Great post!Was never really interested in the next xbox, so this news doesn't bother me, wasn't going to buy one anyway.
Great post!Was never really interested in the next xbox, so this news doesn't bother me, wasn't going to buy one anyway.
Hey Kaz! How many minutes can you be offline before getting kicked out of a Durango game?
That is correct!
Quite the overreaction, it's just like with netflix, you require internet service to consume. It's obvious that Microsoft will sell their service in a way where you simply won't want to play offline. I already feel bad for people buying PS4 over Durango knowing that Microsoft is playing this wildcard, it just justifies the service that much more if they are implementing such a policy. Can't wait
You already earned GAF's trust by writing excellent articles and admitting to your own mistakes. The same cannot be said about all Kotaku's writers unfortunately.Interesting that Kotaku breaking news about the PS4 controller's touchpad and share button, breaking news about Doom 4's troubled development cycle, showing video and images from Star Wars: First Assault, breaking news about LucasFilm shuttering LucasArts and canceling their games, showing concept art from the Boba Fett version of Star Wars 1313, telling the story of what really happened to Aliens: Colonial Marines, and many, many more stories just weren't enough to get some NeoGAFfers to trust that maybe we know what we're doing.
But hey, we'll just keep on keeping on.![]()
Have you guys been able to Verify Paul Thurrott's claim that the Durango unveil has been pushed back to May 21st?
I assume registering the game is connected to the install to hard drive feature. If it is, it would be as simply as being online when you start the game and while it installs, once completed, the licence would transfer to the account/console to allow for playing from the hard drive without the need for the disc.
I always have an Internet connection anyhow, but I still don't like this. Enough to not buy one though? Probably not. By the time next gen is over, Apple and Microsoft will have my every damn move tracked both inside and outside my house. This is our future.
Not that it "won't be" just that they aren't aware of it. There's a big difference.From their own article..
"other sources familiar with the codenamed Durango console have told us that they are still unaware of any Microsoft plans regarding an online requirement" - Kotaku
So here's the question "sources" there is plural. Do we have "two sources" saying it does require online and then "five sources" saying it won't be?
I'd love clarification there. There's just no way to know who to believe....(head asplodes)
I think there's room to stick to it, tbh. If you're up-front, honest, and push it with the right exclusive content, you could have what's basically the Microsoft Gamecube of making $5bn profit as $200 each from 20m users rather than $40 each from 100m.
It might even be healthy for the industry as a whole, as Sony can hold prices higher with the only mainstream "power system" and Nintendo can then ride the price differential to at least keep Wii U barely relevant until a new system in 2016 or so.
It would be devastating for American AAA development who rely on a massive userbase, heaping gobs of marketing money from both sides, shared platform interests with MS, and the Live juggernaut phenomenon that doesn't seem to occur with PSN or even Steam as much.
So I don't get many inside scoop honestly and I'll never put my GAF account at risk so take it with more than a grain of salt but my good friend at Treyarch, the one who told me about COD:blops2 back in the wust days when it wasn't announced yet, told me that:
online connection is indeed required to start games for the first time
kinect integration like manu navigation is mandatory for every game but it's actually done at system level
used games are not blocked per se
Hardly breaking-news info but I thought maybe someone would have been interested in such speculation nontheless
Wonder what "these kinds of things" means, but I'll take their word for it.
But this is weird:
In conjunction with the article mentioning how not all developers are aware of the same stuff, is it possible MS is feeding devs different info to see who's leaking they're plans? Always on all the time as a previous rumour before these devs were even aware?
This is also pretty significant, and will be overlooked amongst the fury in this thread:
Perhaps a dev-kit only thing + devs being told different things to snuff out leaks? Sounds like a good way to keep people from leaking stuff from your actual runtime if you ask me.
All he did was repeat the story from EDGE, which is arguably the most reputable site out there. He didn't exactly go out on a limb.bgassassin redeemed.
When did we start believing Kotaku?
Ok folks... seriously... I've had internet go down like 3 times in the last 2 years. Each outage lasted maybe a few hours at most. I really do not see the big deal. Not being able to play a few hours in a given year is something that I don't even blink an eye to! So help me understand... why is this a big deal?
