Larson Conway

...where the human followers of Totec, the Guardian of Light, once waged a catastrophic war against the demonic forces of Xolotl, the Keeper of Darkness. It is written that Xolotl called upon the power of an artifact known as the Mirror of Smoke to summon forth a horde of unspeakable horrors from the Abyss. Totec's warriors were slaughtered in the battle that followed but Totec himself survived. He found a way to turn the Mirror's power back against the evil god. Xolotl was imprisoned within the mirror, and the descendants of Totec went on to forge a mighty empire that lasted until the arrival of the conquistadors. As for what happened to the Mirror of Smoke, the ancient texts are vague. Some say it was hidden in a secret place, that the mirror was lost forever. But if there's one thing I've learned -- it's that nothing is lost forever.

TITLE | Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
PLATFORM | Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC
GENRE | Action/Adventure
DEVELOPER | Crystal Dynamics
PUBLISHER | Square Enix
PRICE | $15 or 1200 MS Points
DL SIZE | Approximately 2GB
PLATFORM | Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC
GENRE | Action/Adventure
DEVELOPER | Crystal Dynamics
PUBLISHER | Square Enix
PRICE | $15 or 1200 MS Points
DL SIZE | Approximately 2GB

- Features Four Franchise Firsts | First downloadable game from the series; first co-op game featuring Lara Croft; First game entitled "Lara Croft"; First non-traditional Tomb Raider game
- Maiden side-series title | The game is the first installment of the "Lara Croft" side-series, ideally in alternate/simultaneous development with pillar Tomb Raider games
- Tomb-raiding with isometric perspective | The camera will be isometric with fixed angles providing a semi-top-down view
- Tomb Raider Underworld engine | Uses the same engine as recent TR games, so expect the same level of detail including shadows and in-game physics
- Sixteen tombs to raid | The game features sixteen levels with optional challenge tombs for bonus artifacts and points
- Single-player experience | While the game is meant to be a co-op experience, it will also feature single-player mode that has reworked levels and abilities for Lara
- Online co-op | The game will feature both online and couch co-op experience; Online co-op will be available for the Xbox 360 version on September 28

- Will feature two playable characters, Lara and a Mayan warrior named Totec
- Can be played single-player or co-op, online or locally, and a second player can jump in "on the fly"
- In single-player mode, the player controls Lara with more powerful athletic abilities
- In single-player mode, the levels will change a bit and have more items to allow Lara to progress on her own
- Lara and Totec each have unique abilities and need to work together to get past obstacles
- Lara has her grapple for getting across large gaps and can assist Totec with jumps or he can use her grapple as a tightrope
- Totec can throw spears into walls which Lara can then climb on
- Totec can hold his shield up as a step for Lara to jump off of
- At the end of every level players get points based on how many items they have each found and how many enemies they have each killed
- Points can be used to unlock weapons and other items
- There will be leaderboards tracking scores

- Controls are meant to be simple and the combat fast-paced -- combat requires aiming at enemies and shooting until they are dead, then moving on to the next enemy
- Controls are similar to many other XBLA or PSN games with the left stick moving the character, the right stick aiming the weapons, and the trigger firing the weapons
- Lara has her dual pistols with infinite ammo
- Totec has infinite spears and can also pick up a gun (either a machine gun or a rifle depending on the source)
- There will be infinite landmines that players can use against enemies or environmental obstacles
- Enemies will include undead tribesmen and giant salamanders, among others
- There will be hordes of enemies to fight at once, and points are gained for each enemy killed
- Players will have a limited time to revive each other if one falls in combat, else that character will be respawned with much lower health 2
- Each level will end with a boss fight of some sort which requires a mix of puzzle-solving and combat to win

The game features 10 achievements and 2 secret achievements with a total of 200 MS points. Click the header for full information.

ENVIRONMENT/LEVEL PACK | Three of five DLC packs will offer new puzzles and levels in addition to the sixteen featured in the main game. It has not been revealed whether it will stick take place in Central America or will be grounded in Aztec myth. Release window is between October and December this year.
CO-OP CHARACTER PACKS | The remaining two DLC packs will have new playable characters join the tomb-raiding spree. Whether the characters will be simple re-skins of Lara and Totec or will feature new gameplay abilities has not been detailed. What is known though is that the add-on raiders are "well-known video game characters" and that they "definitely [make you] very happy." Release window is between October and December this year.
CO-OP CHARACTER PACKS | The remaining two DLC packs will have new playable characters join the tomb-raiding spree. Whether the characters will be simple re-skins of Lara and Totec or will feature new gameplay abilities has not been detailed. What is known though is that the add-on raiders are "well-known video game characters" and that they "definitely [make you] very happy." Release window is between October and December this year.

