mercenar1e said:fuck UPS, the estimated delivery was 3PM.. i called them up and an agent told me that the drivers started late and i may have to wait until 10PM
My estimated delivery was 3pm, it came at
mercenar1e said:fuck UPS, the estimated delivery was 3PM.. i called them up and an agent told me that the drivers started late and i may have to wait until 10PM
We are in the process of addressing the following issues that will make their way into a future patch:
- Button for melee (on the circle button)
- The option to swap L1 and L2 in the controller menu
- Limiting the way camera lock assist can be used to acquire targets in MP
- The over-sensitive camera turn speed of the jetpack in single player
We are investigating the following issues and currently have no ETA or guarantees for future solutions, but we are definitely looking into ways to improve/address these topics:
- Lock assist locking on to downed players
- More control over the sensitivity of camera turn speed and reticule movement
- More deadzone tweaking options, like tweaking the zoomed dead zones and possibly the outer dead zones
- Center locked aiming
Look for more details in the future. Once again, thanks for your patience and your feedback!
The Killzone Multiplayer & Move Team
TacticalFox88 said:Watch how despite how badly the Beta is received the full game will bring in near universal praise from GAF
TacticalFox88 said:
weekend_warrior said:My estimated delivery was 3pm, it came at3pm.
weekend_warrior said:My estimated delivery was 3pm, it came at3pm.
alr1ghtstart said:eh, I'd say most of us are playing campaign right now. I don't have high hopes for the MP.
Those are some nice sounding patch notes. After these first few patches are out a lot of the little issues with this game are going to be cleared up. Good to see GG is listening.alr1ghtstart said:Move users, upcoming patch notes
They should have printed codes on the receipt. For the Retro map and all the guns for 24 hours (real time).Grisby said:Was I supposed to get something from GameStop for preordering this? Like extra maps? My memory blows so I could be entirely wrong. >>
Gonna start it tonight!
alr1ghtstart said:eh, I'd say most of us are playing campaign right now. I don't have high hopes for the MP.
upJTboogie said:They should have printed codes on the receipt. For the Retro map and all the guns for 24 hours (real time).
KingOfKong said:Oh lord the Move sucks so badly for melee. Sends your view spiraling if you miss. Needs to be able to be bound to a button. Fix this shit gorilla!
if you miss a punch in real life do you spin around uncontrollably?GreatSageEqualofHeaven said:Yeah it sucks when devs try to implement real life concepts in gameplay. What was Guerilla thinking?!?!?!?!
Bread said:if you miss a punch in real life do you spin around uncontrollably?
PaddyOCanager said:Started playing at 2pm, just finished the single player on Veteran and its 8:51pm. Pretty short, but sweet. Gonna hop into the MP after the credits finish rolling.
EekTheKat said:Not sure if it's just me, but I definitely notice an aim problem with the Sharpshooter + move.
Calibration seems to get slightly off as the game goes on - it gets slightly off center depending on if you're crouching or with different guns.
It's not something you notice when sitting down with the standard move setup (nav controller in one hand, move in the other), only if you "aim down the barrel" of sorts does it really come up.
It may be within an acceptable range though, I say that because it's still playable with a slightly off center target sight if you treat it like a mouse.
GreatSageEqualofHeaven said:A punch intended on knocking the recipient out on the first shot?
GreatSageEqualofHeaven said:Yeah it sucks when devs try to implement real life concepts in gameplay. What was Guerilla thinking?!?!?!?!
TrAcEr_x90 said:Decided to put the multiplayer down for a bit. Within 15 minutes of single player I was amazed. the graphics are a whole other level. Im sure the art design also is what is pulling me into this. but damn, best intro to a game(on a graphics scale).
alr1ghtstart said:If games stopped monitoring KDR, every one of them would improve 10 fold.
1stStrike said:I've played about an hour and a half of this so far. I've found it kind of annoying. There's so many objects that you should be able to shoot through you can't - your bullets just hit invisible walls. The framerate is pretty shitty as it tends to stutter when going to a new area. I'm not really feeling it.
Dr. Spaceman said:You don't get disoriented out of your mind if you miss with a thrust of a knife in real life. Motion controlled melee was tried on various shooters on the Wii and some developers eventually learned to allow for that function to be mapped to a button. This should've been a lesson learned by Guerilla already, before they even decided to fully implement Move support.
.....Wow. SMHMorn said:Really? I think KZ2 looks better. KZ3 is missing that extra motion blur that KZ2 had. Probably had to remove it due to the extra processing Move and 3D support require.
1stStrike said:I've played about an hour and a half of this so far. I've found it kind of annoying. There's so many objects that you should be able to shoot through you can't - your bullets just hit invisible walls. The framerate is pretty shitty as it tends to stutter when going to a new area. I'm not really feeling it.
Outtrigger888 said:Toys r us has a better deal buy killzone 3 and bulletstorm and get a 40$ giftcard![]()