Ok folks... seriously... I've had internet go down like 3 times in the last 2 years. Each outage lasted maybe a few hours at most. I really do not see the big deal. Not being able to play a few hours in a given year is something that I don't even blink an eye to! So help me understand... why is this a big deal?
At some point you need to start letting your work speak for itself and not try to combat every person that doubts Kotaku. The self-congratulatory smugness complete with emoticons doesn't help you as much as it makes you feel better.
Do you think this post actually convinced anyone who was already deadset on disagreeing with the credibility of the story? If anything, all it did was embarrass people who didn't write it off immediately and you can count me as a primary source on that.
So I don't get many inside scoop honestly and I'll never put my GAF account at risk so take it with more than a grain of salt but my good friend at Treyarch, the one who told me about COD:blops2 back in the wust days when it wasn't announced yet, told me that:
online connection is indeed required to start games for the first time
kinect integration like manu navigation is mandatory for every game but it's actually done at system level
used games are not blocked per se
Hardly breaking-news info but I thought maybe someone would have been interested in such speculation nontheless
This is what I think this means as well.
They got the PS4 stuff right.
wtf am I even this the real life
There are people who actually defend such a move (if true)...yikes
So you're saying it's a strategy.Microsoft has had such terrible PR leading up to the announcement, such terrible word of mouth, and such a terrible time combating rumors that if Don Mattrick showed a cardboard box with 720 written on it and walked off stage people would shit themselves with excitement due to the low standards set.
You uuuh.. can be always.. connected, so.. ehm..So what positive features can gamers expect from this move? I mean, if it's true, they are going to spin this like a merry go-round.
I can't honestly think of a single positive thing this restriction brings, not for any consumer out there.
Only way this will take off is if it replaces default DVR's and cable boxes.
So here's the question "sources" there is plural. Do we have "two sources" saying it does require online and then "five sources" saying it won't be?
I'd love clarification there. There's just no way to know who to believe....(head asplodes)
JepWhoa. I admit I had no idea about any of this. Is this from the original thread discussing the party?
Hmmm... Wonder if its going to be subscription subsidized, if it could have a 3g antenna to verify games over a cell network.
Very curious for them to announce this thing.
All he did was repeat the story from EDGE, which is arguably the most reputable site out there. He didn't exactly go out on a limb.
So you're saying it's a strategy.
You uuuh.. can be always.. connected, so.. ehm..
I have no idea when the Durango unveil will be.
Kotaku aren't the only ones who have reported about that "feature" though.I love the " unless they changed it" part. So if it's not true, Kotaku can just claim MS changed their mind. Real ballsy reporting, Kotaku.
Sounds more like Kotaku are covering all the bases so to speak, in fact i just can't see this happeining and i won't believe it until Microsoft says it themselves, it just doesn't make business sense to me.From their own article..
"other sources familiar with the codenamed Durango console have told us that they are still unaware of any Microsoft plans regarding an online requirement" - Kotaku
So here's the question "sources" there is plural. Do we have "two sources" saying it does require online and then "five sources" saying it won't be?
I'd love clarification there. There's just no way to know who to believe....(head asplodes)
Seriously though's time to say SOMETHING.
Edit** As a side note, I can't INSTALL any of my Steam games without an Internet connection....but I can play (most of) them offline.
Weren't they just reposting already known leaks?
Remember when Xbox Live was down (off and on) for a couple weeks (2007-2008)? Remember when PSN was down for 24 days (2011)? How would you feel about not even being able to play single player games during those times? Or do you think those things are never going to happen again?Ok folks... seriously... I've had internet go down like 3 times in the last 2 years. Each outage lasted maybe a few hours at most. I really do not see the big deal. Not being able to play a few hours in a given year is something that I don't even blink an eye to! So help me understand... why is this a big deal?
I must be the only person who has no problem with the always online requirement for games - I can't remember the last time I played my PS3/360/Steam when I wasn't signed in to the service online.