Did they ever fix or make Stronghold 3 worthwhile?
Not really. I liked it, but then again I forgive Stronghold 3 too much because it's Stronghold. Lost my patience when some Archers got stuck on a wall...
Did they ever fix or make Stronghold 3 worthwhile?
What if I wanted cheap keys?TF2 key market seems to have recovered so I'm trying to sell off my keys and people are doing their damnedest to tank it again but undercutting everyone by 20 cents. Plus the market is so slow and won't even list my items. Gah.
is Kayne & Lynch 2 worth my time at all?
It's £2.71..
is Kayne & Lynch 2 worth my time at all?
It's £2.71..
Can take 20 minutes or longer for them to list on days like this.
Do Steam keys expire? I just realized I have a spare key for the first Humble Bundle I got by buying the second one that I never did anything with.
Yes. Many people will disagree with me, though.
I thought it was a very underrated shooter with great aesthetics and sound. Gunplay is fairly average, but it's enjoyable enough.
So is The Cave worth getting? I remember reading some negative impressions on it.
So is The Cave worth getting? I remember reading some negative impressions on it.
is Kayne & Lynch 2 worth my time at all?
It's £2.71..
It's pretty fun, just a couple of hours long though.
Yes. Many people will disagree with me, though.
I thought it was a very underrated shooter with great aesthetics and sound. Gunplay is fairly average, but it's enjoyable enough.
However, it is very short, lasting 4-5 hours.
My god guys, Chivalry is amazing! most fun i've had in a multiplayer game in years.
Only disappointing thing is I seem to be the only one shouting constantly.
That's why you undercut your prices twenty minutes into the future.but in 20 minutes the steam simps can undercut my prices!!!!!!!!
Okay, silly question. I have something I purchased as a gift. How do I convert this into a key for Modbot to give away? Is there an easy way to do that, or should I just go the "first person to quote me gets it" route?
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
-50% off @ $3.99
Fortune Summoners
-75% off @ $4.99
Death Rally (By Remedy)
-75% off @ $2.49
To the Moon
-70% off @ $2.99
Galaxy on Fire 2™ Full HD
-75% off @ $4.99
thanks but where are the links, you cant expect me to search myself. the horror
That's why you undercut your prices twenty minutes into the future.
Thanks for the heads up, fixed. I was using the Toma format and hadn't checked to see if they worked.All of the links to the store pages you've had in these posts are broken, they just try to load the url "link". Inciteful posts though, absolutely agree that Syberia is worth any adventure gamers' time.
No one with an extra copy of euro truck sim 2 huh?
I have had a soft spot for 'early access' games ever since I got hooked on Minecraft....I mean, I've paid $40-$60 for AAA games that I hardly ever play, but I paid roughly ~$15 each for Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program, and I've gleaned a lot more enjoyment from them. Plus, the Prison Architect guys seem like really cool dudes.
Fixed. lucky i had them open.
Galaxy on Fire 2 looks nice, is it easy to start or you need to learn a lot to get going?
Galaxy on Fire 2 looks nice, is it easy to start or you need to learn a lot to get going?
I got the game on my iPad, its very easy to get into. Like Strike Suit Zero, don't go in expecting an amazing story though.
OK OK. I broke down and bought Chivalry. Now I need to figure out these controls...
Also, I'm really digging Sword of the Stars: The Pit. I need more games like this and FTL.
missed it
congrats luv
thanks and thanks Dimitri2401, i think i will pass on this one. FTL may be enough space for the moment.
Has anyone on GAF bought this yet? I haven't heard any real-world impressions. I could be talked into this, though.
GAF, sell me on La-Mulana.
This is kind of an odd question, but how do you save/quit in Dark Souls since there is no pause menu?
missed it
congrats luv
This is kind of an odd question, but how do you save/quit in Dark Souls since there is no pause menu?
GAF, sell me on La-Mulana.
The thread title inspired me. Thanks for all the congrats people.