Wind's Howling
Damn the quest in the Cradle of Summer where that necklace is cursed!!
Damn the quest in the Cradle of Summer where that necklace is cursed!!
Damn the quest in the Cradle of Summer where that necklace is cursed!!
Point to the spot on the doll where the bad elves touched you.
This quest was simultaneously hysterical and goddamn annoying.
So, do you all recommend JUST playing the main line quests and not the side quests?
Mmmm,ok,I got the Gnash quest now,i'll go and try him when I reach level 14 and see how that goes,I didn't have any problems so far in the game,except that Ballads some good chackrams and all...maybe my Robe sucks...also I don't roll anymore,I kinda teleport around,I liked rolling better even though it's a little slower lol.
Have not laughed this hard in a VERY long time.
Pretty much all the abilities seem useless. The knives/magic thing for finnesse does terrible damage and nowhere near as useful as the charged arrows shot. The dash behind's attack does garbage damage.
The abilities do not scale well at all. It turns into Dynasty Warriors very quickly because it's the most effective to just hammer it on. Even the mastery stuff is mostly useless for Finesse.
Can someone tell me how many backpacks are in the game and where I can get them? My inventory limit is 100 at the moment and it's full, well almost, I have room for 5 more items![]()
Me too. I'm with that other guy.
Fuck elves.
So I been taking screen shots of every unique I've found along the way. Love the designs :3
Those freaking plants that snap at you are going to give me a heart attack.
After I haven't seen one for a while I forget about them, then BAM! I jump three feet.
It doesn't help that I play about four feet away from my 40" TV.
So I'm feeling a bit sick of skyrim, and I'm wanting something that I might enjoy ins similar way.... I'm pretty sure this is that game because the combat being fun seems just about exactly all I need, but just wondering if any other skyrim nuts would recommend this game?
I should probably just jump into the demo and try it out for myself ay.
Just reached the part with that Tresh surrounded by boggarts but I did not know that I could not use Reckoning while being cursed. I was screwed to say the least.
I'm currently stuck at Gnash, where basically if I get hit once I die which isn't particularly fun, especially since everything I have does elemental damage so it's taking me twice as long to do any damage. Plus, I haven't really gotten used to when I can and can't dash out of combo moves, and a lot of times I'll throw out my chakrams and instead of being able to dodge away from a big swing, I just stand there like an idiot waiting for the chakrams to come back. Meanwhile the troll is pounding the hell out of me. Also the larger enemies have that same tendency I saw in Dark Souls where they'll wind up their attack facing one way, but if you dodge a milisecond too soon they can do a 180 and finish their attack facing a completely different way and hit you, and that's kind of annoying.
I want to like it, but I feel like it's very similar to Skyrim in a lot of ways and I think I'm going to burn out on this a lot quicker since I haven't fully recovered from Skyim. That's not really the game's fault, but I think like Skyrim this suffers from just too much to do. The combat is different enough and enjoyable when I'm not getting smacked around by large enemies, but the questing is very similar and so far none of the story/characters have really made me care about anything in the world. I mean, I don't even listen to the Lorestones when I activate them, I just hit them for the XP then keep going on.
Can someone tell me how many backpacks are in the game and where I can get them? My inventory limit is 100 at the moment and it's full, well almost, I have room for 5 more items![]()
Oh, fuck me. Just did the trials at the Proving Grounds in Klurikon last night, lol. Not one, not two, but three of those bastards at the same time in the first round. Well, after dying 3-4 times, I guess I finally got them down now too.The guy I still have problems with is that Crudok (giant poison-spewing scorpion thing)...
Blinking (teleport evade) is better than rolling since it allows you to evade through enemies and objects. Once you get it leveled up to Ice Blink you start adding freezing effect to the mix. Just take a couple of seconds to get used to the timing of using it for evasion and attack cancelling.
As for Gnash and your Robes, I don't craft any armor and just use what the game drops for me. I'm very fragile as a pure sorcerer (can be one hit killed if I'm not looking at the screen) but the game provides you with more than enough options to deal with pretty much any situation. If you think a fight is too hard, don't be shy to use Reckoning mode.
