No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

*Will update when I have something recorded

For those who have bought & have save data for Tokyo New World Record: Operation Abyss you will get the following bonuses for having purchased / played the game.
- Operation Abyss character portraits.
- Power Recorder x 5 (portable save points)
- Hachi's Manly Spirit Pack (raises enemy levels when equipped)

A: Its a first person dungeon crawler, based off of the Wizardry Xth series. This company Experience Inc. / Team Muramasa, first person dungeon crawlers is pretty much all they make.Q: What type of game is this?
A: If you do not care that this is the 3rd game in a series, then by all means feel free to pick it up. The game is not exactly meant for new comers to the series, as it basically expects folks to be used to the general mechanics with the Xth series along with how stats and such are written. But for those who want to start on the Xth series I do suggest the previously released Vita game Tokyo New World Record: Operation Abyss.Q: Im new to dungeon crawlers should I buy this game?
A: Yep the physical version should work just fine. Digital also as long as you have a JPSN account to download with. Though you will need JPSN point cards also if you do plan on doing a digital purchase through the JPSN. IF any DLC is released and you want to download it you will need a JPSN account. Updates can be done with any regions account.Q: Does this work on a "Western" VITA?
A: Not exactly, but at the same time it would help or else you wouldnt know what the skill / item effects are. On top of missing out on the story. There is the other part of not knowing what to do at times. But if you just want a dungeon crawler to play by all means import away.Q: Do I need to know Japanese to play this game?
Nothing yet currently. If they were going to release this title to the West, it most def would have to be after Operation Abyss. Reason being is this is considered to be the "3rd" game in the Xth series. Takes place after the first 2 Xth games / Operation Abyss. (Operation Abyss is a remake of 1 & 2 which combines the 2 shorter Xth titles into a single one.)Q: Any word on localization for the West?
A: Yes its connected to the XTH series, this is the most recent game in the Xth series and takes place after the first 2 titles. Which is the same as if someone went and played Tokyo New World Record: Operation AbyssQ: Does this game have any connection to other series?
A: New Boss [Ascention]Q: What are the differences between this game and the previously released Cross Blood Infinity?
New Weapon [God Muramasa]
PS Vita TV support
Asides from those three it pretty much has all of the same content as Cross Blood Infinity + Updates to the game balance / system.
Also the Bonus items / portraits from having Operation Abyss save data.
A: Nope, Masa was originally designed like this and no idea why it changed for Operation Abyss. Other surprise is that Masa isnt an old man either, hes actually 23.Q: Oh dear god Masa is an old man? I thought he was a she?!
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are just the most common ones members frequently speak of when it comes to online import shops and these links are for the convenience of the members who are still interested in importing the Japanese or Asian version of the game. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

Thanks goes out to Experience Inc. for the resources used to make up the graphics in this OT.
*Disclaimer: I Have no official affiliation to Experience Inc.