GAME INFORMER | Game of the Month; Game Informer Gold | 9/10 || Concept: Dropping the Tomb Raider moniker, Crystal Dynamics changes the equation with a new camera and co-op play neatly wrapped in a downloadable package; Graphics: Employing the Tomb Raider Underworld engine, the enviroments, lighting effects, and character renders are polished as their big-budget counterparts; Sound: Populated with both iconic and original music, the former grounds the game in familiarity while the latter plays up the new, action-centric direction. Some of the voice acting could use a once-over, though; Playability: Despite the arcade influences, Lara's moveset isn't reduced in the slightest. Co-op play allows for more diversity in puzzle solving, and the analog shooting lends itself nicely to the frenzied combat. Entertainment: Balancing the franchise - exploration, puzzles, and platforming - with the new combat-centric focus is both engaging and entertaining. Even when solving puzzles, downtime is rare; Replay Value: Moderate.
GAMES MASTER | 8.8/10 || Should you have asked us six months ago what could propel the nation's gaming sweetheart back into our affections, chances are that a £10, download-only arcade shooter wouldn't be our first guess. However, Lara lust strikes again - this has convincingly won us over. [...] A superb co-op game that hits all the right notes. The puzzles are brilliantly tricky, the shooting violently satisfying.
EUROGAMER | 9/10 || Guardian of Light would almost be worth a full price for the co-operative campaign alone. At 1200 Microsoft points - around £10, 15 or $15 - it's an instant buy. There are few download games that offer this kind of value for money, and few that are as clever or effortlessly exciting. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light might be a move away from the Tomb Raider name, but it's a tremendous homage to its spirit.
JOYSTIQ | 4.5/5 || In terms of level design, pacing and gorgeous visuals, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light topples last year's XBLA king, Shadow Complex. But while a lot of this content is perfectly suitable for a six-hour single-player session, I'd urge you to discover the game for the first time with a co-op partner. If that means you have to sit on it until online functionality is added on September 28th, then do it. In the meantime, buy the game, pick up the phone and try to get a friend on the couch for some Spider Bowling.
IGN | Editors' Choice | 8.5/10 || Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a great adventure, especially if you're playing co-op. Despite the silly story and dialogue, I had more fun with it than any Tomb Raider in recent memory. With a great new look, clever puzzles, and loads of fun stuff to collect, this is an extreme makeover for Lara of which you will surely approve.
1UP | A- || Though the game would still be fantastic with its co-op dungeon puzzles alone, Guardian of Light contains a surprising amount of substance; each of its many levels offer a series of achievements that add interesting weapons and items to your inventory. There's a definite focus on loot in Guardian of Light, and while it's nothing as substantial as what's found in games like Torchlight, the game offers a respectable amount of equippable goodies for both Lara and Totec to discover -- which also gives you a good reason to dip back into previously-played levels.
DESTRUCTOID | Editors' Choice | 9/10 || With its first downloadable offering, Crystal Dynamics has come out swinging, with easily one of the best titles this summer -- digital or otherwise. More to the point, I feel comfortable saying that Guardian of Light may be the most fun Ive had with Miss Croft in 14 years; its that good. Guardian of Light covers a lot of bases -- solid action, clever puzzles, nail-biting platforming, and remarkable cooperative play; its not to be missed.
JEUX VIDEO | 17/20 || Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light est une excellente surprise qui devrait ravir les fans tout en faisant du gringue à un public plus large. Si la vue en 3D isométrique était un pari loin d'être gagné, surtout pour un jeu avec des phases de plates-formes, Crystal Dynamics s'est une fois de plus montré à la hauteur. Beau comme un camion, maniable, profitant d'une bonne complémentarité entre les modes solo et coop, ce Lara Croft prouve à qui de droit que la lady britannique évolue avec son temps. Au final, si ce spin-off peut s'avérer déroutant dans l'orientation choisie, on espère qu'il marquera le début d'une grande aventure à la croisée du hack'n slash et du jeu de plates-formes/action. Translation here.
MTV MULTIPLAYER | FAVORABLE || Despite the lack of online co-op, you should buy 'Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light' when it drops on Wednesday for $15. Hell, even if you don't have anyone to play co-op with, you should still buy it. It's nothing short of an excellent effort from Crystal Dynamics and is one of the best XBLA games on the market.
