Are you? I didn't know if it was automatic or not because I used a tranq.
you can also
seal her in the vault - which she doesn't appreciate much 
Are you? I didn't know if it was automatic or not because I used a tranq.
Are you? I didn't know if it was automatic or not because I used a tranq.
you can alsoseal her in the vault - which she doesn't appreciate much
you can alsoseal her in the vault - which she doesn't appreciate much
Lol, that is pretty can alsoseal her in the vault - which she doesn't appreciate much
Yeah, you missed one I suppose. I was doing a demolition one and forgot to get a multi kill. Got to the end of the mission and it failed me. I was so pissed.Is it possible to miss objectives in contracts and not have the game immediately fail you? Just trying my first one - first stealth mission. I got 7/8 cameras but when I go into the room with the admiral it fails me, saying I missed a camera. There are none in my immediate area if I do a 'restart checkpoint', so is it possible I missed one earlier and have to redo the whole thing?
I think it means, "why would people buy Vitas to play this when they can play Killzone, or Call of Duty or Halo or Titanfall or Destiny or [insert other shooter here] on a home console, where you'll get better graphics and multiplayer?" I don't know about Europe (where Edge is located) but North America seems to need a better reason to play portable games than just "you can take it with you."
I mean, obviously I don't agree personally, since I just spent an hour on the subway playing glorious Killzone, but I assume that's what Edge--and a lot of other people--are thinking.
It's odd because on that basis you'd slate every Nintendo published 3DS game that has an equivalent on wii or wiiU (so mario kart, NSMB, zelda etc).yet for some reason Nintendo get a pass
Mario kart on 3DS and wii = great; uncharted/killzone on vita and PS3 = why bother?
I don't even play my portable games on the train/bus, I mostly play at home. I just like the privacy it offers in a busy household.
(somehow Danner didn't have any guns equipped but I could clearly see his fists and arms (it seemed to be an unique model, I checked if there was any kind of attacks but nothing).
I've been using the Arms Dealer crates as pseudo-checkpoints, as suggested in this thread, and for the most part it's great. It didn't work out so hot, though, during the seventh mission, whenDO NOT REACH FOR THE GODDAMNED ARMS DEALER AT THIS POINT or you will die over and over until you figure out exactly the right timing to make a bolt for the the very end you have to lower the bridge to escape, and just as that bridge finally lowers into place, three Exos storm your position at once.
Reminded me of some of the really awful checkpoints at the end of Metro 2033, except this one was partially my fault. Game could really use a "Restart from last actual checkpoint" option instead of making me replay a full hour-long mission, though.
Last level? spoilersI am having extreme difficulty killing Benot
Last level? spoilersI am having extreme difficulty killing Benot
Last level? spoilersI am having extreme difficulty killing Benot
Can tell you how I did it, but I'm sure there's a much better, less cowardly way![]()
RUN! Run like crazy. Once you've got some distance between him, shoot him and those fuel cells that appear (blasts away the other dudes). Get behind cover to recover if you've taken too many shots. When he rushes you, just run for it again.
I died so many times at this part. Absolutely hated this part of the game.
Blow up the energy core things that pop up and lay into him with that vanguard shoulder rocket launcher, apparently you can also stab him when he's dazed but I have never got to him in time. Remember to use the weapon locker - just drop in and out as it quick saves every time you use it.
Use the M80 to kill the final boss.
Use the arms dealer crate to create checkpoints in the middle of the battle.
I did the second one in exactly 15 minutes. The end was a pain because for some reason he stops running.Doing precision missions sucks. The time limit, plus you're forced to watch cut-scenes over again, it's a real drag. Nothing like coming a few secs short on 15-min mission, only to have to repeat the entire thing.
I did the second one in exactly 15 minutes. The end was a pain because for some reason he stops running.
I was on medium. Veteran would be crazy.I just beat with 2 minutes on the clock. Anyone who does these missions on a difficulty other than recruit is MLG... The precision and demo mission require run and gun.
Which ones have you found?So im trying to do the demolition on mission one, and can only find 2 crates. I went through twice and it only showed 2 crates where is the third. I fail the mission at some point and cant move forward yet it does show on the map nor have i seen it.
One in the room you rapel too and one right before in a room next to a soldier you can release.Which ones have you found?
One in the room you rapel too and one right before in a room next to a soldier you can release.
I'm getting a little sick of those proximity mines myself.I'm a little tired of the quick-scoping that's starting to creep into MP - played 3 games last night - all the other team were quick-scoping - got a little tedious in 1v1 situations when you're pumping them full of bullets to get killed by a leg shot
I'm getting a little sick of those proximity mines myself.
I just finished Killzone 2 tonight and about to start 3. Why are people so down on 3?Got to playing through the campaign pleasently suprised definitely a better game than 3.
I just finished Killzone 2 tonight and about to start 3. Why are people so down on 3?
I just finished Killzone 2 tonight and about to start 3. Why are people so down on 3?
Ah thanks, it wasnt in radar range till i got to it. I thought i may have had a weird glitch that it just didnt load in the scene or something. ThanksThere is a door on the left in the room you rapel to. You may need to open the door with a switch right above it (not sure if it is only for the prison cell path or for both doors).
In a nutshell, the 'douchebro' factor is turned all the way up to 11 comparatively and the changes made to MP are more or less all detrimental to the flow/uniqueness of the KZ's once glorious Warzone mode.
Then there's the contentious "fixing" of the controls.
It was just a lesser iteration that showed a developer not 100% confident in its vision.
That being said, it's still a Killzone game and it still plays and looks wonderful. KZ2 was just that amazing, is all.
I'm getting a little sick of those proximity mines myself.
Proximity mines are the scourge of all MP shooters. I rarely use them; and when I do, I use them more or less as grenades, which is somewhat effective. I guess I'm just inherently not a douche.
Sidenote: Went about 50-25 with nearly 60 points last night in a Warzone game... We still lost. Team pls.
Sorry, but this is even douchier and totally lame. It's an instant kill most of the time without need for good aim or timing like cooking a grenade.
Not saying I don't do it from time to time though.This is why I hate things like proximity mines or noobtubes, everyone adapts in the end.
Edit: Getting used to controls comes with time really kubricks. FPS games on home consoles are actually easier thanks to the larger sticks so it's even harder to adjust to a Vita FPS but eventually you'll get the hang of it. I mostly play on PC but also play on consoles and the Vita and it's just something that comes with time. Sensitivities totally depend on the person though. I usually turn mine up but didn't do it as much with this game due to the sticks, but I turned up the gyro aiming to max to help me out. If you haven't checked that out, definitely try it because the gyro aiming can help with the precise shots and it was a big feature for me in Uncharted on the Vita as well. Now I use sticks for the normal quick movement but then refine my aim with the motion aiming. It's definitely a nice feature for a handheld game where it's harder to use the sticks precisely.
Sorry, but this is even douchier and totally lame. It's an instant kill most of the time without need for good aim or timing like cooking a grenade.
Not saying I don't do it from time to time though.This is why I hate things like proximity mines or noobtubes, everyone adapts in the end.