction Management > Service List > KillZone 3 > 3 Point Unlock > Remaining: #
Now log into KZ3 MP, you will see 3 points, now log off, log back in, 3 more points added, do it 5 times = 15 points to use and abuse
I did it 25+ times with-in 10 minutes, everything is unlocked for me
I'll take picture of theme, give me a moment please
Do you mean in Guerilla Warfare or Warzone? I havnt played that much Guerilla Warfare, but i cant recall to have spawned very close to the enemy. In Warzone you rely on static spawn points, so there it is naturally a bigger chance to spawn close to the enemy if he/she is also close to that spawn point/beacon.Allonym said:Spawn system at times can be broken at times. Spawns should be dynamic, if enemies are in spawn don't spawn me there only to get torn apart and don't spawn me into an enemy fucking spawn at the games start why would that be cool.
I belive that is due to lag, like that you just kill the enemy within maybe 0.3 seconds right before he grabs you.Allonym said:Regarding melee if I grab someone it should be a done deal,the person I grab should not be able to headshot me as the animation for the brutal melee is taking place its ridiculous.
When you aim at an enemy saboteur your sight will turn red (maybe not in iron sight, but at least with "normal" aim). Saboteurs does not show up on the map as green dot either. I'm not 100% sure if this is in Killzone 3, but in Killzone 2 the saboteur doesn not have the red light (Helghast) or the blue light (ISA) on him. Maybe it is not very easy to spot in the heat of battle, but there are ways to tell if someone is a saboteur at leastAllonym said:Wish there was a way to detect snipers and saboteurs like a vision mode like avp or crysis. I hope these complaints are rectified in some way.
KZ3 do have custom matches though. I have never tried it myself, so i cant say too much about it, but i know that you can customize the gametypes there at least. No idea how many people who play custom matches though, and i dont think that you get XP in custom matches.Allonym said:I hate medic bots and other bots as well but turrets aren't so much a problem. Wish KZ3 had a classic mode where its just barebones deathwatch/tdm with no perks, classes or abilities. I would love that hope they do something like that for KZ4.
test_account said:When you aim at an enemy saboteur your sight will turn red (maybe not in iron sight, but at least with "normal" aim). Saboteurs does not show up on the map as green dot either. I'm not 100% sure if this is in Killzone 3, but in Killzone 2 the saboteur doesn not have the red light (Helghast) or the blue light (ISA) on him. Maybe it is not very easy to spot in the heat of battle, but there are ways to tell if someone is a saboteur at least![]()
KZ3 do have custom matches though. I have never tried it myself, so i cant say too much about it, but i know that you can customize the gametypes there at least. No idea how many people who play custom matches though, and i dont think that you get XP in custom matches.
Ah ok, i see. Hehe, me too usually =) And sometimes the enemy moves in an odd fashion that a team mate most likely wouldnt do (like running in a certain direction in the level).patsu said:I think Saboteurs in KZ3 look identical to the person he disguises as. Lower level Saboteurs can be detected by Tactician's spot-n-mark. I think high level ones remain undetectable but I'm not sure. I just shoot everything that moves towards me, or faces me.![]()
That is true. I liked this with KZ2, since then i didnt have to get into 32 player matches with rockets available. I dont mind matchmaking and rockets in KZ3 though, but it was nice the way KZ2 was set up.patsu said:Yeah but it would be a lot better if the custom match can be open.
Yep, it started at 5pm UK time. I got nearly 39000 XP in one Warzone match earlierpatsu said:Huh ? Has 3x XP started already ?
Level 3 sabs run at like light speed as well so they kinda stand out if they sprint. Usually it's too late before it clicks for me though and they're up in my face jamming a knife through my eye.test_account said:Ah ok, i see. Hehe, me too usually =) Sometimes the enemy moves in an odd fashion that a team mate most likely wouldnt do (like running in a certain direction in the level).
Yeah, that is true. They are fast, so sometimes it can be too late indeed.Dibbz said:Level 3 sabs run at like light speed as well so they kinda stand out if they sprint. Usually it's too late before it clicks for me though and they're up in my face jamming a knife through my eye.
Missed out on playing today but I'm gonna try and get some time out tomorrow to play it. Gotta get in on this Triple XP.
Ezahn said:I used to hate Radec, and still do.
That map really get on my nerves: cramped, ideal for camping...
I'd really like to skip it every time it shows up.
Sure it's prettier, but still a bag of hate for me.
RelentlessRolento said:same here... i really enjoy the new missile base though... I love the setup of that one.
Zen said:The only map that I haven't gotten the chance to play around with yet would be to giant trash compactor.
It is probably the new one in the latest DLC map pack, Mobile Factory. It is in Guerilla Warfare only.patsu said:Which is the trash compactor map ? You mean MAWLR graveyard ?
Stoffinator said:Is there a clan or a night when Gaffers play?
Yeah man I hear ya. Everyone is either a Tact, Inf, Engineer, Medic or Marksmen.MarshMellow96 said:Every. Single. Player is a fucking tac camping with a sentry, an infiltrator or a marksman..
spats said:https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-tVVo8xmOgrc/TgYWH87tI2I/AAAAAAAAEsk/9Wg2C2-IV0M/s640/a452a29c-df48-4ac1-a1c3-23664370cae6.jpg[IMG]
Extra points are nice. When does the triple xp end? Sunday?[/QUOTE]
It ends Monday at 9:00 AM (UK).
Dibbz said:Yeah man I hear ya. Everyone is either a Tact, Inf, Engineer, Medic or Marksmen.
Wait wut.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:Huh I'm only getting 1.25x multiplyer at the end of games.
Is it 3x for new maps only?
MarshMellow96 said:I'm trying to like this game, man.