Do I need to play any of the other KH games, as well? Like 358/2, etc?
Read up on CoM
Play KH2
Play BBS if possible (or read up on it if not)
skip the DS games.
Do I need to play any of the other KH games, as well? Like 358/2, etc?
Not at all.
Not at all.
I'm finding Proud Mode to be an enjoyable challenge in this game. My only real problem with BBS was that it was simply too easy. I've found 3D to provide more of a challenge so far in the battles, which is nice.
Days is pretty important as you'll see a certain charter showing up sometimes and won't really know why they're there. But i think the summary does a good job of explaining the story.Do I need to play any of the other KH games, as well? Like 358/2, etc?
Redone, remixed.What about the ost, guys? They're are just recycling or there are many new musics?
Redone, remixed.
So wait, this game does spoil TWEWY? I've always wanted to play it (never had a DS) and was gonna get around to it. Oh well.. not gonna hold off playing this because of that, but it does suck :/
What about the ost, guys? They're are just recycling or there are many new musics?
I think the ost is quite good that its the first one worth physically owning, especially because of the remixs.
To switch between characters.Ok so far I understand the motion flow, reality shift, and making/feeding/petting spirits, but can somebody explain to me what or how to use dropping? Why should I ever use it? What are the pros and cons?
I must be doing something wrong, halp!
Im trying to beat the boss on Notre Dame with Riku, up until this point I was doing good at the game, but this thing is kicking my A$$! how do I beat it? Am i doing something wrong? or just difficulty spike for no reason?
To switch between characters.
You get buffs if you switch early. If you don't, you get nothing. I think I heard that somewhere.
When I notice my meter getting low, I go ahead and do the boss fight to experiment with the mechanics of the fight to get them down, Drop, which is a palette cleanser to prep mentally, and then when I drop the next time, i'm good to have a first solid attempt at a boss.
By the way, a question related to Traverse Town (spoiler?): is it possible tocatch all treasures at the beginning, or do I have to wait until I have to come back there for story-related reasons in order to open all those chests ?
Okay, this is probably completely dumb, but its my first kingdom hearts game, what the hell are the two icons on the map? One is a glowing key and the other is a pink flower. I must have missed something at the start of the game.
What about the ost, guys? They're are just recycling or there are many new musics?
My sister is whining at me. She apparently can't find her way to the Court of Miracles with Sora in Notre Dame. I haven't even started the game so I don't know haha.
Can anyone give me a hand? Haha.
Sora, Notre Dame, where the hell is the Court of Miracles?
Excuse the bad picture, but you can get to the Court of Miracles through this little part:
Hope we are talking about the same thing.
In the case of Traverse Town, I would at least advise getting all of the treasures in the Fountain Square room with both characters before beating the game at the very least. I can't really say why without spoiling anything, but trust me on this one.
My sister is whining at me. She apparently can't find her way to the Court of Miracles with Sora in Notre Dame. I haven't even started the game so I don't know haha.
Can anyone give me a hand? Haha.
Sora, Notre Dame, where the hell is the Court of Miracles?
Does anyone else feel like Sora/Riku are a lot easier to stagger/stun lock than in previous games? A lot of commands with long wind-ups are borderline useless it seems because the slightest tap will knock you out of it.
The Spark series of speel has been near useless to me because it's *designed* for use in the middle of crowds, but it has such a long startup that it's next to impossible to actually get the attack out - and Command Reload starts when you begin an attack, not when you sucessfully complete it, so Spark/Ra/Ga feels like it's constantly on Reload even though it actually goes off maybe every tenth use.
What if you wanted to switch characters before that time? That's the point.But what is the point of it, it makes you switch characters after a certain amount of time anyways...
Game finished on normal. Took me 16:14, so shorter than some of the other games. I didn't feel like I was rushing at all too.
All in all, Spark spells aren't bad, but you need an adequate set-up if you want to use them. Also, I certainly wouldn't use them against bosses.
Wooooooooooow. I'm at 19 hours and I'm *just* starting the last world of the first "ring" with each character. Then again, I'm playing Proud so some grinding has been involved, and I don't let a character move onto a new world until I find every chest in the current one.