Archaix said:Oh, I so hope stereotypical black female comedian A gets in the finals instead of somebody with talent!
Belfast said:Jim Norton ain't making it? Booooo. Well, maybe Jay London has a chance. He got some huge applause. Amazing. Then again, we already know that audience applause and judge votes have shit to do with it.
And thank god, no, Kirson did not make it into the house.
mosaic said:And it's a travesty that Jim Wiggins didn't make it, especially since the woman who said the C word did (since when is profanity on its own funny?).
Oni Jazar said:Yesterday's show was great. The comics aren't as funny as last seasonbut the drama is awsome
gblues said:Yeah, because you watch a show about stand-up comics for the drama. (insert rolleyes smiley here)
Gary was a lot funnier than ant was. I really dug the bit about his mom being a filthy whore.