I don't know if this is old or not,
PS3 KZ3 bundle
PS3 KZ3 bundle

Animator said:How many rockets does it take to destroy a exo in mp?
There's a Move bundle? :Ospats said:Any pack shots of the Move bundle yet?
Strange, it feels more claustrophobic to me. Maybe it's been too long since I really played KZ2. I fired up the demo the other day, but didn't really play it.H_Prestige said:KZ3 actually has a slightly wider FOV than KZ2. You can see more of the character's hand.
Also, Helghan Industries is the best designed map in KZ2. Looks sick as hell too.
Dug said:There's a Move bundle? :O
That'd be overkillFull Recovery said:I haven't heard of a move bundle but it wouldn't surprise me. I have heard of a jungle green DS3 bundle.
Now they need a Sony bravia 3DTV/ps3/move/killzone3 bundle..
Some stores near me are actually bundling Bravia 3DTVs and PS3sFull Recovery said:I haven't heard of a move bundle but it wouldn't surprise me. I have heard of a jungle green DS3 bundle.
Now they need a Sony bravia 3DTV/ps3/move/killzone3 bundle..
God that'd be amazing.Dug said:There's a Move bundle? :O
Full Recovery said:Now they need a Sony bravia 3DTV/ps3/move/killzone3 bundle..
KingOfKong said:Ugh ok I bought into the Move hype on gaf and bought it today. I have only played the demo and two or three matches so I still need to find the perfect settings for me but holy crap is it godly to play with. In the beta I almost feel like I was cheating with some of the kills I was getting. I might need a nav controller though because it is awkward using the ds3. Does the nav make a big diff in comfort?
The blur is a lot more restrained this time yeah, certainly for the better I feel.Anastacio said:I think K2 felt more claustrophobic to me.
The blur isn't as powerfull as in Killzone 2 right? Or is it the depth of field?
Because I didn't get a headache anytime during my completion of Killzone 3.
By the way, I scored Killzone 3 a 9 out of 10 in my review, and I wasn't a big fan of K2.
Jim said:I assume most everyone plans on playing the game on the Hard difficulty?
I play all FPS games these days on the hardest unlocked difficulty available and in KZ3 it feels about perfect IMO. Some challenging bitsbut nothing annoying or tedious yet. It's intense but enjoyable.one part of the mech mission
I'm not quite sure why the story was hated on. Seems above average compared to most of the other FPS garbage out there.
Also, the game never gives you an excuse to really stop playing. There are no obvious "now loading" segments or breaks other than the story scenes, so I kept telling myself "just this one more objective" which inevitably lead to playing much more than anticipated.
You forgot the PS eye.GraveRobberX said:So, total = close to $4000 LOL, if they do a -$500 cash back bonus = $3500, get 3DTV regular price, get everything else free /dreamscape.exe
Sony 3DTV - $3500.00 (2 pair of 3D glasses) [don't forget Sony is only 3DTV manufacturer that sells 3DTV without 3D emitter, can be bought for $50, not built-in like everyone else in the industry, hence why the have these Bravia's that are "3D Ready", but most likely thrown in, but this is Sony LOL]
PS3 - $300.00
KillZone 3 - $60.00
Move - $50.00
Nav - $30.00
Sharp Shooter - $40.00
Total = $3980.00, don't forget tax lol, around $400, then Warranty, another $400, so a $5,000 experience, who wouldn't want that
KingOfKong said:Ugh ok I bought into the Move hype on gaf and bought it today. I have only played the demo and two or three matches so I still need to find the perfect settings for me but holy crap is it godly to play with. In the beta I almost feel like I was cheating with some of the kills I was getting. I might need a nav controller though because it is awkward using the ds3. Does the nav make a big diff in comfort?
Full Recovery said:You forgot the PS eye.
GeoramA said:I'd buy a Move bundle for sure.
KZ3, Move, Nav, PS Eye...price it around $120 and I'd get it.
KingOfKong said:Ugh ok I bought into the Move hype on gaf and bought it today. I have only played the demo and two or three matches so I still need to find the perfect settings for me but holy crap is it godly to play with. In the beta I almost feel like I was cheating with some of the kills I was getting. I might need a nav controller though because it is awkward using the ds3. Does the nav make a big diff in comfort?
