if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Loki said:Whoa, that sucks dude. I've had some serious ankle injuries over the years, but never a break or permanent ligament damage. It must hurt like hell to give up those dreams. Are you still able to play recreationally? Because that's what I often go crazy thinking about-- just NOT being able (or having the time) to play basketball anymore, even once a week or once every two weeks (though I've gone for 3-6 month stretches without playing); it's incredibly important to me in terms of relieving stress and satisfying my competitive instinct. What's crazy with my dad is that, after doing nothing BUT play ball his entire life and having those dreams, he not only gave up the dreams when he married my mother, but he just stopped playing basketball PERIOD, which is weird. He didn't play again until an adult's league when he was like 39.
Btw, I know this is gonna sound way out there, because I'm always the last to know, but aren't you Kevin Cheung (former GA staffer)? I always thought you were for some reason. I just ask because it'd unusual to see an Asian basketball player who was THAT good (being an all-state, D1 caliber player, that is)-- it'd be the first time I've ever seen it, at least. You want your racism, there you go.
As for Bird, yeah, it was probably something that he thinks better of saying now, after the fact. Some people just aren't tactful or artful conversationalists, what can you say?I just don't think he harbors any true racist sentiment is all-- I was never arguing that he shouldn't have said what he did.
Naw I am Kevin Jones, current GA staffer... many people thought I was him at first! I'm mixed half white and half black. And yeah, I can still play... Just most the time I do a lot of floating around the 3 point line, throwing domes or posting fools =P don't drive to the rack as hard as I used to... just not worth it anymore... sometimes if I am running with a bunch of quality players I let myself get into hoop dreams mode... and play like I used to... or at least I try to play like I used to... =P