Wolf Akela
Well you don't really need the GBA game since it has PS2 remake. So its PS2, PSP and 3DS ^^.
Assuming you can read Japanese though. Either that or you need a decent PC or a modded PS2 so you can patch your copy into English.
Well you don't really need the GBA game since it has PS2 remake. So its PS2, PSP and 3DS ^^.
Assuming you can read Japanese though. Either that or you need a decent PC or a modded PS2 so you can patch your copy into English.
Assuming you can read Japanese though. Either that or you need a decent PC or a modded PS2 so you can patch your copy into English.
True but every KH fan with pride has swap disc/modded ps2/emulatorNot in Europe ! No KH Final Mix or Re:Chain of Memories![]()
True but every KH fan with pride has swap disc/modded ps2/emulator.
I need to pick up KH2 one of these days. I rented it long ago when it came out, but never beat it.Yeah but beating KH2 at 100% was such a tedious experience I'd never do it again for a KH, and as I had already played KH2 I didn't see the point in completing CoM :|
Still have no luck against Riku's final boss.Well, the second one of 4
I'm only Level 34. Maybe I should Level Up? Also I'm only using Keyblade Skills with Riku (bar Curaga), and only Magic with Sora. What's the best Keyblade Skills?
I need to pick up KH2 one of these days. I rented it long ago when it came out, but never beat it.
Can't believe how old it is though. :0
If you have modded PS2 or your PC can handle emulator you should get KH2 Final Mix and use english patch. Thank me later!I need to pick up KH2 one of these days. I rented it long ago when it came out, but never beat it.
Can't believe how old it is though. :0
Cool, I think my Aura Lion I've been training learns those.Once More, Second Chance
Hah, my computer sucks lol and I have no clue how to work emulators and such. Probably just pick up the PS2 version at a Gamestop...I'm pretty sure I've seen it around.
Cool, I think my Aura Lion I've been training learns those.
What's the best way to get a lot of Link Points?
I did it without second chance or once more at level 32, (every single command slot except two was a curaga though)
EDIT: not ment to be a brag lol just sayin It could be done.
Double EDIT: also it took me like 15 tries so pacientce is a virtue![]()
says hellSam
Huh? You didAnsem, both parts, without Second chance? Cool...Guess it could be done on Proud with no problem by just learning how to completely avoid his two unblockable attacks. (The dash and the barrage of Dark Ball matter thingies]
You can block the balls with Dark Barrier
FUCK! lol
EDIT:You're referring to the 2nd Ansem fight when he sends you to the back of the area and throws a barrage of giant dark matter balls at you right?
If you have modded PS2 or your PC can handle emulator you should get KH2 Final Mix and use english patch. Thank me later!
I don't understand why the FM version never got a US release. Whats funny is KH2 FM actually in my PS2 right now. Problem is I can barely find time to play DDD
Funny fact : American AR Cards work with European versions of the game.
You can actually block any projectile he sends at you.
I cannot for the life of me. Help please!?find where Quasimodo is -- Sora's story
Edit: WOW, I found it ... feel so stupid. This is what happens when you're playing outside on the lowest brightness.
Very well said.I'm about 17 hours into the game now, cleared the first 3 Disney Worlds and then the events after that, now I'm in the next 2 Disney Worlds. I can't believe these are the last two Disney Worlds in game. Even though the worlds themselves are much bigger than the ones in BbS, the scope really feels kinda pathetic. In terms of story and progression, I feel like almost nothing has happened in the game, and yet I can already see the "end" in sight.
I would say the biggest problem with KH3D is that it doesn't feel like a planned major entry at all, but they definitely wanted to make it feel significant. So it has brand new worlds, brand new enemies, new systems, an in-depth minigame, a bunch of less significant minigames, big worlds, nice graphics, a full new soundtrack, etc. But at the same time it has pretty much no real "plot" to speak of, the ways the worlds are connected are disjointed, the overall design lacks polish, and the scope of the game just feels so insignificant.
While I kinda appreciate being able to play another Team Osaka KH game so soon after BbS, I also feel that they shouldn't have rushed into something if there wasn't a really great plan for it at the time. I'm not surprised at all that response to the game is so lukewarm, especially after BbS. The comparisons are unavoidable really. Nomura brought this upon himself.
I'm about 17 hours into the game now, cleared the first 3 Disney Worlds and then the events after that, now I'm in the next 2 Disney Worlds. I can't believe these are the last two Disney Worlds in game. Even though the worlds themselves are much bigger than the ones in BbS, the scope really feels kinda pathetic. In terms of story and progression, I feel like almost nothing has happened in the game, and yet I can already see the "end" in sight.
I'm about 17 hours into the game now, cleared the first 3 Disney Worlds and then the events after that, now I'm in the next 2 Disney Worlds. I can't believe these are the last two Disney Worlds in game. Even though the worlds themselves are much bigger than the ones in BbS, the scope really feels kinda pathetic. In terms of story and progression, I feel like almost nothing has happened in the game, and yet I can already see the "end" in sight.
I would say the biggest problem with KH3D is that it doesn't feel like a planned major entry at all, but they definitely wanted to make it feel significant. So it has brand new worlds, brand new enemies, new systems, an in-depth minigame, a bunch of less significant minigames, big worlds, nice graphics, a full new soundtrack, etc. But at the same time it has pretty much no real "plot" to speak of, the ways the worlds are connected are disjointed, the overall design lacks polish, and the scope of the game just feels so insignificant.
