Kirby's Block Ball is possibly the greatest version of Break-Out I''ve ever played (I haven't played a lot though

) and is much more than worth it at $3.
Kirby's Pinball Land, I'm not very fond of. It's good, but not great. I'd probably say it's worth exactly $4, heh. It's a fine purchase, and you should get it too, but get Block Ball first. KPL should have been $3 too
I got both of these back after they came out in the '90s (got Pinball in '94 and then Block Ball in '97), and my thinking at the time was the opposite of this. Sure, Block Ball was a good breakout game, but I didn't think it was quite as amazing a game as Pinball Land is... I'd still stick with that, I think. Both are really good games though, certainly. But I do think Pinball Land is the better of the two, and Nintendo's best 8-bit pinball game for sure... (no, Pokemon Pinball wasn't that good, I thought. Revenge of the Gator and NES Pinball are good, but Kirby Pinball beats both.)
I feel Superstar has spoiled me, it's so tough to play some of the older Kirby games thanks to that fast paced style it had. That and how they developed the powers and gave them additional attacks...
Huh? The only really slow paced Kirby games are Kirby 3 and Kirby 64, both of which postdate Kirby Super Star...
Adventure is actually rather fast-paced, almost up there with Super Star.
All three 8-bit games have a very similar, quick pace. Why they changed that in Kirby 3, and actually kept it in Kirby 64, I have no idea, but it was a pretty bad idea. Those two games are far too slow, it makes them less interesting than most of the others.
My favorite is still Kirby's Dream Land 2. Favorite music is from Superstar. Gotta love that Gourmet Race
I agree, Kirby 2 has always been my favorite game in the series as well. On a related note, my favorite spinoff is Kirby Pinball. Amazing, amazing games, both of them.
I felt that Dreamland 2 was a huge step down from adventure due to the same pacing, and after Superstar, I really couldn't go back, so I didn't much care for Dreamland 3 or Kirby 64. Amazing Mirror, despite its frustrating one way doors, was the first Kirby (platforming) game after Superstar that I really enjoyed.
Dreamland, Dreamland 2, and Crystal Shards all form something of a Kirby B series with similar design featuring slow gameplay, low challenge, mostly horizontal level design with little use for Kirby's flight (which was even removed from 64), collectible stars, a number of different blocks that each require different powers to break, and an overwhelming number of abilities which are more interested in getting a laugh than being useful in gameplay.
... Kirby 2's pacing is nothing at all like 3 or 64's, though... it's the same as Kirby 1, and Adventure too. No real differences in pacing or movement speed I can think of between the three games. I think they're all great.
Also, Dream Land 1 is actually one of the harder games in the series, if you play it in Extra mode and reduce your max healthbar in the secret options menu... and it doesn't have powers, either. Do you mean Kirby 2, 3, and 64? I assume that's what you mean. But no, while I can see how Kirby 3 and 64 expanded on Kirby 2 in some ways -- it took Kirby 2's power selection and added to it (more friends in 3, power combination for the same result in 64), for instance, and added far more stuff to collect -- basically, I think that Kirby 2 got the balance just right. There are a good number of powers,b unot too many; I like the combination (or power/power+friend) system, I think it's better than Adventure and Super Star's system of having lots of one-time-use or special powers. I think 2's system of having just these core powers that you can then combine with a friend for a different effect is a better system. Of course 3 and 64 have lots of other problems, most notably in their glacial pacing due to how slow Kirby is, and in 64's removing infinite flight (Kirby can fly, just not forever), so I certainly wouldn't take either one of those two over Adventure overall, but still, I do like their powers system more.
Oh yeah, and 64 has a lot of challenge if you want to get all of the shards, which you have to do to fight the real final boss. Some are pretty tricky to get.
Will Adeleine ever make at least a cameo appearance in a future Kirby game?
Hopefully, it's too bad that they've removed her. No female characters in Return to Dream Land...
He's considered the absolute worst character in Melee along with Pichu. Slow, weak, no range, no priority, ultra nerfed specials. Not that it stops me from playing him, though. He's pretty decent in Brawl, go figure.
Also, I completely missed Kirby back when I was a kid. I got into Kirby as an adult with Air Ride and Adventure.
Kirby may have been completely nerfed to uselessness in Melee, but he was far and away the best character in the first SSB...