What is this mercy you guys are talking about? Is it an ability? I haven't played in too long.
What is this mercy you guys are talking about? Is it an ability? I haven't played in too long.
What is this mercy you guys are talking about? Is it an ability? I haven't played in too long.
I see, I didn't know that's what it was called.
Anyway, (on the JP account) I have two Second Chances skills; which kind of medal would be a good one to use it on? I was thinking for example of Alice (as she's already a "support" medal with her reset), or something along those line. Do you guys have any advice?
I would not throw medals at all considering the point you are at. The reason for that is because of Proud Mode and Nova. Just expand your inventory space instead. 200-300 is a pretty safe amount for mostWould anyone mind giving me some advice on which medals to keep (and equip) and what to throw away? I got a bunch with the free Jewels and I'm not sure what's worth to use. You'll probably notice it's the JP version, and the ones with the yellow writing are the ones that are currently equipped, in case it's not clear.
I see, thanks for the info. I'll just start upgrading my inventory space then, so that I can keep them all without trouble.
Shame the half-off storage increase sale ended last night.
Discount still works for me.
So Anniversary tomorrow?
Or next week?
I wonder if android users will get any bonus jewels for the iOS issues since I'm assuming they're going to give some out.
I bring you news from across the sea, my friends. While us saps in global wait for KH Kairi 2, Japan has just gotten their hands on a medal that makes her look as useless as a guilted Abu. Gentlemen, feast your eyes on the future:
AOE, buffs Gen ATK by 6 tiers and PSM by 1 tier, debuffs GDD and PSM by 1 tier all for one turn. Also greatly recovers HP. All for the low low price of 2 gauges. This medal will be the difference between being competitive in the game and being a nobody for the forseable future. So start saving those jewels.
I don't think they can differentiate between iOS and Android users on a mass scale... if they want to gift iOS users jewels for the fuck-up they'll have to give it to all players, right? Then again, they successfully sent extra mirrors to those who only bought that one weekly unlock a while ago.
JP's first Anniversary Countdown event involved beating Golden Tricholomas to complete challenges that were doled out daily. The main reward given out were Broom Servants.
Hm, I dunno how I did it but I actually managed to beat Maleficent 13. And 14, I had way less trouble with 14!
Excluding Moogle o' Glory, what keyblades do most people level up first? I got my Divine Rose and Olympia to 25 and now I have enough adamantite to level another one that far, so I was wondering if I should move on to Starlight or just hold on to it for the moment. I just dumped several months' worth of currency in FF Record Keeper into the anniversary event and came away with hot garbage, so I think I'm going to focus a lot more on this game going forward......unless of course this one screws me in its anniversary event too.
Excluding Moogle o' Glory, what keyblades do most people level up first? I got my Divine Rose and Olympia to 25 and now I have enough adamantite to level another one that far, so I was wondering if I should move on to Starlight or just hold on to it for the moment. I just dumped several months' worth of currency in FF Record Keeper into the anniversary event and came away with hot garbage, so I think I'm going to focus a lot more on this game going forward......unless of course this one screws me in its anniversary event too.
I use treasure trove the since my most "powerful" medals are power medals. I sometimes use olympia when my power medals need an extra boost along with the extra gauges.
I've got 4 100% Meowjesties... Do I combine one to try to get an ability on one during the awakening...?
I have a boosted and unboosted Classic Donald, both guilted. I plan to use the uboosted as a trait when Union happens.
One of the traits is literally +1000 str, so if that's gotten, that's a big win, even the other traits are pretty good. Well except the Resistance traits. Those are pretty lame.
Knowing the RNG in this game, I'll only get the resistance traits...
Magic mirror daily quests start tomorrow!
Magic mirror daily quests start tomorrow!
Good to hear, congratsI screwed around and somehow beat 14 yesterday too, so we both came out okay in the end! Got crushed on 15 though, but I got my extra Maleficent medal that I can hold onto until Union X.
Oh, I can't wait for the end of this month, totally gonna slap that AB3M&SP2 on Xigbar B. Shame I have no chance of placing in the top 1k, would love to put another on iBnB or Herc&Phil.
Oh, I can't wait for the end of this month, totally gonna slap that AB3M&SP2 on Xigbar B. Shame I have no chance of placing in the top 1k, would love to put another on iBnB or Herc&Phil.
Coliseum is harder this month I think...
I peaked in the 150's this month while I peaked in the 180's last month...
The question is where I use my ABIV...
I have a 100% WoFF Squall with ABIII max and meowjesty... Choices...
What stage has the most Mal B drops? is it only 15?
According to the notice, only the target enemy of quest 15 give Mal B drops. And rarely, usually it's a fucking Moogle or nothing (raise your Item Drop perk!).
According to the notice, only the target enemy of quest 15 give Mal B drops. And rarely, usually it's a fucking Moogle or nothing (raise your Item Drop perk!).