GAMERSYDE | FAVORABLE || Despite what we could almost call a tragic - though momentary - flaw, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is truly an excellent downloadable game that completely deserves its place among the other good titles of the franchise. The graphics are nice, with good lighting effects and interactive environments - some structures can be destroyed, plants sway as Lara touches them etc -, the framerate is very smooth and the soundtrack is solid - the fans will be pleased to hear the familiar sound effects of the franchise. Add to that a good longevity as it should take you at least 9 to 10 hours to finish the game in single player the first time. Needless to say that, if you are in to finding all the collectibles and achieving all the optional objectives, you will need a good amount of free time. Co-op should also give you a good reason to play the game at least a second time after completing it. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is then a very good choice to spend a few hours with the British adventurer until her true return in the next Tomb Raider game to come.
GAMES RADAR | 9/10 || Then, of course, theres the current lack of online co-op. If youre dying to play the game fresh with a friend and cant meet up in person, youll want to wait for the patch. However, the game is so much fun in single-player that its easily worth a play-through in both solo and co-op. Were really, really hoping the online component doesnt have technical hiccups, because as it is, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a superb blend of twin-stick shooting, platforming, exploration, and tactical combat. Heck, we love us some traditional Tomb Raider, but we wouldnt shed a tear if the next adventure for Lara was a sequel to Guardian of Light instead of a proper Tomb Raider.
GUARDIAN UK | 4/5 || ELECTRICPIG | 5/5 || DIGITAL SPY | 4/5 || BIT-TECH | 8/10 || NOW GAMER | 8.7/10 || ZTGD | 9.5/10 || GAMERANT | 4/5 || GAMING NEXUS | A- || WE THE GAMERZ | 5/5 || RUN DLC | 4/5 || XBOX MAG | 17/20 || CO-OPTIMUS | 4.5/5 || ITCHY THUMBS | 9/10 || JUST PUSH START | 4.5/5 || GAMEZONE | 8/10 || GAMEFOCUS | 8.6/10 || XBOXER360 | 95% || FILEFRONT | 90/100 || TECH DIGEST | 5/5 || THE KOALITION | 7/10 || CHEATCC | 4.5/5 || TECH ARENA | FAVORABLE || DUAL SHOCKERS | 8.5/10 || CHEAPASSGAMER | VERY GOOD || GAMING AGE | A- || READY UP LIVE | 9.5/10 || SCOREPHORIA | 10/10
GAME INFORMER | Game of the Month; Game Informer Gold | 9/10 || Concept: Dropping the Tomb Raider moniker, Crystal Dynamics changes the equation with a new camera and co-op play neatly wrapped in a downloadable package; Graphics: Employing the Tomb Raider Underworld engine, the enviroments, lighting effects, and character renders are polished as their big-budget counterparts; Sound: Populated with both iconic and original music, the former grounds the game in familiarity while the latter plays up the new, action-centric direction. Some of the voice acting could use a once-over, though; Playability: Despite the arcade influences, Lara's moveset isn't reduced in the slightest. Co-op play allows for more diversity in puzzle solving, and the analog shooting lends itself nicely to the frenzied combat. Entertainment: Balancing the franchise - exploration, puzzles, and platforming - with the new combat-centric focus is both engaging and entertaining. Even when solving puzzles, downtime is rare; Replay Value: Moderate.
GAMES MASTER | 8.8/10 || Should you have asked us six months ago what could propel the nation's gaming sweetheart back into our affections, chances are that a £10, download-only arcade shooter wouldn't be our first guess. However, Lara lust strikes again - this has convincingly won us over. [...] A superb co-op game that hits all the right notes. The puzzles are brilliantly tricky, the shooting violently satisfying.
EUROGAMER | 9/10 || Guardian of Light would almost be worth a full price for the co-operative campaign alone. At 1200 Microsoft points - around £10, 15 or $15 - it's an instant buy. There are few download games that offer this kind of value for money, and few that are as clever or effortlessly exciting. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light might be a move away from the Tomb Raider name, but it's a tremendous homage to its spirit.
JOYSTIQ | 4.5/5 || In terms of level design, pacing and gorgeous visuals, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light topples last year's XBLA king, Shadow Complex. But while a lot of this content is perfectly suitable for a six-hour single-player session, I'd urge you to discover the game for the first time with a co-op partner. If that means you have to sit on it until online functionality is added on September 28th, then do it. In the meantime, buy the game, pick up the phone and try to get a friend on the couch for some Spider Bowling.