While I kinda appreciate being able to play another Team Osaka KH game so soon after BbS, I also feel that they shouldn't have rushed into something if there wasn't a really great plan for it at the time. I'm not surprised at all that response to the game is so lukewarm, especially after BbS. The comparisons are unavoidable really. Nomura brought this upon himself.
Just you wait
The thing that struck me as odd though was how lopsided the worlds are towards Sora. It's not so obvious at first, but Prankster's Paradise and especially Country of the Musketeers are much smaller with Riku. I wonder if that was the intention from the beginning or they just ran out of time.
I'm about 17 hours into the game now, cleared the first 3 Disney Worlds and then the events after that, now I'm in the next 2 Disney Worlds. I can't believe these are the last two Disney Worlds in game. Even though the worlds themselves are much bigger than the ones in BbS, the scope really feels kinda pathetic. In terms of story and progression, I feel like almost nothing has happened in the game, and yet I can already see the "end" in sight.
I would say the biggest problem with KH3D is that it doesn't feel like a planned major entry at all, but they definitely wanted to make it feel significant. So it has brand new worlds, brand new enemies, new systems, an in-depth minigame, a bunch of less significant minigames, big worlds, nice graphics, a full new soundtrack, etc. But at the same time it has pretty much no real "plot" to speak of, the ways the worlds are connected are disjointed, the overall design lacks polish, and the scope of the game just feels so insignificant.
While I kinda appreciate being able to play another Team Osaka KH game so soon after BbS, I also feel that they shouldn't have rushed into something if there wasn't a really great plan for it at the time. I'm not surprised at all that response to the game is so lukewarm, especially after BbS. The comparisons are unavoidable really. Nomura brought this upon himself.
Beat it on Standard Difficulty...and only used Keyblade Skills with Riku, bar two Curaga.
What the fuck are you supposed to "do" at the end of the Ventus Armor fight when you charge at each other? I lost that, like, 8 times, but won eventually...but I have no clue what I did to win it. I barely won too. Damn that stupid part.
Didn't get the secret ending though. What answers do you need to put in to the questions and how many trophies do you need?
Anyway, I don't know if I wanna continue playing to get all the trophies, or re-play BBS. I think I might head out today to see if any store has Kingdom Hearts 2 in stock.
My big issue about Flomo is that it makes all level design pointless.
For example, at the beginning of Prankster's Paradise with Riku, there's a pretty big pool of water. There are nice platforms around, barrels to step on plus monkey bars to swing on. On higher places you see treasure chests. Wow, looks really fun to play! But what's the point of even using all of those things when I can just kick jump and Flomo straight into chests? You can't even turn Flomo off. Only Flomo attacks are on your Command Deck. If I was just limited to KH1 controls and abilities that would've been freaking fun to play.
So far, the only neat level designs I've seen that make full use of Flomo is that big factory thing in Traverse Town, plus the first area in Sora's Prankster's Paradise.
This doesn't even count the brokenness of Shock Dive. 100% safe to engage with, extremely safe aftermath since it knocks back enemies, and it also breaks through enemy guard. Unless enemies are really squishy, there's really no point in using regular attacks when your commands are on cooldown. Just spam Shock Dive.
Fightingis going to make me stop playing the game.Rinzler
I will laugh and cry if KH3 ends up being a Vita exclusive.
I don't really think it's that lopsided. I've been playing the characters in different worlds at the same time for variety so far, and I think that how "large" a story feels depends largely on the intended design for that character. Riku's story for The Grid is much more in-depth and longer than Sora's for example, and it even had two Flashbacks in it, while Sora had none. In fact, Sora's story in The Grid didn't even have an ending lol.
I think another issue I have is that the Disney Worlds are used in such a contrived way this time that it doesn't really feel satisfying. Since they're "Dream Worlds", by the time the characters arrive there, certain events are supposed to already have happened in the story, and at there's often not much of a real conclusion either. So far the only story which felt conclusive and satisfying was Hunchback.
tl;dr - Please stop making these filler games and just get on with KH3. -_-
The biggest problem is not FloMo itself, but the FloMo super-jump. Being able to dash into any wall and then do a super jump from there and then a super air dash after that makes ALL platforming totally useless. It makes air glide useless. It makes air slide useless. It makes all the FloMo interactive items in levels useless. It makes all platforms useless. Etc. If FloMo has a limit so you can't abuse it by just dashing into walls and jumping, it would be a much more interesting system.
They really, really didn't think through the FloMo and Drop systems at all. It feels like they just had these vaguely cool ideas, implemented them without much playtesting, and bam, they had to ship the game.
Right, I meant the amount of areas more so than story-wise, which I agree it's relatively balanced. It's not really a huge difference either way, but in Hunchback for example Sora gets six or so extra maps for the Court of Miracles versus that one road with the windmill you can't even enter for Riku, or the Bell Tower. Country of the Musketeers is by far the worst case of this.
We've had a new Kingdom Hearts game every year, so if KH3 isn't for a while... what's next?
BbS v2?
So, about flick rush. What do you get from it and how? Gold medaling all of the tournaments I'm assuming? I still don't fully get it but I'm starting to enjoy myself with it so I'll probably try doing it regardless of the reward, I just wanted to know