Lince said:well fuck me, Pwonager and I must have been playing a totally different version of Warzone for 250+ hours.
BattleMonkey said:You played 250+ hours this weekend?
I see what you did therealr1ghtstart said:My final stats (just sold kz3)
14,927 kills/14,944 deaths
247 hours
1,337 kills/1,263 deaths
needless to say, GG won't be getting my money day 1 next game.
Ok, i see. Maybe that is why i have a different experience with KZ3. My experience doesnt match all of the complains i have seen at least, but we all have different experience with things, nothing wrong with thatLince said:it is, Operations is where coordinated teams play using different classes best suited to each situation, Warzone is mostly full of camping bitches trying to enlarge their K/D ratio (while ignoring objectives).
I understand. I have actually started to use the marksman class more now, but that is mostly due to using that Helghast assault rifle.BattleMonkey said:I don't see too many marksmen in warzone, the class is popular in regular deathmatch though obviously for those caring merely about their K/D ratios. In Warzone it's similar to recon players in BC2 in that they often don't really contribute much of anything while everyone else is actually playing the objectives.
Lince said:is that a serious question when I just stated I barely played 5 matches?
don't worry I understand you, KZ3 has fixed itself during these months, no more marksmen abuse, no more camping, everyone playing for the objectives and Tacticians are supporting each other capturing and keeping those TSPs 'alive', it's just me doing it wrong isn't it... now seriously, guess I was just unlucky to get matched with the last remnants of shitty-selfish KZ3 players. I'll give the game another fair chance after the summer before Resistance 3 and Bad Company 3 hit.
BattleMonkey said:It's called sarcasm, but again you love to talk in extremes it seems. No one said the game is perfect and magically all fixed, but of course you seem to act like KZ2 was a masterpiece even though you were one of the most vocal critics of the game when it was out.
But hey, you played hundreds of hours of it, that means something.... I guess.
BattleMonkey said:Flawed game of course, but still prefer it to most other shooters on consoles right now.
Lince said:no doubt my friend, but I'll just end my boring comments here today with my classic 'I expected a lot better/more from Guerrilla after KZ2' reply. Sometimes while playing KZ3 I thought to myself that they somehow designed the game printing GAF KZ2 / KZ3 beta feedback all over the office making sure they were offering exactly the opposite we asked for.
alr1ghtstart said:I think we all came to the correct conclusion a while ago: KZ2 was only good by accident. "Default" KZ2 was not very good. Being able to tweak it so much allowed the community to fix most of the problems and make it godly. KZ3 is probably just as broken as KZ2, but you can't fix it yourself.
Lince said:Seems like Guerrilla get rid of Martin Connor (lead mp designer for KZ3) this very June. So if KZ4 is ever happening maybe there's still some hope. I feel sorry for 'Playground Games' though.
alr1ghtstart said:and they re-hired KZ2's lead (Eric Boltjes) back a few months ago.![]()
I think that the beta came out too late to do any dramatic changes. The beta came out October 25th and the game went gold January 14th. And GAF probably only represent a small fraction of all KZ3 players. I'm sure that there are people out there who enjoy KZ3 a lot more than KZ2 due to the bigger changes. Impossible to please everyone unfortunately :/Lince said:no doubt my friend, but I'll just end my boring comments here today with my classic 'I expected a lot better/more from Guerrilla after KZ2' reply. Sometimes while playing KZ3 I thought to myself that they somehow designed the game printing GAF KZ2 / KZ3 beta feedback all over the office making sure they were offering exactly the opposite we asked for.
test_account said:I think that the beta came out too late to do any dramatic changes. The beta came out October 25th and the game went gold January 14th. And GAF probably only represent a small fraction of all KZ3 players. I'm sure that there are people out there who enjoy KZ3 a lot more than KZ2 due to the bigger changes. Impossible to please everyone unfortunately :/
Lince said:true my friend, you've been there since the very first day of Killzone 2 so I guess you can understand my feelings. The day Guerrilla announced they were removing server lists / public custom games from KZ3 since 'they were too hard to understand for gamers' I felt insulted and started to prepare myself for the worst.
Facism said:Yeh they were really patronising with there "lol gamrs r dum" reasoning.
