H_Prestige said:Bad decision. KZ2 stood out because of its dark visual design.
Totally agree. The visual style of KZ2 was something you'd see from David Fincher, KZ3 is more like George Lucas.
H_Prestige said:Bad decision. KZ2 stood out because of its dark visual design.
That happened to me too. Which map was it on? It happened to me in Phyrrus Crater.Y2Kev said:I spawned inside a wall in multi. ???
GraveRobberX said:There was a MP BETA for EU in November/December if I remember correctly, was a closed hush-hush BETA
JB1981 said:FFO said it sucks![]()
GraveRobberX said:From the videos the game is looking pretty good, I saw many MP videos, it looked like a spiritual successor to KZ2 to a point
Look @ this:
Watch these videos, tell me there aren't hints of KZ2, and a new dynamic way of playing a FPS:
commish said:Brink is better than Battlefield 3. Don't know what you're talking about.
GraveRobberX said:There was a MP BETA for EU in November/December if I remember correctly, was a closed hush-hush BETA
KingDizzi said:Indeed and all I will say is that my interest for that game is down the shitter having played that crap. The KZ2 butt hurts need to move on and skip or sell their KZ3 copy, there are so many other games out there or simply go back to KZ2. Brink being brought up in this thread is fucking retarded, don't give a shit that a GG employee went there but saying its MP is better than KZ3 without having even giving it a whirl? Very silly and goodness it's not, there are so so many better MP games out there. Was just a Beta though I guess, they just need to change everything. :/
Dibbz said:Yeah but all I keep seeing in this thread is fucking gaffers who played KZ2 who don't like KZ3 that keep bringing Brink up because the lead level designer from GG went there after KZ2.
I'm 100% sure that these guys haven't even played Brink's MP yet somehow it's better than KZ3.
Dibbz said:Well stop bringing Brink up in this damn thread. Does it say Brink in the thread title? I played it, was shit.
Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.
Um, let's see...Dibbz said:.
Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.
Dibbz said:Well stop bringing Brink up in this damn thread. Does it say Brink in the thread title? I played it, was shit.
Can someone explain what made the KZ2 clan system so much better? I fail to see how the "heart" has been ripped out. You can still get into clan matches and infact it's a lot easier this time around. No need to schedule, you just jump on with your clan and matchmaking pits you against another clan.
Cagen said:A ton of stuff.
GraveRobberX said:Well KZ3 Platinum GET!
Singleplayer? Future DLC maps?X-Frame said:What's the point of putting jetpacks into the game if they're only available on 1 map?
X-Frame said:What's the point of putting jetpacks into the game if they're only available on 1 map?
teepo said:i find it hilarious that the kz3 haters are grasping on to this game as if it was air and yet the video shows nearly zero recoil as well as enemies being downed just for having the corsair over them.
X-Frame said:What's the point of putting jetpacks into the game if they're only available on 1 map?
MariusElijah said:I just can't seem to get use to these maps like I did with KZ2 even the retro maps seem busy/ugly.
teepo said:i find it hilarious that the kz3 haters are grasping on to this game as if it was air and yet the video shows nearly zero recoil as well as enemies being downed just for having the corsair over them.
JB1981 said:The matchmaking really is terrible. I'm constantly put in games that are in progress or matched up with lopsided player counts. Why can't they just do a Bungie or a Dice? What is so hard about matching up players? Seriously?
Yup and if I put ANY I get the DLC map 90% of the time. Brilliant.JB1981 said:The matchmaking really is terrible. I'm constantly put in games that are in progress or matched up with lopsided player counts. Why can't they just do a Bungie or a Dice? What is so hard about matching up players? Seriously?
Dibbz said:I suppose you could say oh custom games to, but at least this way you know every clan is playing the same game as you.
JB1981 said:The thing is the game is not casual friendly at all, at least Warzone isn't. If you are playing with randoms and you are pitted against an organized squat you are going to get SMOKED. I just played two Warzone games in a row just now and I was number one with most points and 40 kills and my team still lost 0-7 on Turbine Concourse. Ugh that fucking map. Beyond frustrating.
.GqueB. said:So Ive been playing all day and Im gonna eat crow in one aspect. These maps fucking suck. And not in the same way you all seem to think they suck. I dont care about balance or TSP placement and all that crap. Who gives a shit.
I care about my eyes.
Is my brightness up too high or what? Just about every map gives me a fucking headache. ESPECIALLY Phyrrus Crater. Everything is glowing. Everything all of it. There is just too much going on in these maps. Too much visual stimulation and it gives me a headache. Id hate to ask for plain as hell, stagnant maps like Halo or COD but I find myself doing so here.
Take it easy GG.
And what the hell is with people not liking operations? For one thing, its easy as hell to get points and it happens quickly. Ive only been playing today and my Tactician/Medic are nearly full equipped... and I SUCK at this game. Averaging about 2k a game and a ridiculously low KDR.
7-22 anyone? bwahaahaha
But yea I dig this game. Too bad Im gonna have to turn my brightness down and never EVER play in the dark.
PaddyOCanager said:So I've logged over 24 hours in multiplayer, and I must say the map design is terrible. I feel like I designed better maps myself in Timesplitters 2....
One question: Why are the starting spawn locations in Warzone so complex? I end up spinning around just to get my bearings, jump off a balcony or staircase, spin around again to look for an exit, go out the exit, and spin around to the objective markers. All just to leave the damn base....it's infuriating because I'm usually in a hurry. I didn't even know how to get out of the Hig base in MAWL Graveyard for like 20 seconds when I first played it, with the confusing color palette and lack of intuitive design. Same with Frozen Dam on the Hig side. It's just an unnecessary waste of precious time.
Oh, and then I have to spend at least another 15-20 seconds sprinting to the action, navigating haphazardly placed objects, labyrinth hallways, and awkward terrain geometry. Unless I'm lucky enough to have a team that actually captures TSPs. Which, I don't blame them for not bothering since they only give out a measly 50 points.
Sorry to add to the negativity but I just can't comprehend why simple design choices were ignored by a professional game development team.
Totobeni said:Also extra pointless rants.
-What the point of Visari's daughter again? and oh,Shouldn't helghast skin be pale and messed up? This girl look fine just like normal human.
Dan said:Question about completing the game on Elite. On the chapter select screen it shows what difficulties you've beaten each section on, right? I did my first play through on Trooper, and redid a lot on Recruit, so those difficulty logos show up filled in silver and bright. Now I'm going through on Elite but it's only appearing in the muted form, just like Veteran which I haven't touched at all. I don't particularly want to keep going and think I've completed Elite if the game's not recognizing it.
GraveRobberX said:Little by Little shit I said which was considered whining/bitching, but now everyone is starting to realize the faults that GG committed, and starting to see WTF I was talking about
I'm passionate about KZ, enjoyed 2, wanted the same thing for 3, but it really does fail
The reason I'm still staying in this thread is to keep showing others, that this game isn't all the hot shit it was supposed to be
You can't say "enough negativity, more positive reinforcement", when the game doesn't come to being what I and others thought it was going to be
I platinumed and 100%, now I go play MAG for MP and Mass Effect 2 for SP, I'll help answer ?'s, and give advice for whom who want and request
The game is retired until patches/DLC, no point playing the game for me rather than releasing frustration while playing, makes it more frustrated with bullshit