Remember that last boss fight you mentioned earlier? I used Reckoning right at the start, got rid of all the sprites very early and just had to fight the main guy on his own after Reckoning mode was over. Yes, it can be tricky to evade spell attacks when you're still not used to them so in that case just sprint around in circle till they finish casting then attack them.
From what I am reading,the people saying the game is easy aren't playing a full Sorcery character...Bosses are hard as hell,even on normal...don't touch the difficulty in this game devs,the Hard mode is there for the superstars,normal is fine.
From what I am reading,the people saying the game is easy aren't playing a full Sorcery character...Bosses are hard as hell,even on normal...don't touch the difficulty in this game devs,the Hard mode is there for the superstars,normal is fine.
I found an area that's impossible to get to:
Just south of Tirin
The map clearly shows an explorable area but this...
... is blocking the path. It's not a hidden door, no prompt or text of any kind comes up.
There's also a similar looking stone on the eastern wall of the forsaken plains that looks like it should lead to a cave, and another in Webwood or Haxi that has a grate behind it you can see if you get the camera positioned right.
I'm also hoping that the DLC will have enemies 4 levels higher than me and a good number of persuasion options because those are the only two trophies I need and I don't want to start another playthrough.
From what I am reading,the people saying the game is easy aren't playing a full Sorcery character...Bosses are hard as hell,even on normal...don't touch the difficulty in this game devs,the Hard mode is there for the superstars,normal is fine.
Since it sounds like you already stepped into Detyre having down the House of Valor/Warsworn quests, I'd recommend pursuing the gnome templar. Apparently, the area scales to the level you entered the area in, so if you leave now and level up elsewhere, Detyre is gonna be even easier than it was before.Level 22 now and I think I'm hitting the patch of game where it gets too easy. Split between might / sorcery I've only done like 5-10% of the sidequests I've stumbled across but I've completed the House of Ballads, House of Valor, and Warsworn quests and now just ripping through most enemies without much effort. Relentless assault is insane when you level it up, especially since you can spam potions if necessary.
I'm at the point of the main quest where. Does the game get more difficult in the second half or will I be wrecking everything going forward?I'm pointed at helping the elven general or tracking down the gnome justicar
Actually you're in a pretty decent spot given that the game guide just came out, if that's your thing I'd recommend grabbing the guide given how awesome FuturePress ended up delivering on it. Can't wait to get home and see the thing.
Maybe you need to max your your Detect skill?
To be honest, being terrible as a Sorcery build is pretty much on the player and not the game. It's definitely the easiest of the three trees. I guess I'm not doing something right,I was cruising along until these 2 fights but Gnarsh and that second guy in the House of Ballads quest are really hard for me at level 14...I'll try and find better chackrams,make more potions,pause the game to drink some buff potions and try at level 15...otherwise,it`s down on easy for me.
I'm about to sell 55 unique weapons/armor pieces, I'm gonna get a heart attack![]()
So while I'm having fun, this game suffers from the same thing every game in this genre suffers - piling on the most random sidequests when I'm supposed to be "saving the world". Why don't game designers just throw out the "main story" or simply blend it in with the rest of the world. If you want to do it great, if not, great, either way I won't feel weird for stopping to help this cursed wolf when I should be off to war.
I understand I don't have to do anything or can save it for after the game is finished, but realistically who plays a game like that? Stack content over here for later that will be obsolete/meaningless by then. It's not an immersion or roleplaying thing for me, but it's the same thing that turned me off from Oblivion way back when. There are portals opening with demons flooding to destroy the world, but I can ignore them for 90 hours and be a vampire. Alright. So why even have portals, just give me an open world to play around in!
Anyway, this game is great to play and that's all that matters in the end. I just wonder how real fans of this genre put up with that stuff game after game.
We have to populate the world with people that need your help, otherwise we just make "Common Peasant of Amalur, the RPG!!" and you tend a shop for the entire game.
I'd actually buy that DLC "Tend a Shop" basically you just have a sad little shop and deal with entitled customers bitching about the horse armor they purchased from you lol. Seriously do it.We have to populate the world with people that need your help, otherwise we just make "Common Peasant of Amalur, the RPG!!" and you tend a shop for the entire game.
I was just about to do this quest. I think I'll come back to it later...Damn the quest in the Cradle of Summer where that necklace is cursed!!