I finally could try a bit of each sport, besides of the tutorials. My general impression : the game is good and very polished, but does miss some of the charm of the original episodes.
General comments :
- it looks very pretty. Love the style.
- the avatar creator is quite amazing. I wasn't entirely satisfied with the results, but when looking for things to edit manually I couldn't find anything to change for the better. I only made my hair darker, and in the end the more I look at it it really looks like me. It's also quite surprising when meeting rivals to see characters that look like real people.
- the French translation is a mixed bag. The voice themselves are quite good, but there's no attempt at lip synching, which makes it a bit jarring. The coach is dubbed by the same actor as one of the main characters in Titanfall, which makes it a bit weird.
- Rare definitely has great talent for music selection, they really get you in the mood and fit the general theme. Which is a good thing because....
- ... loading times are quite annoying. One is bearable, but there should be no excuse to have the same loading time when you select "play again", everything should be already in memory.
Sport details :
- Bowling : well it's bowling. No surprise there, except that there's no free animation celebration between rounds ? Come on Rare, bragging is at least half the fun of bowling...
- Tennis : no big surprise either. Works well, and at least you can celebrate after points. Which makes you notice how great the body tracking is (no jittering, and good precision).
- Wake Race : same as in Preseason, so very good.
- Climbing : great fun. The different paths and addition of stamina makes it more interesting than what I played before (without it you can just rush to the top without much strategy).
- Shooting : maybe not as twitchy a gameplay that you would expect... it's entertaining enough though. I noticed that it's better played with a closed fist than with a pointing finger like in the demo (which is no surprise).
- Football : surprisingly fun too, while "it shouldn't" considered it's slightly enhanced goal shooting. As a game it's fun, but it feels less like playing the real things as in KS1 (especially since you're not defending any more). Another sport that makes you notice how great the body tracking is, though. I did have a few random positions when I got in complex situations like crumpling in a corner of the room to block a ball, but it's a rather extreme scenario. Also there is a short time to celebrate, which lets you remember how fun it can be.
So my comments to Rare for any update/sequel :
- please bring back the celebrations
- please bring back the minigames
- apart from those, great work. I hope it's only the beginning of a long serie of sports (please bring back volley-ball, and other sports that feel like playing the sport)
Now I need to choose my team. I wanted to be Viper, but I may be tempted by Eagles just for Carmen.