rockman zx
Does anyone know how to find Esmeralda in the Court of Miracles?
I'm running around but can't seem to catch a break ;_;
He was just there standing in the scenario, you have to talk to her.
Does anyone know how to find Esmeralda in the Court of Miracles?
I'm running around but can't seem to catch a break ;_;
Where does this rank among KH games? Best on handhelds for sure, but how about compared to the PS2 ones?
Maybe better than the first one but not as good as the second?
And 25-30 hours is pretty good. I was going to wait but after reading this thread maybe I should pick it up!
Also, is this graphically on par with the PS2 versions and BbS?
Wait, so that definitely was Jason Alexander (aka George Costanza) voicing the Gargoyle?
And does anyone know if the Tron characters are voiced by their respective Tron Legacy counterparts?
The game comes with club Nintendo points, in case anyone was wondering.
Is BbS that important that you need to play it to understand some of the factors within this game?
This is my first KH game (I've watched friend's play through 1 & 2), so I just want to make sure before picking this up on Thursday.
While I can't speak for this game alone, BBS does almost completely change the perspective of what happened in all the games that came before it.
What the hell was the deal with Theatryhthm then. Weird.
Obviously they couldn't fit it in there along with the stylus! Sticker sheet took it's spot!
I don't see the problem as the review copy will remain unsold. Would it be different if he wrote ''My friend is selling me the extra stuff from the MoM edition.'' or ''I'm ebaying the stuff from the MoM''? The result would be the same, he would get the case and other stuff but not the game. Why is he forced to buy the whole MoM edition just because he received a review copy?
Yeah IMO it would. You normally get review copies for free and noone forced him to buy the MoM edition. By selling the game he gets 40$ thx to the review copy. But IMO we should stop this argument, don't want to derail this thread anymore.
Sorry Maverick, didn't want to question your integrity and jumped the gun too soon. I apologize k?Atmej has it right. I am not, and would never sell my review copy -- that's a big no-no. I'm choosing to spend my own money on a Mark of Mastery edition because I still want the extras, but I'm selling the sealed game inside the MoM edition (i.e. NOT my review copy) to a friend privately because I don't need to own two copies of the game. Square's still getting my $55 above and beyond the review copy they sent me. It's no money out of their pockets, and as long as I'm not selling my review copy for a profit, it shouldn't really matter what I choose to do beyond that.
Crazy talk. :O I think Dream Drop Distance is pretty much on par or at least closer to the PS2 games than Birth By Sleep, which is one of those PSP games that look almost as good as good-looking PS2 games but clearly PSP can't quite produce graphics of that level. I dunno, maybe 3DS's small-ish screen makes the difference smaller.I also think BBS looked better, slightly.
This free-flowing action was part of your original vision of the game?
Yes, it was. This idea was born from the fact that the Nintendo 3DS system has both stereoscopic graphics and analogue controls. In fact, staffs who've been working on this latest game now complain that the movements in older games like BBS21 and KH II are too slow. They say things like "once you've experienced the 3D free-flowing action, you can't go back", and "a Kingdom game where you can't jump-kick off the walls just isn't a Kingdom game." (laughs)
Umm, I mean how do I get to the Court of Miracles? ;_;
EDIT: Found it. How embarrassing that I missed on area of the map completely. These levels are so big!
Where was it? Can't find it![]()
The same cannot be said about the; this is indeed one of those "portable spin-offs that play like the home-console version" - think God of War PSP - and not actual portable games with new gameplay like KH CoM on the GBA - it's cool because it has high production values but at the same time everyone is thinking the same: give us KH 3 on the 360/Ps3/Wii U/etc.worlds; lack of a "HUB level" with Final Fantasy NPCs, Uncle Scrooge and stuff like that like in the first game
Excuse the bad picture, but you can get to the Court of Miracles through this little part:
Hope we are talking about the same thing.
Where does this rank among KH games? Best on handhelds for sure, but how about compared to the PS2 ones?
Maybe better than the first one but not as good as the second?
Also, is this graphically on par with the PS2 versions and BbS?
Thanks for the pic, what part of the map is that on? Which area?
You are looking for?Esmeralda, rightThere are some catacombs which can be entered by a graves.
Who else can't play this until the XL comes out? I don't even own a 3DS yet. The wait is annoying. I'm almost done with Kingdom Hearts II.
Just played through the demo and was pretty disappointed in the camera. The boss fight was an exercise in pure frustration. The camera kept bouncing around getting tricked by the environment and would constantly lose auto target. Aside from the graphics its left a really bad first impression.
How are worlds in KHDDD, are they more lively? The ones in KH1 and BBS seemed very empty and desolate.
Probably the biggest worlds in the series, but it only magnifies how empty they are. I don't think there's a single NPC in any world outside of the Shop Moogles.
Probably the biggest worlds in the series, but it only magnifies how empty they are. I don't think there's a single NPC in any world outside of the Shop Moogles.
Probably the biggest worlds in the series, but it only magnifies how empty they are. I don't think there's a single NPC in any world outside of the Shop Moogles.
Probably the biggest worlds in the series, but it only magnifies how empty they are. I don't think there's a single NPC in any world outside of the Shop Moogles.
At only 7 worlds, how are people saying this game is 30hrs+?
At only 7 worlds, how are people saying this game is 30hrs+?
There's a lot of little extra content in addition to having to play each world twice.
Each world is like 2/3 KH2 worlds, and you have to play each twice in a row. It's definitely longer than it looks like. There's a bit more to at least one of the worlds than just the first visit too.