Stupid question but, the ending credits are like the ones in BBS, KH I and KH II? Or they are like CoM, Re:Coded and 358/2 days?
No spoilers, please =p
Without spoiling anything, neither. That's all I'll say so I don't spoil anything![]()
Is there any more difficulty modes after Proud mode? While I'm enjoying the game it seems to be a bit easy even on that mode.
They can't keep delaying Kingdom Hearts 3 I reckon. Has to be the next one out right? Please?
Well, KH3D is a straight build-up to KHIII and Nomura has said how they "know" that the series needs to go back to home consoles, so it's almost 100% certain that the next game will be Kingdom Hearts III. There might be something like Kingdom Hearts HD Collection before it to build hype, but I don't think other than that there will be any more KH releases before Kingdom Hearts III. After all, they DID already cancel one KH project (Birth By Sleep Vol. 2), so I doubt they'll do anything else before KHIII.They can't keep delaying Kingdom Hearts 3 I reckon. Has to be the next one out right? Please?
Well, KH3D is a straight build-up to KHIII and Nomura has said how they "know" that the series needs to go back to home consoles, so it's almost 100% certain that the next game will be Kingdom Hearts III. There might be something like Kingdom Hearts HD Collection before it to build hype, but I don't think other than that there will be any more KH releases before Kingdom Hearts III. After all, they DID already cancel one KH project (Birth By Sleep Vol. 2), so I doubt they'll do anything else before KHIII.
Did they officially cancel BBS2? I never heard that.
...Wat. When did they talk about BbS Vol. 2 canceled? O_O
EDIT: Oh, I've just found out.
Finished the game. I needed 16:52 hours, but I also rushed trough the game.
Was underleveled at the end and had to grind for 30 minutes, I didn't care for the stupid DreamEaters (I often didn't find the mats for them...)
The graphics are good (like the PS2 Versions I think), many enemies will cause a little bit slowdown if you use freeflow too much.
Freeflow is awesome! Love that.
The Story is okay, and the last two worlds are really really awesome. I liked them.
The 3D effect is one of the best on the system (the opening is stunning in 3D!!)
I didn't complete nearly everything, I just wanted to play through the game for the story and the new system, so that I can sell it very fast.
Hopefully Kingdom Hearts 3 will come out in the next 5 years, lol.
Ultimania interview. Nomura said there's a story there but it won't be told due to the development of 3D. Also another 'mystery game' which Nomura teased after BBS was cancelled in lieu of 3D and will not be completed. Honestly, I'm fairly annoyed that a game like 3D effectively cancelled BBS volume 2 and any other 'mystery game' Nomura was working on and planning. My annoyance is directed both at Nintendo and Square for this.
I for one am happy that we might finally get KH3 lol.
And the ''mystery game'' is such Nomura bullshit. I think he has been talking about it a long time too.
I'm sure we will get a Kingdom Hearts III. The real question is if it will be on PS3 or the PS4. We are pretty late in this generation, so probably not.
WOW, 16:52 hours! You're really fast =p
Gentile cliente,
Nintendo è da anni molto attenta alla traduzione in lingua italiana dei propri titoli, che vengono sempre localizzati prima della distribuzione in Italia, salvo eccezioni a dir poco rare.
In alcune occasioni tuttavia Nintendo è solamente distributore di un titolo, che è invece prodotto e realizzato da unaltra software house. È questo il caso di Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], distribuito da Nintendo Italia a partire dallo scorso 20 luglio, ma prodotto e sviluppato da Square Enix, che non ha ritenuto di tradurre il proprio gioco anche in lingua italiana.
Una volta che Nintendo Italia è venuta a conoscenza della mancata localizzazione, si è reso necessario decidere se procedere con la distribuzione del prodotto, in quanto siamo consapevoli della grande importanza che riveste la presenza della lingua italiana allinterno di un software. Dopo aver ascoltato attentamente le ragioni dei favorevoli e quelle dei contrari e aver riscontrato che, diversamente da altre nazioni, non cerano alternative alla distribuzione del gioco da parte di Nintendo Italia, abbiamo deciso che sarebbe stato ingiusto non dare lopportunità ai numerosi fan di questa saga di acquistare questo nuovo capitolo e abbiamo acconsentito a curarne la distribuzione.
Le vendite sono state di gran lunga superiori alle aspettative e in questi giorni la reperibilità del gioco nei negozi è più difficile del previsto. Desideriamo comunque informarti che nuove copie del titolo verranno inviate ai rivenditori nel minor tempo possibile considerato anche il periodo estivo, che dilata i tempi di approvvigionamento. Ti suggeriamo di rivolgerti ai rivenditori della tua zona per avere più informazioni in merito alla nuova disponibilità del prodotto.
