Seven Force
Protip: Aqua can jump cancel out of successful guards, so you can potentially pull off some neat juggle silliness:

Master Xehanort is Luxu's apprentice with No Name. That keyblade is meant to allow the Master of Masters to see the future.
Also earlier on it was said that the only way to bring the master back was to summon kingdom hearts, something Xehanort has been trying to do the whole series.
Protip: Aqua can jump cancel out of successful guards, so you can potentially pull off some neat juggle silliness:
I'm wondering if drives are just going to become command styles for Sora in KH3
I guess there was some screenshots of Sora doing a combo move with Goofy, so maybe they just combined Drives with Limits. This is going bythe wayfinder style that Aqua has with Mickey
master of masters has to be xehanort in some nomura way
It's crazy how well the magic tracks in this game.
It's crazy how well the magic tracks in this game.
playing DDD after 0.2 and magic feels so bad lol.
It's crazy how well the magic tracks in this game.
playing DDD after 0.2 and magic feels so bad lol.
It's crazy how well the magic tracks in this game.
playing DDD after 0.2 and magic feels so bad lol.
Which is an odd thing to say considering Sora's accomplishments, but being self-taught probably places unknown limits on one's potential.
I expect it would. We've already seen blizzard used for a grind rail in KH3, as well as fire magic tracking towards Water Cores in Olympus.Yeah, I really dig the tracking, although I assume it won't feature in KH3 (outside of maybe playable Aqua). It makes sense for the 'mage' character, but it would be weird AF on Sora.
Protip: Aqua can jump cancel out of successful guards, so you can potentially pull off some neat juggle silliness:
Yeah, I really dig the tracking, although I assume it won't feature in KH3 (outside of maybe playable Aqua). It makes sense for the 'mage' character, but it would be weird AF on Sora.
I expect it would. We've already seen blizzard used for a grind rail in KH3, as well as fire magic tracking towards Water Cores in Olympus.
actually i believe it will be, Sora magic in the trailers looks to be as good as Aqua magic in 0.2.
attraction flow pop up icon and the duration mark is same as the situation command in 0.2..
Something is happening To meI actually just re-watched the E3 2015 trailer and holy fuck that entire conversation isjust about Back Cover. I screamed when Xehanort looked at No Name and said "The future has already been written" like YAS BITCH THERE'S AN EYE IN THERE
went back and watched the KH3 trailers..
attraction flow pop up icon and the duration mark is same as the situation command in 0.2..
He pops it up right away in the trailer without any prerequisite but obviously this was edited out trailer so who knows how exactly we activate it..
I actually just re-watched the E3 2015 trailer and holy fuck that entire conversation isjust about Back Cover. I screamed when Xehanort looked at No Name and said "The future has already been written" like YAS BITCH THERE'S AN EYE IN THERE
Protip: Aqua can jump cancel out of successful guards, so you can potentially pull off some neat juggle silliness:
Around 1:45 I see Sora is sliding on his ice spell like Aqua.
went back and watched the KH3 trailers..
attraction flow pop up icon and the duration mark is same as the situation command in 0.2..
He pops it up right away in the trailer without any prerequisite but obviously this was edited out trailer so who knows how exactly we activate it..
This has a PS4 Pro mode? What does it do to the game? Native 4k or something?
Unlocks the FPS, runs at about 40-45 on average
Dont think expecting native 4K is feasible for 0.2
Supposedly a much higher resolution doe nobody has confirmed what exactly.Oh, but what about DDD?
Oh, but what about DDD?
What difficulty were you on?The last boss didn't give me that much trouble, only took 2 attempts @ l58 or so.There's just a lot of waiting around for him to go yellow. Knowing about Mickey's QTE in the beginning part makes it go pretty quick. The freefalling for 45 seconds or whatever is the only annoying bit.
He uses Flowmotion right after. I wish Flowmotion was in 0.2. Would have worked considering it's in DDD as well but I guess it would have required too much testing.
Just finished 0.2. I'm so disappointed with all of the pre-recorded cutscenes, I hope they don't go this route in KH III.
I don't mind pre-recorded cutscenes if it means we get higher quality cutscenes. I actually prefer pre-recorded ones.
Just beat the secret boss and it wasn't that hard.. wait what there is more? FUCK.
If they also intent to got for the character customization route in KH III I really hope they don't use pre-recorded cutscenes.
some of the cutscenes in 0.2 was real-time but still didn't show the custimzation look which makes me feel it's intentional choice.
It's quite debated but many people don't like customization stuff showing up on the cutscenes. If they decide to do it, I hope at least there is an option since I also don't like customization showing up on the cutscenes.
What difficulty were you on?
Are we sure the game completion rewards of PS4 themes is an error and that SE isn't just trying to just cheat people of 4 bucks per theme?
0.2's last boss is the worst (non optional) designed boss in the entire series, by far. Everything about that fight reeks of bad design, and figuring out how to even survive, let alone damage the final phase is obtuse as all hell. Every single one of Aqua's defensive and mobility options are nigh useless in that last fight.
It's like the entire fight was designed with Birth by Sleep's mechanics and options (infinte cartwheel spam, access to more than one cast of Cure at a time without a full recharge, etc.) in mind and they just didn't bother balancing it.
0.2's last boss is the worst (non optional) designed boss in the entire series, by far. Everything about that fight reeks of bad design, and figuring out how to even survive, let alone damage the final phase is obtuse as all hell. Every single one of Aqua's defensive and mobility options are nigh useless in that last fight.
It's like the entire fight was designed with Birth by Sleep's mechanics and options (infinte cartwheel spam, access to more than one cast of Cure at a time without a full recharge, etc.) in mind and they just didn't bother balancing it.