If you fought all battles without escaping until now you should be okay (on normal difficulty). But the bosses may be difficult if you have trouble parrying/escaping attacks.Ugh, it seems you have to grind to beat the last world? Enemies take forever to beat and kill me quickly :S
I really hate when games do this, why can we not go back to the old days where you earn them with experience instead of making these arbitrary ways of earning these abilities...Guess I will make every new spirit I get now.
If you fought all battles without escaping until now you should be okay (on normal difficulty). But the bosses may be difficult if you have trouble parrying/escaping attacks.
I fought everything and I'm like level 30-32. Really don't feel like grinding and playing that boring water barrel game to get LPs.
I spent a long time grinding up to level 50 before going to the last part. It says you need to be 38 but I decided overkill so I'd be less frustrated by the end game fights.I fought everything and I'm like level 30-32. Really don't feel like grinding and playing that boring water barrel game to get LPs.
I spent a long time grinding up to level 50 before going to the last part. It says you need to be 38 but I decided overkill so I'd be less frustrated by the end game fights.
Holy crap, i'm confronting the, how do isecond form of Ansen with Rikuavoid the fucking lasers coming out of the two big balls?
Either Flow motion or Dark Splicer. Neither are a guarantee though.
Yeah, the implementation of the CPPro was pretty worthless on this in the end. I used it sparingly, but found that I really didn't need it in the end.Just started this game, and I'm sorry if it's been said before, but the Circle Pad Pro is completely USELESS in this game.
The camera controls are practically reversed compared to the L/R shoulder buttons, and you can't scroll through the command list using the two extra shoulder buttons? You can't even use the L-shoulder button for ANYTHING? Ridiculous. I'm just going to use default controls without the Circle Pad Pro. Was really hoping to finally play a KH game with simultaneous camera control, character movement, attacking, and command list navigation. The four shoulder buttons were capable of this.
I beat it at level 37/36. The key is more about getting the game breaking dream eaters than leveling up. I had Tyranno Rex/Magic Lapin/Keeba Tiger with their board maxed out and it was really easy as you have full sets of attack haste/magic haste and you have mega flare, dark splicer and meteor crash. Most of the bosses at the end are really easy if you know how to use your counter and dodge moves too.
Outside of the battle system it was a disappointing KH game. The Disney cameos were few and mostly boring. There's like 2 Disney bosses in the game while the rest are simply dream eaters. The story is pratically non-existent until you reach the last world then it gets really stupid and convoluted. After you read all the "chronicles" you realize how the story is entirely out of control at this point.
Hopefully KH3 is next and not some spin off again.
I beat it at level 37/36. The key is more about getting the game breaking dream eaters than leveling up. I had Tyranno Rex/Magic Lapin/Keeba Tiger with their board maxed out and it was really easy as you have full sets of attack haste/magic haste and you have mega flare, dark splicer and meteor crash. Most of the bosses at the end are really easy if you know how to use your counter and dodge moves too.
Outside of the battle system it was a disappointing KH game. The Disney cameos were few and mostly boring. There's like 2 Disney bosses in the game while the rest are simply dream eaters. The story is pratically non-existent until you reach the last world then it gets really stupid and convoluted. After you read all the "chronicles" you realize how the story is entirely out of control at this point.
Hopefully KH3 is next and not some spin off again.
- After summarizing the series other games, and making some kind of SENSE out of them, the game goes out of his way to make the most convulted and nonsensical plot everSeriously, fucking time travel ? And they doesn't explain how it even works ? whyyyy ? Plus some of the most idiotic plot points and twists...
From playing all the KH games recently, 3D most recently, I've come to the personal conclusion that the Osaka team (the SE team that did Re:COM, BBS, and 3D) is really bad at creating boss battles, or at least, boss battles that are hard without feeling cheap. I tried beating, and it feels like the whole fight comes down to dodge rolling away and spamming balloon. The staggering of bosses from your standard attacks feels random, or non-present at times, which makes them feel very frustrating and non-skill based overall.Julius
I liked all the Organization XIII fights in KH2, even the dance water dance guy.
I liked all the Organization XIII fights in KH2, even the dance water dance guy.
I liked all the Organization XIII fights in KH2, even the dance water dance guy.
Seven Force said:Despite Balloon spells being the most effective offense, it can definitely be done with a variety of other commands, and a lot of its attacks can actually be outright blocked instead of having to dodge roll constantly.
but fighting your way through the enemy gauntlet in the Cavern of Remembrance to get to them was really awesome.
The one that kept mucking me up was the flurry of punches that effectively allows him to close in on you from across the battle area even if you're dodge rolling away as fast as you can. I tried blocking it, but he keeps them coming for so long that you're still vulnerable after the first block. I suppose I'm just all nostalgic for the days when you could spam Reflega and your problems would melt away. lol.
I don't have Superglide, though, so I'll try that. Where in particular do you find it?
That one room right before the end with the seemingly endless waves of nobodies is what changed my opinion (for the better) of KHII/FM's battle system. I had to actually think about how to approach that fight with all of the tools I had available.
?I don't underatand how people can complain about the story, when it's the first KH that packs the whole plot since a several games to get into KH3.
Ugh, Critical Mode is a pain in the balls. Sora's Boss in the Notre Dame world was freakin insane, could barely get a hit in it just when psycho swinging about everywhere.
Definitely appreciate the challenge though. My usual strategy with KH games is to burn through them to (attempt to) take in the story, and then take on the hardest difficulty when unlocked and thoroughly explore the game mechanics properly now I'd be more familiar with them. 10 hours in so far and have just gotten to the Grid again. Great game.![]()
Picked this game up today, never played a Kingdom Hearts game before. I'm ready to be confused.
The Grid is fantastic. Hope you enjoy Critical. I'm a little demotivated, myself; I figure I'll finish the extra content on Proud and then finally move on to Critical.
Picked this game up today, never played a Kingdom Hearts game before. I'm ready to be confused.
You might want to check this out, as advised by someone else in this thread earlier. I used this, Wikipedia and the in-game Chronicles for the stories ... I'm still lost, but maybe you'll have more luck than me.
Don't worry. You're only missing out on the fan service.
Am definitely curious to see how difficult Proud is in relation to Normal and Critical, I went through the game first on the former and died quite a few times (could chalk that up to not having played a KH game for a while though).
Havingon a new game plus definitely helps make Critical a bit more tolerable, the game can still be a git at times that being said.all your previous Dream Eater creatures still with you
yeah it is one of those stories where you should take in a game at a time so as to not get lost, I get the story so far even with how convoluted it is.
I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 in a loooong time. I also never played Birth By Sleep. That certainly didn't help with me not understanding the story so far and not understanding the ending of Kingdom Hearts 3D.
Ah, now that you mention it, I remembered to ask:when you bring them to the new file, are their levels and link point boards reset? I am assuming they are.
The Dream Eater? I obtained a Tyranto Rex very late in the game because farming the necessary ingredients was rather difficult. One way is to use an Epic Fantasy and three Intrepid Fantasies. There are other ways to create stronger versions, but those require Fantasy ingredients as well.Where can I find the t-rex everybody is going on about. I am only on the part where you.return to traverse town
Yeah BBS was a really important game, along with 1,2 and COM. 358/2 can be skipped.
Where can I find the t-rex everybody is going on about. I am only on the part where you.return to traverse town