A.R.K said:what is the new patch fixing?
Check the blog on the official website.
A.R.K said:what is the new patch fixing?
commish said:Engineer
First thing I noticed is that the sentry turrets have a nice damage boost from KZ2. I got quite a few kills from both the rockets and the gun. That sentry rocket is pretty wicked if the turret is placed in a good spot. You simply cannot ignore a turret if it is firing at you youll die. The engineers level 3 gun is, of course, pretty uber. You cant look down the sights, but if you crouch, if can mow people down. In CQB, forget about it its a buzzsaw. I had a lot of fun playing this class, and I HATED Engineers in KZ2. I will be putting a ton of points into this class after inf & tactician because its a pretty fun class that can lock down a particular area/avenue of attack better than any other class.
The class I used the least. The HG LMG is in fact great at close range but apparently GG is nerfing it in the next patch (from their forums), reducing it's accuracy. I wish he had the trusty shotgun instead of 2 LMG's but whatever. Turrets are in fact great now, though you can only have 1 at a time per Engineer.
I felt most useful to my team when I played tactician. There were a few games that I KNOW we won because I captured a key TSP. The M82 rifle is pretty damn good and the best assault rifle imo. Amazingly enough, that stupid Recon drone got me quite a few kills. I forgot about it a lot though. The rocket launcher secondary weapon is great and very useful for taking out walking mechs and for clearing out a TSP. I start almost every game as the Tactician class.
Capturing spawns on maps is much more fun than spawn grenades IMO. Though sometimes it can be very tough to dislodge the enemy from a spawn they already own (constant respawns) - this makes capturing at the start even more important. His UAV/Scan is very well balanced - very useful but has a reasonable cooldown.
Sab was my favorite class in KZ2, by far, and its even better this time around. The shotgun is ridiculously powerful (which is a plus and a negative, depending on which end of the blast you are on) and the SMG and Assault rifle are pretty powerful as well. I usually opt for the assault rifle so I can kill from a distance. Of course, its a lot harder to tell that an infiltrator is an enemy in this game, and I definitely fooled a ton of people. You just have to play a certain way youd be amazed how something as simple as walking backwards fools people. On that map where it is snowing, I went wild and had a 12 melee kill streak before I was finally gunned down. Tons of fun. I definitely had my best K/D ratio with this class (I dont snipe), and the class is really useful for S&D and assassination modes.
What he said. They are good overall and useful in Warzone with their unlimited sprinting and ability to plant/disarm bombs faster than other classes
I spent the least amount of time as a Marksman because its not my style of play, but I sure was killed by a shitload of them. This was easily the most popular class, and I guess I understand why. You can get cloak and carry an assault rifle and a silenced machine pistol at the same time. On one map, this marksman went something like 45-1, and that death was by my hand as I stopped everything I was doing hunted him down for 15 minutes. I dont complain about anything being OP, as everything has a counter, but being able to kill from cloak with the machine pistol and remain cloaked is more than a little annoying. The thing is is that these guys dont do much to help their team to win (imo), but they dont care going 16-2 is their goal. Its annoying when Im facing them or when they are on my team, but thats how I view snipers in *all* games. The maps are great for snipers though plenty of good positions to camp with your rifle and snipe away. Scramble++ ability is good you dont realize how important your map is until its scrambled. It makes me a little paranoid when my radar gets scrambled because I know the marksman can kill me whenever he wants with his silenced machine pistol. Annoying but not game breaking or anything. Very useful to have on the front lines if the marksman doesnt sit and snipe. I suspect that many organized teams will employ a marksman as a front line fighter armed with an assault rifle.
I don't think they are OP but they really don't have an effective counter. Infiltrator is countered by Tac Scan - but there is no way to spot a cloaked sniper now. I thought KZ2 had it right allowing the scan to pickup cloaked snipers. As gamers playing with randoms online, you;'d think GG would want to find ways to encourage players to use more team oriented classes like the Tactician - not make the already popular Snipers even more powerful.
Field Medic
I wish I could heal. I liked how, in KZ2, you start at full health but when hurt, you only heal up a certain percentage. That made medics even more useful, as every bit of health helps. No idea why that is gone. As everyone will say, the revive gun takes way too long to recharge. Further, I lost count of how many people tapped out instead of waiting for me to revive them. With mics and better teamwork, it would help, but there really should be some type of indicator that a medic is nearby or, at least, allow the dead guy to rotate his camera to see if anyone is running to assist. I also did not like the medics assault rifle or SMG SMG seemed too weak (though I saw some others dominating with it) and the assault rifle needs to have full auto as the burst made it seem too weak as well. Triage++, the ability that allows you to resurrect from the dead, is a great ability. I was able to kill my killer quite a few times. Overall, though, I just didnt feel that useful to my team as a medic, which is a shame because it was my second favorite class in KZ2.
This class IMO is a lot better than KZ2. GG got this right in making players WANT to be healed vs respawn. A fully unlocked medic will heal you with higher maximum health, full ammo and explosives. The Zombie ability is fantastic as well, and allows you to stay in the action. The droid is awesome as well. He will start shooting at anyone near you and can even score a kill after you are down, waiting to get up. I personally love the 3 round burst AR as well. It's my best gun and I can rock people closeup and snipe with it. I frequently kill players in one 3 round burst so I don't know where all this "health is too high: talk comes from.
Cruzader said:Anyone got TTP's Move settings? Im starting to give up on it.
Cruzader said:Anyone got TTP's Move settings? Im starting to give up on it.
