So should we expect all 545 proud mode missions to be available from the get-go? (Locked, obviously, but)
Terra and Aqua outfits don't give cost nodes right?
So uh
After some messing around we figured out the the actual condition is that boost medals have to be guilted, but what the hell is that condition supposed to mean? For the record, a guilted DiZ (which is tier 2) was allowed.
I was confused myself when I did it, but an idea just came to me. Maybe it has to be guilted and boost the general/elemental attack/defense by 3 tiers?
then why is christmas sora allowed
why is diz allowed
we went over this in discord, the condition is written like shit
It means 3 orbs, not Guilt tier 3. You know those little pips you get as you fuse same medals? You need medals with 3 of them.
Is it just me or was meowjesty nerfed in proud mode?
It takes 100 electrum to max out one proud mode keyblade. So you can max out a keyblade whenever you get a new one in proud mode, but some of the later quests may be far harder than the previous. So save your stuff unless you're certainAs someone who's been F2P like, the whole game, I'm shocked at how "hard but fair" the proud mode quests have been. Granted those event medals make this entire thing SUPER possible, but once you get past guilt reqs on the first three quests the whole endeavor plays into the game's biggest strength: the puzzle aspect of setting up a good goddamn deck for the situation.
Which honestly makes me think that, like, the first couple hundred or so of normal mode quests are so boring purely because it's a relatively linear climb up to the top. Yet that can't be helped because a player's toolset at that point is super-limited...
And the worst part about this addition being legitimately fun is all the miles and miles of crap you have to sludge through just to be able to even come CLOSE to playing in it.
Quest 13 to, like, quest 18 I think? requires MoG to be at a pretty high level. Not +25, but close. That requires not only clearing the MoG materials quests but MASTERING them to get as many materials as possible.
But to do consistently well on those quests (without spending oodles of jewels on continues), you need at LEAST two, maybe even three high-level keyblades. +25 each and every one. And most likely a very competent friend medal to boot!
But to do THAT, you need to clear the Adamantite quests, which are raw power and APP checks. APP, specifically, is only obtainable during specific promotions and might as well be a limited resource. It helps if you just make one keyblade SUPER good and use it to clear multiple keyblades' quests to hoard the material, but a new player to the game would probably dedicate the Adamantite they get to the keyblades they received them for...
And of course to do THAT requires sludging through story mode, playing a couple of months, making multiple pulls, succeeding in obtaining multiple event medals and leveling to at LEAST 200 in order to nab cost nodes for your keyblades. Oh, and don't forget the premium boards! (which are admittedly infinitely easier to get now that they're cheap as all get-out)
It's a lot of 'ugh' to go through just to have fun for once in this game...
Anyways, I'm at quest 25 now in Proud Mode, and I just realized.
5+10+15+20=50 quests, 50 pieces of Electrum in order to hit +20 with Sleeping Lion, right? But the next 25 quests will... give 25 pieces, and if it costs 5 each to go from +20 to +25... that leaves 25 pieces of Electrum either left over OR spent on SL in order to bring it up to +30.
FAKE EDIT: Fuck, never mind. Going from 20 to 25 costs 10 Electrum each level, not 5...
There aren't any medals that heal without attacking?These descriptions are indeed pretty silly. "Only special attacks that deal 1 or fewer hits allowed"
Fewer than 1? So are there medals in this game that don't attack at all? Just automagically suck HP off enemies without so much as a touch?![]()
They all attack once lol.There aren't any medals that heal without attacking?
The slots on a keyblade have multipliers that boost a medal's attack power when slotted correctly. A glowing blue slot will boost a Magic (Blue) medal's power. It has nothing to do with leveling the medal or its skill. You can freely use any medal in a slot but not matching the color (and later, Upright and Reverse properties) will not boost the medal's power.Does it matter if I use a speed medal or power medal on something for a magic medal?
Do you just get more exp if it matches it's own medal type or what? I don't entirely understand how it works.
Also just beat quest 200 and guilted my Classic Donald to 85%
I can raise it more right (I have a few more 5 star Classic Donalds) or does once it get a percentage, you can no longer get it higher?
If you're asking about leveling up a medal using other medals, then yes, using the same color medal gives an experience boost. Mostly you only want to use Huey, Dewey, or Louie medals to level your other medals up. Matching the color will give a boost, but using any of them gives a good amount of XP.Does it matter if I use a speed medal or power medal on something for a magic medal?
Do you just get more exp if it matches it's own medal type or what? I don't entirely understand how it works.
The slots on a keyblade have multipliers that boost a medal's attack power when slotted correctly. A glowing blue slot will boost a Magic (Blue) medal's power. It has nothing to do with leveling the medal or its skill. You can freely use any medal in a slot but not matching the color (and later, Upright and Reverse properties) will not boost the medal's power.
Yes, it can go up but the chance of it going higher will be the same as that of a fresh guilt. But at least it can never go back down (if the "reroll" process would have netted you a 47 when you already have 70, the guilt will remain at 70).
Cool thanks!If you're asking about leveling up a medal using other medals, then yes, using the same color medal gives an experience boost. Mostly you only want to use Huey, Dewey, or Louie medals to level your other medals up. Matching the color will give a boost, but using any of them gives a good amount of XP.
What level starlight are people using to 3 mickey the proud mode quests?
Long since jumped ship since I couldn't handle the grind, but the movie in 2.8 got me curious enough to jump back in and ask: any chance the end is even vaguely in sight yet, even in the Japanese version? Or heck, has the plot really moved much in general? (Got out around when the multiplayer update and stuff were first announced. The latest thing I can firmly remember happening is the start of the Beauty and the Beast world).
Looks like we're getting our first tier 5 guilt medal tomorrow. Guaranteed 1 after 5 pulls I think. No guarantee of pips on the new medal.
Another 0 AP event is on the horizon too.
I have yet to guilt a tier 4... The most pips I have on a tier 4 is 2...
Alice and cat medal event on the horizon too.
I'm tempted to go for the Key Art medal. 2 gauges, AoE, Deals 4 hits, Lowers targets Magic-based defense by 2 tiers for 1 turn. Sebastian SP1* + this Key Art + Moana + 2x 100% Donald sounds like tons of damage.
However, I think I'll hold strong for iKairi 2 because it is going to be so incredible.
*I'm slowly inching towards top 10k for SP1. I'm at stage 62 right now and in the 11,300s. I'm scared I'll get stonewalled JUST before the threshold.