Ci scusiamo per il possibile disagio causato dalla mancanza della lingua italiana e per la difficile reperibilità del gioco stesso in questo periodo, ma speriamo di aver fatto cosa gradita nel fare arrivare comunque in Italia un titolo di questa importanza.
Per ulteriori delucidazioni sulla mancata localizzazione del software, vi suggeriamo di contattare il servizio clienti di Square Enix (
Cordiali saluti
I'm sure we will get a Kingdom Hearts III. The real question is if it will be on PS3 or the PS4. We are pretty late in this generation, so probably not.
5/10 review from Polygon lol
They can't keep delaying Kingdom Hearts 3 I reckon. Has to be the next one out right? Please?
End Credits and secret message Spoiler
When you get to the third part of the credits (after the bit with the important people and after the bit where you play through to get the letters) the letters that show up on the top screen spell out 'This leads to Kingdom Hearts' and when Sora and Riku walk to the light it apparently (according to some) looks like a III.
Also the secret message makes it blatantly obvious the next KH game will be KH3 on a HD system.
Also weren't we supposedly getting a game where we played as Mickey? Or did I imagine that?
5/10 review from Polygon lol
5/10 review from Polygon lol
Polygon review said:While Disney's influence remains strong, Final Fantasy has fallen by the wayside. There's not a Tetsuya Nomura creation to be found, aside from characters from The World Ends With You. Classic Final Fantasy characters are referenced as names of high-level Dream Eaters, a teasing reminder of the reason I originally fell for this franchise.
I'm sure we will get a Kingdom Hearts III. The real question is if it will be on PS3 or the PS4. We are pretty late in this generation, so probably not.
Nintendo didn't give any financial support. It's just a case of 3DS pretty much being the only viable option for the next Kingdom Hearts game when they had to make the decision about which console to develop it for (1) the part of Osaka team working on these Kingdom Hearts games is not big enough to do console level stuff without the help of other teams, which aren't available due to all having their own things going on, 2) PSP simply isn't a good platform anymore outside Japan and 3) Vita arrived too late to the scene + it would've required a bigger team as well).The mystery game could very well be BBS Volume 2 as it was supposed to star a different protagonist from Sora but I'm not too hung up on that. What bothers me is that when they were essentially choosing whether to do 3D or a follow-up to BBS in both gameplay terms and storywise 3D won out most likely due to financial considerations (i.e. Nintendo support).
I think the characters from the TWEWY universe fit much better than the FF characters did, although that's not to say I want the FF cameos gone either.Wait, really? She plays Kingdom Hearts for the Final Fantasy cameos?
The lack of Nomura's creations is a good thing IMO.
Edit: apparently there's not much Nomura, Final Fantasy, or Disney spirit in the game ... I can kind of understand that.
Design-wise, KH and TWEWY do feel quite similar, especially the characters and enemies.The FF cameos haven't really been interesting to me since KH1, to be honest. (Zack was okay in BBS, I guess.)
Part of the reason I like the idea of TWEWY characters crossing over with KH is because it's a nice change of pace from the norm. And the characters fit in pretty well. too.
The FF cameos haven't really been interesting to me since KH1, to be honest. (Zack was okay in BBS, I guess.)
Part of the reason I like the idea of TWEWY characters crossing over with KH is because it's a nice change of pace from the norm. And the characters fit in pretty well. too.
Any of you Europeans playing this on the XL? How does it look?
Wait, really? She plays Kingdom Hearts for the Final Fantasy cameos?
That might have been "Birth by Sleep -Volume Two-", which, if I remember correctly, ended up being abandoned as a project so that Dream Drop Distance could be completed.
Nintendo didn't give any financial support. It's just a case of 3DS pretty much being the only viable option for the next Kingdom Hearts game when they had to make the decision about which console to develop it for (1) the part of Osaka team working on these Kingdom Hearts games is not big enough to do console level stuff without the help of other teams, which aren't available due to all having their own things going on, 2) PSP simply isn't a good platform anymore outside Japan and 3) Vita arrived too late to the scene + it would've required a bigger team as well).
If the jump to PS4 would delay the game too long, then Wii U seems the logical Plan B. But if I were a betting man, multi-platform (at least PS4/Wii U, maybe 360 depending on the timing) is what I think is the most probable outcome. all they need is a well-timed HD collection on the same consoles to get everyone up to speed.
However I wouldn't say that KH3 will be the next game. In the time it'll take to develop it, they could probably get another side-story game out.which judging by the secret ending & recent interviews, I suspect is an iOS game about Kairi's & Lea's training
Just wondering, how does this game compare to BbS and KH1. Those 2 games are my favorites.
Whenever I get a 3DS, this will be the first game I buy.
I actually gave KH1 a shot back then because of it's FF cameos otherwise I would of passed on it (I slightly dislike Disney beyond Lion King). I was never into the series for Disney so I'm actually disappointed knowing they laxed on the FF cameos. My main interest in the series stems from its story relating to the original KH characters now.