IGN | Editors' Choice | 8.5/10 || Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a great adventure, especially if you're playing co-op. Despite the silly story and dialogue, I had more fun with it than any Tomb Raider in recent memory. With a great new look, clever puzzles, and loads of fun stuff to collect, this is an extreme makeover for Lara of which you will surely approve.
1UP | A- || Though the game would still be fantastic with its co-op dungeon puzzles alone, Guardian of Light contains a surprising amount of substance; each of its many levels offer a series of achievements that add interesting weapons and items to your inventory. There's a definite focus on loot in Guardian of Light, and while it's nothing as substantial as what's found in games like Torchlight, the game offers a respectable amount of equippable goodies for both Lara and Totec to discover -- which also gives you a good reason to dip back into previously-played levels.
DESTRUCTOID | Editors' Choice | 9/10 || With its first downloadable offering, Crystal Dynamics has come out swinging, with easily one of the best titles this summer -- digital or otherwise. More to the point, I feel comfortable saying that Guardian of Light may be the most fun Ive had with Miss Croft in 14 years; its that good. Guardian of Light covers a lot of bases -- solid action, clever puzzles, nail-biting platforming, and remarkable cooperative play; its not to be missed.
JEUX VIDEO | 17/20 || Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light est une excellente surprise qui devrait ravir les fans tout en faisant du gringue à un public plus large. Si la vue en 3D isométrique était un pari loin d'être gagné, surtout pour un jeu avec des phases de plates-formes, Crystal Dynamics s'est une fois de plus montré à la hauteur. Beau comme un camion, maniable, profitant d'une bonne complémentarité entre les modes solo et coop, ce Lara Croft prouve à qui de droit que la lady britannique évolue avec son temps. Au final, si ce spin-off peut s'avérer déroutant dans l'orientation choisie, on espère qu'il marquera le début d'une grande aventure à la croisée du hack'n slash et du jeu de plates-formes/action. Translation here.
MTV MULTIPLAYER | FAVORABLE || Despite the lack of online co-op, you should buy 'Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light' when it drops on Wednesday for $15. Hell, even if you don't have anyone to play co-op with, you should still buy it. It's nothing short of an excellent effort from Crystal Dynamics and is one of the best XBLA games on the market.
GAMERSYDE | FAVORABLE || Despite what we could almost call a tragic - though momentary - flaw, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is truly an excellent downloadable game that completely deserves its place among the other good titles of the franchise. The graphics are nice, with good lighting effects and interactive environments - some structures can be destroyed, plants sway as Lara touches them etc -, the framerate is very smooth and the soundtrack is solid - the fans will be pleased to hear the familiar sound effects of the franchise. Add to that a good longevity as it should take you at least 9 to 10 hours to finish the game in single player the first time. Needless to say that, if you are in to finding all the collectibles and achieving all the optional objectives, you will need a good amount of free time. Co-op should also give you a good reason to play the game at least a second time after completing it. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is then a very good choice to spend a few hours with the British adventurer until her true return in the next Tomb Raider game to come.
GAMES RADAR | 9/10 || Then, of course, theres the current lack of online co-op. If youre dying to play the game fresh with a friend and cant meet up in person, youll want to wait for the patch. However, the game is so much fun in single-player that its easily worth a play-through in both solo and co-op. Were really, really hoping the online component doesnt have technical hiccups, because as it is, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a superb blend of twin-stick shooting, platforming, exploration, and tactical combat. Heck, we love us some traditional Tomb Raider, but we wouldnt shed a tear if the next adventure for Lara was a sequel to Guardian of Light instead of a proper Tomb Raider.
GUARDIAN UK | 4/5 || ELECTRICPIG | 5/5 || DIGITAL SPY | 4/5 || BIT-TECH | 8/10 || NOW GAMER | 8.7/10 || ZTGD | 9.5/10 || GAMERANT | 4/5 || GAMING NEXUS | A- || WE THE GAMERZ | 5/5 || RUN DLC | 4/5 || XBOX MAG | 17/20 || CO-OPTIMUS | 4.5/5 || ITCHY THUMBS | 9/10 || JUST PUSH START | 4.5/5 || GAMEZONE | 8/10 || GAMEFOCUS | 8.6/10 || XBOXER360 | 95% || FILEFRONT | 90/100 || TECH DIGEST | 5/5 || THE KOALITION | 7/10 || CHEATCC | 4.5/5 || TECH ARENA | FAVORABLE || DUAL SHOCKERS | 8.5/10 || CHEAPASSGAMER | VERY GOOD || GAMING AGE | A- || READY UP LIVE | 9.5/10 || SCOREPHORIA | 10/10

Special thanks go to KilgoreTrout for the thread inspiration, and Ward Dragon of Tomb Raider Forums for the nifty facts and features compilation. Keir_Eidos, community manager of Square Enix Europe for offering a hand.