Just finished. LOVED it.
Spoilery thoughts:
Spoilery thoughts:
-I really thought the two princesses were going to end up being two halves of a whole, and at the end they would be fused into the true Valanice. Maybe East and West Kolyma would be reunited. I was shocked when I actually ended up with Nisse and Vee was left with an ice hand. Going to replay it tomorrow and see what happens if I end up with Vee.
-Oh, Manny, what are you planning? I'm going with Manny is Manannan from KQ3 and Morden is Mordack from KQ5. (Oh. I just looked up a picture of Mordack, and yeah, that's so right.)
-Loved seeing Whisper and Acorn again, and seeing the townsfolk as their young selves.
-Cedric! SO many callbacks in this game.
-Oh, Manny, what are you planning? I'm going with Manny is Manannan from KQ3 and Morden is Mordack from KQ5. (Oh. I just looked up a picture of Mordack, and yeah, that's so right.)
-Loved seeing Whisper and Acorn again, and seeing the townsfolk as their young selves.
-Cedric! SO many callbacks in this game.