cajunator said:This game is just incredibly fun. Old school Kirby/Nintendo platforming joy. So many cute details, so much great music, and the art style works wonderfully for Kirby. the new powerup abilities are awesome as ever, and the ability to play co-op just puts the icing on it. BUY THIS FUCKING GAME IF YOU LIKE KIRBY.
cajunator said:This game is just incredibly fun. Old school Kirby/Nintendo platforming joy. So many cute details, so much great music, and the art style works wonderfully for Kirby. the new powerup abilities are awesome as ever, and the ability to play co-op just puts the icing on it. BUY THIS FUCKING GAME IF YOU LIKE KIRBY.
He doesn't really get any defensive abilites, but added sword attacks like a dashing slice and such add a little versatility. Then he also throws his kunai extremely fast.udivision said:Did the fix the lack of defense problem?
Superstar Ninja couldn't take a hit.
Dark Schala said:I've been playing this for quite a while today and I'm definitely having a lot of fun with it. It's Kirby as I remember it, with a few new power-ups. Tornado is pretty broken, but I guess that's the usual thing. I kind of think Kirby's running speed should be a bit faster (being able to turn into a speedy car in Epic Yarn and then coming back to the running speed in RtD is kind of disappointing... but when you get powerups and you can dash with them, that kind of makes up for it).
I agree with everyone saying the Water power-up is fun to use. It's nice to blast through a level with it.
I really like the level design too, encouraging the player to explore to find the gears. But sometimes some of the gears are inaccessible because you don't have the right power-up sometimes (though this is probably to encourage replayability).
A lot of the music is great so far too. I'm only at World 4, but I like a lot of what I've heard so far. I admit that I like the Epic Yarn artstyle a little more, but I really like the abundance of colour in Nintendo titles. Playing Return to Dreamland and looking at the level aesthetic is a pure joy for me.
Question: I did not pick up Mass Attack. Worth it? (ie: the real question is: how is it gameplay-wise and level design-wise?)
Thanks a lot for the thorough impressions! I especially like the bolded. I might pick it up soon or ask for it at the end of the year since it sounds great.Yuterald said:Mass Attack is really good. It plays more like a spiritual successor to Canvas Curse. It's entirely stylus based. It might not look like a traditional Kirby game, but it definitely feels like one. Gameplay-wise, it almost feels like a 2D Pikmin. You start the game with 1 Kirby and you can earn up to 10 total Kirbys by eating more food. The more Kirby's you have the more dangerous a stage becomes and there are achievement-like goals for finishing stages without taking damage/losing a Kirby. It's definitely the most challenging Kirby game I've played, especially if you are going for 100% game completion.
There are a ton of levels too, about 50 of them. It's really satisfying to group up on enemies with 10 Kirbys. There are also gimmicks and objects in the stages that require a certain amount of Kirbys to activate. Basically, the level design is varied and the overall game just feels unique. It's an incredibly refreshing experience. I was so surprised Hal Laboratory could still create a Kirby game that feels quite unlike anything before it.
He does. He just kind of jumps repeatedly, so no need to exhale to stop flying like Kirby and King Dedede.Ookami-kun said:Also, I take it playable Waddle Dee has no multi jump compared to Kirby, Dedede and Metaknight?
Yes, it's still a lot of fun even by yourself. It's kind of like how New Super Mario Bros. Wii was awesome both solo and multiplayer.The Lamp said:Is the game fun to play by yourself or does its strength lie in multiplayer? I really want this game but my friends are too "dudebro" to want to play this (literally they were like "that looks dumb, be a man and play Gears") so I'd probably have to play this by myself 8C
Why would you do that? said:Wow, I just found the best ability/weapon in the game. With it, I just beat the (something in nearly every Kirby game)on my very first try! The weapon isboss rushthe electricity. Shake the Wii Remote to charge up electricity. It doesn't matter if you're standing, flying or whatever. While you're charged. you will pretty much have a constant electric field around you that hurts enemies. Release your charge in an attack to deal tremendous damage to enemies, even if they're on the other side of the screen. Then you can quickly charge again. If the enemy's in the air, no problem. You have an attack that can easily hurt airborne enemies.
Hylian7 said:You can also charge it by hitting any direction on the D-pad, that's what all the "tick" noises you hear when you shake the Wiimote are. This ability was in Kirby Super Star, although it had even less functionality than it does in this game.
The special abilities that show up once every few levels that you only possess for a short time... Those are the only ones with unskippable attack cutscenes. But 1) personally, I thought it'd be annoying, but those abilities show up so rarely that it ends up being more "cool" than "annoying" IMO. Plus, you won't ever use those abilities 1 on 1 with small enemies, so it's gratifying destroying 4-6 enemies in one hit. 2) the first time you do an attack, the cutscene is much longer than each subsequent attack.CoffeeJanitor said:Do the attacks all have mini unskippable cutscenes?
Just wait until you see Kirby and friends' victory dance.Andrex said:Kirby's "hiya!" when doing super moves is sooooooooo cute. Want this game so bad.![]()
Green Mamba said:He does. He just kind of jumps repeatedly, so no need to exhale to stop flying like Kirby and King Dedede.
Teknoman said:
He also gets the Spear Copter attack so you could fly around like that too.Ookami-kun said:Ahh so it's sorta like MK then.
So it's like NSMB Wii where P1 has to be Mario but P2-P4 can be any of the other three characters? Boo.Ookami-kun said:Kinda wish you could play the game as any other characters in 1p mode.
Why would you do that? said:personally, I thought it'd be annoying, but those abilities show up so rarely that it ends up being more "cool" than "annoying" IMO
rpmurphy said:What happens if you beat EX mode?
.cajunator said:Everything about the new game is super cute. Everything.
Awesome thanks!Berordn said:You unlock The True Arena, with an extra secret boss.