I dunno when we'll get that magic online game where all the GAF ps3 clan clique can play together nightly for laughs and for competitive rushes. It's not going to be U3, it's not that kind of game. R3, i also doubt. Maybe Starhawk, if they bother with custom games and have a robust clan and organisation system in place.
Yeah, i understand how you feel. There are afterall been done some more dramatic changes between KZ2 and KZ3. Most noticeably the match making as you mentioned, the spawn points and different ways to customize the different classes.Lince said:true my friend, you've been there since the very first day of Killzone 2 so I guess you can understand my feelings. The day Guerrilla announced they were removing server lists / public custom games from KZ3 since 'they were too hard to understand for gamers' I felt insulted and started to prepare myself for the worst.
Zen said:Man I barely encounter Marksman players. They're more common than engineers and medics, to be sure, but I never see more than 2 or 4 in a full game.
Lince said:maybe Bad Company 3?!
ThanksLince said:^^^^^^
words of wisdom, if KZ4 happens you'll be automatically promoted to GAFe Hero King status (since that's exactly what winning the official Guerrilla Games Killzone 2 clan tournament back in 2009 did neat us, the 'Hero Kings' status, but not a single mention from Guerrilla in their web or anything... not even a 'congratulations GAF for winning our tourney' message...)
Vasilisk said:Ok Lince you should post that in the Battlefield 3 threads![]()
test_account said:What happened to FFO and Raist by the way? Before i saw them almost every day on GAF, now i almost never seen them. I think i saw a post by Raist a few days ago though.
Lol Zombie + Dead NationLince said:Raist turned into a Zombie after reaching top 5 in the Dead Nation worldwide leaderboards, FFO I don't know, it's ages since he posted over here... not to mention his favorite game of all time was Killzone 2 but after the KZ3 launch he didn't bother to comment on this thread, he stopped playing KZ3 after a couple of tries (we basically forced him to play), he dominated those few games though. Hero King indeed.
PaddyOCanager said:That's funny, considering it's the best class to play if you want a high K/D ratio.
Did one of you guys have custom soundtracks enabled? That disables voice coms.evilenger said:Anyone have issues with the chat? Had trouble chatting with my buddy when we were in a squad. Changing the option for chat to squad/faction didn't make a difference.
Dibbz said:Did one of you guys have custom soundtracks enabled? That disables voice coms.
Lince said:of course, Guerrilla Games & Sony know they failed miserably to cater to the CoD audience and alienated 99% of the KZ2 fans in the meantime, Eric could have done wonders with KZ3 just by tweaking a couple of things here and there, I remember in the KZ2 forums he once admitted some of the KZ2 flaws but that fixing them was out of his hands for KZ3... lol no wonder, he was leaving for another company!
Correct, GG said that squad chat isnt working properly yet.Dibbz said:I think I recall GG saying that squad chat is also not completely 100% working right yet but they were still working on it. Faction chat should have been fine though.
Completing the game on any difficulty setting unlocks elite.No45 said:So that I don't have to go checking FAQs and risk spoilers, can someone confirm if completing the campaign on Trooper (normal) unlocks Elite, or do I need to play through on Veteran (hard) the same as KZ2? Personally I prefer to play on normal first time through, but I rarely play a game more than twice (more than once to be honest) so I'll start on hard if necessary.
Nice, thanks. This is my first real go at an FPS with Move so playing on normal first time through to acclimatise myself makes sense, then going straight for Elite.Dibbz said:Completing the game on any difficulty setting unlocks elite.
OniShiro said:I just finished the game last weekend, I might say the campaign felt a little too short, but the game was awesome, much better campaign and ending than KZ2, more varied and overall better graphics.
Gameplay wise the game felt different than KZ2, but I enjoyed both games.
Haven't tried multiplayer yet.
Is there any confirmation of a KZ4?
spats said:Not that I'm aware of. We do know that Guerrilla is working on a new property but a new Killzone is propably bound to happen sooner or later.
BattleMonkey said:Is GG working on Killzone for the Vita or was that just a tech demo?
test_account said:If Killzone 4 doesnt make it this generation, then i hope that it will be a launch window game for PS4 at least.
I'm ok with thatViolater said:I honestly hope it doesn't.
I think GG should try their hand at a new IP, something in the TP genre.