InaVent said:Just beat this garbage of a mess single player - 4hr sp, really. Ending poop.
Well, if you decided to play the game on Veteran, is it dumb for me to assume that you are experienced at FPS games? Come on man, read what you are saying.tmacairjordan87 said:That's still an incredibly dumb assumption to make. I remember reading the original ME2 thread and how so many found it really hard on the highest difficulty, and I breezed through it. I didn't call them casuals or rpg noobs.
InaVent said:Just beat this garbage of a mess single player - 4hr sp, really. Ending poop.
perineumlick said:Well, if you decided to play the game on Veteran, is it dumb for me to assume that you are experienced at FPS games? Come on man, read what you are saying.
Ah, I see. So I was right then.tmacairjordan87 said:I did read what I said, and I played on normal. I said I died in K3 about as quick as COD on veteran.
HooCares said:I was about to make a MP impressions post so instead I'll add to yours. If your're interested in SP or MOVE do not read. I also had the unlock code (expiring any minute now). I put many many hours into KZ2 and so far have 10+ into this game.
Additional Thoughts
- After the first 10 hours I don't like the maps as much as KZ2's. Hopefully they will grow on me.
- The mechs seem fun and well balanced. I thought they would suck but I was wrong.
- The execution melee from behind is awesome and rewards the sneaky player.
- The execution melee from the front is stupid. It looks bad and is frustrating when it happens in game.
Fix this shit guerrilla
- when I'm downed, signal on my radar or with an icon if any medics are around so I know if it's worth waiting
- fix the infinite loop classic maps glitch (you can play the other maps by manually picking them in the preferences menu).
Pipe Dreams
- Make the tactician scan highlight/illuminate cloaked snipers in the Tac's vision (only that tac that scanned can see him). If a sniper is badass and isn't cloaked he isn't picked up. (we want to encourage people to be tacs, arguably the most important class in the game).
- Go back to normal healing only refills you to 75%, making medics healing aura even more useful.
- Allow the rocked launcher to lock on to mechs and bots. The mechs can dodge rockets too easily.
- Remove the ISA LMG or SMG from the Engineer and give him the shotgun.
perineumlick said:Ah, I see. So I was right then.![]()
tmacairjordan87 said:Well not really. I was able to clear all the call of duties and halos on veteran/legendary. This was just a harder than normal shooter.
perineumlick said:I'm just busting your balls. I'm no master at shooters, but I did find KZ3 to be pretty easy on Veteran though. Elite might be a different story.
Lagspike_exe said:Check the blog on the official website.
commish said:Yeah, I agree with all of your suggestions. There's a lot of bitching about marksmen on the forums, so I think there will be a compromise made, if only to thin out the mass marksmen that spawn every game.
Because of your comments, I'm going to give the medic another shot. Unfortunately, it'll be a long time from now since I have already spent 30+ points into engineer, tacticians and infiltrators.
Full Recovery said:Killzone 3 is easier than KZ2, and both are easier than COD on Vet (KZ has far fewer cheap moments/situations).
They've taken the main criticism of the last game to heart (that it was a monotonous combat slog..I didnt think it was) and threw in an excess amount of on rails bonanza.Sidzed2 said:I'm hesitant to post anything because it might be construed as a spoiler, but... here we go:
I'm up to Chapter 7 (of 9), playing on normal ('Trooper') difficulty, and I have mixed feelings about the game at the moment.
On the positive side, the controls are tremendous, the visuals are gorgeous and the campaign is very enjoyable. However, I can't help shake the feeling that Killzone 3 is a little rough around the edges and unsure of itself.
Guerilla seems desperate to ape the schizophrenic Michael Bay pacing of later Call of Duty titles... vehicular sections, turret sections, stealth components and the like are good ways to break up the action, I suppose, but to be honest the most compelling part of the Killzone franchise (especially 2) was the grueling, steady march through the battlefield... Whenever Killzone 3 is focussing on its core combat (as it is in the first chapter), it's just about the best first-person experience there is. But whenever it tries something 'wild' and wacky it shoots itself in the foot.
So far, this is a great game and a fun game. But it isn't quite the sequel to Killzone 2 that I, personally, was expecting. I suppose I'll be able to gather my thoughts properly when I've finished the game a few times.
And cutscenes.theignoramus said:They've taken the main criticism of the last game to heart (that it was a monotonous combat slog..I didnt think it was) and threw in an excess amount of on rails bonanza.
I don't know about it not being 'fun' but I'm definitely finding the campaign to be mediocre at best. I agree 100% with the poster who said that the game's individual parts are really good but it just doesn't come together in a compelling way. For me, most of that has to do with the barely above average level design. Something about the graphics are also bothering me despite it being a fantastic looking game from a technical perspective.BigNastyCurve said:Bought this but I've been too enamored with Bulletstorm to play unshrinkwrap this. I never quite got Killzone 2 and I eventually moved on to something else. Hopefully this will be better.
Does Joystiq's complaint about it not being fun ring true at all?
Not at all, the game is incredibly fun, with satisfying gunplay, varied levels and gameplay, great SP in my opinion.BigNastyCurve said:Bought this but I've been too enamored with Bulletstorm to play unshrinkwrap this. I never quite got Killzone 2 and I eventually moved on to something else. Hopefully this will be better.
Does Joystiq's complaint about it not being fun ring true at all?
BigNastyCurve said:Does Joystiq's complaint about it not being fun ring true at all?
Tactical Spawn Point?beast786 said:TSP?
Least you got it! I am still waiting for my copyalr1ghtstart said:wow, this shit is laggggy tonight.