You sure?Dibbz said:OK Bollocks, I've added you.
I still don't have the clan tag and ever since I applied for the clan it takes ages to join a game, it just sits there till I abort and retry. Now I join a game 1/10 times ._.
You sure?Dibbz said:OK Bollocks, I've added you.
Evolved1 said:I need someone to play this with... also... what DLC do I need (and not need) to get started?
Pie and Beans said:just got a sharpshooter and trying to pickup K3 again. oh god what am I doing, I feel like I've got brain damage. anyone clue me in on the best settings? I wanna sit down while playing i think which some Move games do not approve of...
Stoffinator said:Get them all. Only $10Worse map comes with the game and that's Akmir Snowdrift.
I still play this a lot of anyone wants to add me.
Bollocks said:You sure?
I still don't have the clan tag and ever since I applied for the clan it takes ages to join a game, it just sits there till I abort and retry. Now I join a game 1/10 times ._.
Hmm I think I accepted you on the site but must be buggy still, whatever, I got you on PSN. It's Docta right?Bollocks said:You sure?
I still don't have the clan tag and ever since I applied for the clan it takes ages to join a game, it just sits there till I abort and retry. Now I join a game 1/10 times ._.
D-Pad said:True that, though it's quickly becoming Boulevard, a.k.a. sniper city.
So, you don't think the attitude towards Rico could be based on the story in any way? Like how Rico had just been responsible for a major fuck up? I know that the constant bashing could have in part been a fan service, or even more generally it could have been kind of an inside joke, but if his superior was anything other than angry with him, that would have made no fucking sense. He should have been getting yelled at and his input should have been ignored IMO.FreeMufasa said:I also don't like how much they emasculated Rico. Feels like they listened to fans on forums about how much they hate Rico and set out to satisfy them by showing him being shot down by Narville countless times. Don't get me wrong, I don't really like Rico either (Or Natko for that matter. No-one every mentions how he's equally as annoying as Rico and where was he in Killzone 3?) but I just didn't like how fan servicey it appeared. Could have been done better.
Grinchy said:So, you don't think the attitude towards Rico could be based on the story in any way? Like how Rico had just been responsible for a major fuck up? I know that the constant bashing could have in part been a fan service, or even more generally it could have been kind of an inside joke, but if his superior was anything other than angry with him, that would have made no fucking sense. He should have been getting yelled at and his input should have been ignored IMO.
I did the same after putting some time into the R3 beta and it made me appreciate this game all the more. I am thinking of getting the DLC maps. I love Warzone on a good map and a good team. The community seems to have gotten better, people actually go for TSPs and the objectives.The_Darkest_Red said:I played KZ3 online for the first time in months last night and I had a pretty good time. I was reminded of the reasons why I like but don't love the game, but when everything is going smoothly the game is fantastic. I still haven't tried any of the DLC maps yet.
Are the DLC maps well populated ?patsu said:He should get the DLC maps because they open up the games significantly.
JB1981 said:Are the DLC maps well populated ?
Massa said:Yes. Thanks to the matchmaking system, the player population is basically split in only two camps: all dlc maps + original maps and only original maps. Both are well populated and always easy to find a game on.
JB1981 said:Can you set a certain DLC map as map preference? changes in full:
Changed Marksman's scramble ability into an active ability - The marksman scramble ability now needs to be activated and deactivated via the d-pad, and has a cooldown period.
Increased tracking response for engineer turrets - The turn speed of turrets has been increased, allowing them to track players more easily.
Increased armor for engineer turrets (30%) - Turrets can still be destroyed by a single explosion from a grenade or missile launcher.
Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol - Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol's grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.
Added realtime projector to MP15 Radec Academy - A realtime projector has been added to the theater room, projecting onto the large wall with two doors.
Toned down overly enthusiastic death screams - Aieeeeaaargh!
Increased mission points in Warzone - There is more of an incentive to go after mission objectives now.
Doubled cooldown time on mortars - Cooldown time was increased from 30 to 60 seconds to avoid spamming the Search & Destroy mission area.
Fixed tournaments not ending as soon as one clan leaves.
Fixed clans being able to rejoin games that were already finished - Clans used these exploits to boost their game wins and climb the leaderboards.
Reduced wait time at end of the round - The wait time was brought down from 60 to 45 seconds.
Reduced pre-game wait time at end of the round - The wait time was brought down from 30 to 20 seconds.
Added menu option to disable Sixaxis-only actions - Sixaxis-only actions can now be switched off in the menu, so players only have to press 'O' to start an action. This will make Killzone 3 more accessible to disabled players.
Added map name to spawn screen - The map name can be seen in the top left, under the titles.
Patch 1.12 goes live on Tuesday, 6th September.
I think that you will be sleeping for a long long time heheAranhaHunter said:Wake me up when the patch adds online co op (something that should have been in the game when it launched), maybe then I'll buy the game. Maybe.
Figboy79 said:(they should do a networked, open world style game where players can choose which side to fight for, and battle it out. kind of like a massively multiplayer competitive mmo).
Figboy79 said:Visuals were spectacular, story was interesting, and the gameplay was pretty varied, locations also.
Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol - Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol's grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.
Ravage said:Sounds pretty awesome, but isn't that what MAG is already doing?
Glad you enjoyed it. Co-op is fantastic and i had a total blast playing it with my brother. Surprisingly, he was the one who insisted on completing the entire KZ3 campaign that night despite his huge dislike for shooters.
Oh YESSS!!![]()
Wait. What are you talking about? Scramble was always an ability for Marksmen but now it does not have infinite use. It will have to be activated like tacticians spot and mark and will have a cool down.Monarch said:The fuck is ?!
Be able to activate scramble ?! Some people were creating new accounts just to not add this upgrade, to be completely undetectable, thats sucks big time.
Marksman was already cheated with the automatic rifle... and now this ? Unbelievable GG![]()
catashtrophe said:Guys add me on, as I play this all the time
PSN = Stack_
Dibbz said:Wait. What are you talking about? Scramble was always an ability for Marksmen but now it does not have infinite use. It will have to be activated like tacticians spot and mark and will have a cool down.
This will help stop marksmen blocking your radar for an unlimited amount of time without intending to do it.
patsu said:I think you can request to join the GAF clan from kill
Clan name is FTSG.