I'm starting to feel that, much like the objective measure of a video game is Start to Crate (StC), the objective measure of a NeoGAF thread is shaping up to be Start to Shitting On Arthur Gies (StG).
There's got to be an explanation for these rumors. They're too dumb to be true at face value--there's no way Microsoft is that foolish, especially given their approach to DRM on their other products--but too widespread to not be related to something that is true. True for devkits? True for OnLive-style streaming of next-gen Xbox games to current-gen Xbox consoles? Part of the netcode that Microsoft is providing for server-driven games like free-to-play MMOs that's being blown out of proportion? An option enable-able on a per-game basis?
Or maybe it's something that some higher-up at Microsoft was pushing for, and was even being implemented, but was stripped out after the SimCity "thing" reminded them just how bad an idea it is.
I have no idea. I'm just pulling ideas out of my ass at this point. I'll be surprised if this is what Microsoft intends to do, though.