GraveRobberX said:So, total = close to $4000 LOL, if they do a -$500 cash back bonus = $3500, get 3DTV regular price, get everything else free /dreamscape.exe
Sony 3DTV - $3500.00 (2 pair of 3D glasses) [don't forget Sony is only 3DTV manufacturer that sells 3DTV without 3D emitter, can be bought for $50, not built-in like everyone else in the industry, hence why the have these Bravia's that are "3D Ready", but most likely thrown in, but this is Sony LOL]
PS3 - $300.00
KillZone 3 - $60.00
Move - $50.00
Nav - $30.00
Sharp Shooter - $40.00
PSEye - $20.00
Total = $4,000.00, don't forget tax lol, around $400, then Warranty another $400, so close to a $5,000 experience, who wouldn't want that
Edit: Fixed, thanks Full <3
Corto said:Don't know in NA but here in Europe (Portugal) the emitter is included and a Sony Bravia 3D LCD can be bought for half that. And 2-3 months ago Sony was having a promo that bundled a Sony 3D Bravia 42", a PS3, two glasses and GT5 for 1300-1500
alr1ghtstart said:I had one and sold it. The analog is smaller than a DS3 and it's slightly tilted down which makes it really aggravating having to push it to run. If you can rest your DS3 on your leg, and if they fix the broken L1/L2 setting, I'd stick to the DS3.
no 1080i support
coolcole93 said:Don't see anything about custom soundtracks on there either..
coolcole93 said:Don't see anything about custom soundtracks on there either..
GraveRobberX said:Is there an icon that states custom soundtracks?
Hmmm... did not know this
To be honest, I didn't play Killzone 2 that much, because I always got headaches. So I don't feel I can even rate that game. But I am a very strict reviewer, having only scored 3 games a 10 out of 10 in 9 years and a whole bunch of games below 5 lol.StuBurns said:The blur is a lot more restrained this time yeah, certainly for the better I feel.
That's a good score, I wasn't a big KZ2 fan at all, but I think the demo of KZ3 alone reassures me I'll greatly prefer it. What would you have given KZ2 for comparisons sake?
I wonder if that hints at a pre/during-E3 price drop announcement.SuperSonic1305 said:Wow Sony is actually releasing a PS3 bundle with a new game and at the regular price? What sorcery is this?
Grrrr.... Seb Downie specifically said they are in there.coolcole93 said:Don't see anything about custom soundtracks on there either..
GraveRobberX said:So, total = close to $4000 LOL, if they do a -$500 cash back bonus = $3500, get 3DTV regular price, get everything else free /dreamscape.exe
Sony 3DTV - $3500.00 (2 pair of 3D glasses) [don't forget Sony is only 3DTV manufacturer that sells 3DTV without 3D emitter, can be bought for $50, not built-in like everyone else in the industry, hence why the have these Bravia's that are "3D Ready", but most likely thrown in, but this is Sony LOL]
PS3 - $300.00
KillZone 3 - $60.00
Move - $50.00
Nav - $30.00
Sharp Shooter - $40.00
PSEye - $20.00
Total = $4,000.00, don't forget tax lol, around $400, then Warranty another $400, so close to a $5,000 experience, who wouldn't want that
Edit: Fixed, thanks Full <3
BruceLeeRoy said:It seems to me that I would say the vast majority of people on gaf that are playing this think the game is fantastic. I wonder why the contrast between the general populace and reviewers.
canova said:I don't know if this is old or not,
PS3 KZ3 bundle
I'd like to know too. Seems like some people here think the story's not any worse than other FPS games yet that seems to be an issue to some reviewers. The game (going by the demo) is so much fun to play to me.BruceLeeRoy said:It seems to me that I would say the vast majority of people on gaf that are playing this think the game is fantastic. I wonder why the contrast between the general populace and reviewers.
That's a great deal.Cyberia said:
I'm pretty sure the first round of people have been contacted, I don't know when the second round of people will get contacted...Rewrite said:Did they ever announce the winners for that contest where you had a chance of winning if you played (lol) the beta?
God I hope I get to score that. Only way I'll be able to play the game day one.Dug said:I'm pretty sure the first round of people have been contacted, I don't know when the second round of people will get contacted...
EDIT: The second round of winners will be contacted on February 17
BruceLeeRoy said:It seems to me that I would say the vast majority of people on gaf that are playing this think the game is fantastic. I wonder why the contrast between the general populace and reviewers.
IGN Graphics-9.5nib95 said:Graphics in this game are just UNREAL. You guys are in for a BIG surprise if you think the demo level was in any way the games biggest graphical showcase. Some of these levels....the enormity of it all, the art, the geometry, detail, lighting, design, textures, everything...just bonkers. Easily the best looking console game for me personally. Even Uncharted 2 is left behind. Only thing is not all may appreciate the art direction, which is very bold, aggressive and harsh. Deep blacks, strong highlights, everything is contrasty and dramatic. The demo level was the most neutral and subtle I've come across so far in the campaign.