I think that's because the original is 1080p or something, and it's being broadcast in 720p, even for "source".Rekt'sai confirming that instanban necessity.
Edit: Riot need to sort thier stream quality out. I'm on source and the interface and player names look blurry as fuck.
Damn, really only two games worth watching.EU LCS - Week 3 - Day 2
Fnatic vs Giants Gaming
Gambit Gaming vs H2K
Meet Your Makers vs Roccat
Unicorns of Love vs Copenhagen Wolves
Elements vs SK Gaming
Ghost if you would like to trade away one or two of your FNC team members I could put them on my team instead.That was the worst game of LoL I've seen since Gambit played CW yesterday.
also fkn lol is newt really going to lose to ocho
join train over with me pankaks. we can rule our fantasy leagues with an iron fist.
also rip edwardo.
join train over with me pankaks. we can rule our fantasy leagues with an iron fist.
also rip edwardo.
dam cj why you do this to me
Lets go CLG!
Was it a match worth watching?
also i'm surprised kalista's e against monsters will survive 5.3
Riot's opinion on her release was that the counterplay to her E securing objectives was that you could stop her stacking it up by attacking her or by zoning her out of the pit. It's a secure, not a steal, in other words (contrast Nunu Flash-Consuming or Lux Lasering from miles away). I tend to agree, but it does create a situation where a team trying to do baron/dragon has a 100% chance of getting it if Kalista isn't harassed, which is game-changing power. Her ult is also ridiculously powerful and has a wide variety of uses - it's essentially an instant-cast Thresh lantern for her support, which immediately becomes a mini-Malph ult. Kalista is popping up in almost every Korean and Chinese pick/ban phase, and I'm sure that's going to move into EU/NA very soon.
I like her though - lot of fun to watch, easy to tell the "good" players from the "great."
Is it me or Jatt has a pretty embarassing C9 bias?
Balls needs to play more tanky champs.
What are the most well-rounded champions in this game?