Level up and feed one 3* into the other. You'll notice that small empty dot becomes filled with a yellow one if you're doing it right.
There is an extensive help section in Menu > Other > Help.
awesome, thanks!
Level up and feed one 3* into the other. You'll notice that small empty dot becomes filled with a yellow one if you're doing it right.
There is an extensive help section in Menu > Other > Help.
Not for me.
When I go to feed one into the other as I level up its the option to feed one into the other is greyed out.
My max is 26, I ran one of the 20 AP daily dungeons right before the raid boss message popped up.How have you run out of AP? Everything is half-cost and you level quickly so it's always getting refilled.
If you merge a medal with one that has an ability like poison or paralysis does that carry over to the new medal you merged it with or does it go away.
Chance to.
(it's low and sucks and you don't want to do it)
LOL Unicorn just lost in Japan.
LOL Unicorn just lost in Japan.
Anyone know if Cid/Chip/Dale medals transfer?
For example, let's say I feed all of my Cid/Chip/Dale medals into a 0 skill-up 6* medal.
Now I have a different 6* medal (same character) with 3 skill-ups. It would make sense to feed the 0 skill-up into the 3 skill-up version (assuming you can only get one skill-up).
Are all of the Cid/Chip/Dale medals on the first 6* now lost? Or do they transfer to the second?
1408 Lux for 3 AP
The grind is real.
A kingdom hearts game with story pacing issues? Imagine that.Yes its very smooth to switch between the two.
Well I'm on mission 150 right now and nothing of note has happened besides Chirithy mentioning the prophecy and the five forebearers. That's it. Maybe it gets good later, but so far the story has been pretty uneventful.
LOL Unicorn just lost in Japan.
I saw some article that in Japan they are ending the service for this game in September is this true? And why?
They're ending service for the browser game, not mobile. Can't say I know why, though.
Finally got enough for my 10 medal pull:
It's a huge upgrade to what I had before.
Nice i really like Tifa one, her damage are very high on single target for speed.
Edit : i didn't hit the wall yet, but i'm pretty sure the game will became way more harder later... how many quest mission there is ?
Nice i really like Tifa one, her damage are very high on single target for speed.
Edit : i didn't hit the wall yet, but i'm pretty sure the game will became way more harder later... how many quest mission there is ?
I haven't played a KH since 2 (and a bit of BBS). Should I catchup with anything?
For this game, what little story there is takes place before any other games in the series, so nothing's needed.
Oh how I wish 1.5 and 2.5 had been for PS4 x.x my PS3 was borked before the PS4 launch, I was somewhat happy to be moving to a new gen because of that, then the HD Remixes just had to be for PS3 =( couldn't even get a Vita treatment >.<
Edit: And on that last note, I'll always be annoyed that BBS didn't get a digital release, also because of Vita lol.
Blame Utada Hikaru or whoever made the deal that her songs can't be distributed digitally.
Tetsuya Nomura said to Dengeki in a Dissidia 012[duodecim]: Final Fantasy interview that he does not want any misunderstandings. The problem does not lie with Square Enix, Disney or Hikaru Utada who performed the games theme song. "Its difficult because of a reason I cannot say," Nomura explained.
Me!if anyone is looking to join a Unicornis party let me know, plenty of space left.
Finally got enough for my 10 medal pull:
It's a huge upgrade to what I had before.
invite sentMe!
ID: 200604
Is it possible to farm evolution medals anywhere in the story?
As someone who loves the main kingdom hearts games, would I like this?
As someone who loves the main kingdom hearts games, would I like this?
YesDo Huey, Dewey and Louie give more EXP if they match the color of the Medal they're upgrading?
I feel like I'm missing something to how they're intended to be used.
if anyone is looking to join a Unicornis party let me know, plenty of space left.
I'm not able to kill everything in 1 turn anymorefeels bad man