So this game has an interior cover too. It's unbelievable that even Square Enix is putting more effort into its packages than NoA. D:
And there's a Club Nintendo code as well!
Man, so excited for it now.
So this game has an interior cover too. It's unbelievable that even Square Enix is putting more effort into its packages than NoA. D:
And there's a Club Nintendo code as well!
Got my copy.
Got my copy.
They did a reverse cover for Theatrhythm as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if Heroes of Ruin had one too.So this game has an interior cover too. It's unbelievable that even Square Enix is putting more effort into its packages than NoA. D:
And there's a Club Nintendo code as well!
I was wondering what GAF thought about the plot tutorial/recaps they have for each of the previous games. Is it done well? Most of the reviews I read said it's great, while only a couple said it was useless.
It's so nice to have a brand new Kingdom Hearts game in my hands. It almost feels weird to be playing as Sora again, rather than Roxas or Aqua or whoever.
Got my copy.
The recaps are actually pretty detailed and give a pretty good general idea of what goes down in each game. Of course, they're still no substitute for actually playing the games -- and if you can, I would at least play Birth by Sleep -- but they're pretty good, all things considered.
What I'd recommend doing if you care about being caught up on the story is reading GamesRadar's surprisingly well-done "Kingdom Hearts primer"/plot recap. It's a bit long (52 slides), but because of that it's also incredibly exhaustive and mostly accurate (only a scant couple inaccuracies from what I could tell). Here's the link if you're interested:
This. I have no problem with Roxas, Aqua, or any of the other playable characters, but it's so nice and rewarding to just play as Sora again. And not Sora with a terrible card-based battle system, and not Data-Sora, but the actual Sora with all of his memories and experiences from KH I and II intact.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
I actually don't have access to a PSP, so I probably won't get a chance to play Birth By Sleep unless it's released in a HD collection. I don't really want to pick up a handheld for one game lol. Maybe I can borrow it from someone.
Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
I actually don't have access to a PSP, so I probably won't get a chance to play Birth By Sleep unless it's released in a HD collection. I don't really want to pick up a handheld for one game lol. Maybe I can borrow it from someone.
WTF?! 8 games already? wow.
Got my copy.
Nice. The only one I'm missing is CoM, though I do have Re:CoM.
Non-story Cite Des Cloches spoilers, but marking them anyway:
This Wargoyle segment is really starting to piss me off. I'm playing on Proud Mode, and this is the fourth time I've gotten to the end only for him to drop fire balls on me and take me out because there's no Aerial Recovery equivalent yet. Did this annoy anyone else?
Aerial Recovery occasionally shows up as a skill you can buy with drop points when you choose buffs/prizes to give to the other character when you switch characters.
Still, it hits ridiculously hard for a boss that early in the game.
It's a temporary drop ability? You can't just get it from the ability links with your Spirits?
I like Sora's run animation in this game.
It's also a reward for beating one of the portals in Traverse Town (I think). But to be honest I found it kinda useless here, you are vulnerable to damage far earlier than you are given control of the character again.
It's such a little thing, but I agree. The way Sora holds the keyblade when he's running and there's enemies around was one of my favorite little things about KHII. Glad "Lil Dream Sora" kept that animation, instead of his kinda doofy-looking KHI "crouchy" stances.
Any tips how to get second chance/once more. Fantasia world Sora side boss is kicking my ass.
Anyone? ;_;
How does Aerial Recovery even work in this game? In KHII you had a really easy to recognize "Knocked Back" pose, and it was basically second nature to recover and keep attacking, here I think I activated Aerial Recovery maybe twice, and both times were complete accidents - I just can't seem to find the right state/timing for it.
Anyone? ;_;
It seems to have lost the 1-2 seconds of invulnerability it had from KHII, so that's probably why it seems harder to use. You're probably better of using the reprisal commands like Revenge Raid.How does Aerial Recovery even work in this game? In KHII you had a really easy to recognize "Knocked Back" pose, and it was basically second nature to recover and keep attacking, here I think I activated Aerial Recovery maybe twice, and both times were complete accidents - I just can't seem to find the right state/timing for it.
That's totally understandable. But yeah, if you can manage to borrow it from someone, I would recommend doing so -- not only is playing it instrumental to getting the whole picture on the series' story, gameplay-wise it's pretty much considered one of, if not the best games in the series.
Personally I think KH 3D's actual combat and gameplay are slightly better than BbS's (thanks to Flowmotion, mainly; the Spirit-based ability learning system is a step down), but BbS is an amazing game in its own right with possibly the best story content in the series. I can't speak for KH 3D on that statement, though, since I haven't finished it yet.
Thanks guys. This AR thing is bullshit tho :d.
Lucky me, I had just enough incredients for Tyranto Rex.
If you don't have the AR cards, you can scan by viewing this page on your computer and scanning the ar card images that Peff posted.
How do you scan the cards? Does scanning them just give you their recipes or what?If you don't have the AR cards, you can scan by viewing this page on your computer and scanning the ar card images that Peff posted.
How do you scan the cards? Does scanning them just give you their recipes or what?
So, I've never played a Kingdom Hearts game before. Is this an alright to start on, or should I really reconsider?
I did. I just mean its same kinda bullshit like preorder bonuses. Scanning AR cards for special monsters with seemingly uber good ability boards for early game is stupid.
My game came with some weird ass AR card with multiple Dream Eaters on the cover and I got some lizard that wasn't even on it lol.
Edit: It actually IS on it. It shows 3 dream eaters. Special lizard, panda and dog.
Take your 3DS, go to the spirits menu and just aim the camera on the images on this thread/cards that came with the game. You get the dream eater immidiately, not just recipes.
If you don't care that much about story and just want a fun game then sure.
I guess I care about the story a bit, but not enough to play seven games beforehand. What if I only played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2?