Big Papa Husker
Are there any saved games for the HD remix anywhere online? Are you able to transfer them or are they protected?
Re:CoM's much more easier. (imo) There's many more sleights that make the game much easier, Lethal Frame/Flame in particular makes boss battles with Sora rediculously easy.Maybe the remake will be easier, I found the 2D plain troublesome (especially when fighting Defenders). I'll play it when 1.5 HD Remix comes out.
Maybe the remake will be easier, I found the 2D plain troublesome (especially when fighting Defenders).
The 'trailer' for the GT Kingdom Hearts timeline goes up in an about an hour. Truly Square Enix style.
And here it is
Awesome. The Zelda Timeline video was great, I can't wait for this one.
So, how much new material was added to KH: Final Mix? I imagine not enough to justify the long localization wait for HD Remix.
- In addition to HD visuals, there are some changes with the character models and textures.
- Character balance changes (Sora loses STR & DEF, but has more AP).
- You use the right analog stick for camera controls. R3 reverts the camera to default position.
- Exclusive boss.
- A custom theme is available once you finish the game.
- A bunch of new cut-scenes.
- New abilities: EXP 0 (nullifies experience's gain) and Combo Master (lets you perform combos with interruption).
- Around 10 new heartless.
- Some special actions like "Talk" are utilized with triangle.
- Old heartless have their designs changed.
- English voices are reverted back to Japanese voices.
- 2 new weapons for each of the characters.
- Magic and Summon are each given a separate command.
- 10 new abilities.
- Trophy support.
- New difficulty setting.
- Remastered soundtrack.
- Option to skip cut-scenes.
- Keyblade balance changes.
- Around 10 new accessories were added.
- Item Synthesis has been expanded.
- New Ansem reports.
- New Gummi stuff.
- 1.5 HD's additions.
- Final Mix's additions.
But yeah, not really 6+ months content for big company like SE IMO. Biggest job is prolly with Days anyway if they changed the script at all.
Are there any saved games for the HD remix anywhere online? Are you able to transfer them or are they protected?
The 'trailer' for the GT Kingdom Hearts timeline goes up in an about an hour. Truly Square Enix style.
And here it is
Nice to see that they're putting this much effort into it. Metal Gear Solid next please.The 'trailer' for the GT Kingdom Hearts timeline goes up in an about an hour. Truly Square Enix style.
And here it is
Still gives me chills.
And that's Kingdom Hearts II beaten
The battle system is great, much faster and more fluid than the first game.
Back when I first played it, I wondered why we didn't fight everyone from Organization XIII. Knowing what happened in CoM now, it all makes sense.
The Secret Ansem Reports do help fill in a lot of details. Not exactly a fan of telling video game stories through datalogs though... especially after FFXIII (it's going to hurt if Lightning shows up in KH3).
I attempted getting the secret movie. Completely filled the Synth notes up. I just couldn't beat the Hades Cup though... at least YouTube exists, and I know the movie is all about BbS.
Next up: Following the adventures of Roxas, Xion, and Axel during the year Sora was sleeping. ... Once I get my copy in that is.
Prepare for the worst game in the series![]()
I thought that was Re:Coded?
Seems the DS games aren't too well-liked.
I have whined about this before but DS isn't suited for 3D KH experience. It should have been a 2d game like CoM/TWEWY imo.
I think the general consensus is that Re:Coded has better gameplay and Days has better (or at least less useless) story. Also there was the problem that BBS released a year later and it made Days seem like they didn't even try.
Interesting. I know a lot of people write off Re:Coded as filler outside of the endings. I'll still try it down the road, after I finish BbS, but I'll still be weary.
they didn't even try.
Interesting. I know a lot of people write off Re:Coded as filler outside of the endings. I'll still try it down the road, after I finish BbS, but I'll still be weary.
I bring good news Frank!
1.5 HD ReMIX is coming out on September 13th for PAL regions, so the wait isn't as long as we thought it would be, still got a few months to go though, but at least it's not in October/November/December like most of us were expecting.
Edit: Should have known someone would have already posted a thread on the main gaming forum already.
The artbook looks nice.
Going to be the size of the PS3 box and only be 30-some pages with 3D renders.
Really? That's much better than I expected. I expected something similar to the one that was in Code of Princess. Cheap and short.
Ok, then:Going to be the size of the PS3 box and only be 30-some pages with 3D renders.
soonnot so
A whole 158/2 days, wow.
Now, this isn’t your traditional video game artbook. First off, the artwork will feature your favorite characters in the history of anything – Sora, Riku, Donald Duck, Goofy, other iconic Disney characters, and much more.
Poor Frank, still a long wait![]()
soonnot so
Gotta milk that pre-order bonus for all it's worth.They said the artbook was 24 pages on the blog. That is.... "tiny", they worded it kinda in a way it was going to be big, certainly not 24 pages.
They said the artbook was 24 pages on the blog. That is.... "tiny", they worded it kinda in a way it was going to be big, certainly not 24 pages.
Fucking called it.
For shame, SE. FOR. SHAME.