Archie said:Double IP weekend coming this Friday! I know what I'll be doing all this weekend.![]()
Blackface said:Thinking about giving Ap Sion a try. Any opinions?
serious? I haven't seen anyone particularly great with him yet.sillik said:Vlad fucking OP is all.
Send logs plz. In the upper right of the client there's an options button. There's a "Submit Logs" button at the bottom of the menu. Easy peasy.eznark said:Anyone having problems post-patch? After each game it seem to crash.
Takes some timing, but watch things get 2 shotted if done right. Also, make sure there's someone else tanking.Blackface said:Thinking about giving Ap Sion a try. Any opinions?
It can be fun, especially if you have 2 stuns on your lane. But in the long run I don't think it's worth it, lots of better choices.Blackface said:Thinking about giving Ap Sion a try. Any opinions?
Oh god I have. I had a lot of fun trying to kill one with my Nidalee, no success.eznark said:serious? I haven't seen anyone particularly great with him yet.
what about him ? o.0Halycon said:Olaf :\
HeartAttackJones said:Send logs plz. In the upper right of the client there's an options button. There's a "Submit Logs" button at the bottom of the menu. Easy peasy.
EviLore said:Apparently 6x IP if you do a timed IP boost + a per-win IP boost during this double ip weekend.
Smash88 said:Sorry we lost Chronos.
You didn't get to pick your champ plus OP vlad plus feeding and we got rolled pretty bad. Oh well. GG nonetheless.
Erasus said:Just went 10/0/2 with Ashe
Was in mid and a stupid Fiddlesticks kept running into my towers range! :lol
sohois said:I continue to be unbeatable with nunu in ranked games for no apparent reason; im 6 for 6 now when in normal games my record was 18 wins 18 losses. Meanwhile i've lost every game with Malzahar, my main who im actually pretty good with. its weird.
I'm also gonna say that i think Vlad needs a slight nerf; while i've seen a fair few bad ones, in the hands of a decent player they become unstoppable, able to outtank & outcast every other character.
Smash88 said:Malzahar is very under powered, probably one of the worst champs in the game unless fed.
Also, yes, Vlad is pretty OP when in the right hands and also almost impossible to farm in lane.
Riot always released OP champions in order to sell them with real money, it's been like that for as long as I remember.
Aside from not having access to Rylai I find AD to be generally more useful whereas AP Kat is a one trick pony. If they manage to interrupt you during the ult you're almost useless the entire fight but AD kat can still put out respectable damage with BB and auto attack. And, farming/jungling is much easier with AD kat once your BB can mow down a row of ranged creeps.Blackface said:Been messing around with AD Kat since all the high ELO players say AD is simply the best for Kat. Honestly, not liking it as much as AP at all.
Halycon said:Aside from not having access to Rylai I find AD to be generally more useful whereas AP Kat is a one trick pony. If they manage to interrupt you during the ult you're almost useless the entire fight but AD kat can still put out respectable damage with BB and auto attack. And, farming/jungling is much easier with AD kat once your BB can mow down a row of ranged creeps.
Weird, I neved had a problem with malzahar on mid. I just harrass him to death. When I use nidalee he just can't get near the creeps.thestopsign said:A good Malzahar mid is impossible to fight against I find. He can creep like no other. Late game he becomes weaker, but his Ult's stun is always very useful.
Shinjitsu said:Hey guys, just starting out. I bought the digital collectors edition. I played some games today and got up to level 6. I still really don't have a clue what I'm doing. Anyone got any recommendations for sites with hero guides.
Also I've mostly been using Zilean and Ryze, I bought the digital collectors edition. I seem to do a lot better with Zilean. Should I stick with Zilean, or are there any other really nice mages I should look into?
Blackface said:I am trying to stick with it for a bit. I am dying more than with AP Kat. I can push a lane and kill creeps quicker.
My build order is
D-shield + Pot
Sorc Boots
BF Sword
BF Sword
Haunted Guise
Blood Thirster
Blood Thirster
BF Sword
Blood Thirder
Defensive Item like Warmog or Frozen Mallet (sell Dorans)
I end up with Sorc Boots, Haunted Guise, BT X 3, Frozen Mallet.
Any other AD build suggestions?
I also read after Boots and Guise to just stack BF swords until you have no more room, then turn them into BT's.
I also tried starting with normal boots first and multiple HP pots. I like that the best TBH and I always get a quick jump on the BF swords that way. However I never see it recommended.
Halycon said:AP Zilean is deceptively annoying/strong and the guide is pretty good. I'd say Banshee's is highly situational on him because you're running around at the speed of light but Frozen Heart's CDR is a must. If you want survivability I'd recommend rod instead. It's efficient, gives a hefty health/mana boost (more staff bonus) and gives loads of AP. Also builds out of catalyst which is a good early game item. The thing about Zilean is that his presence on the battlefield is very subtle and thus he is usually not the first target despite his squishiness. That and being able to run in and out of battle makes you a less attractive target than the hard carry or tank. Good teams will focus you first before you can cast your ult but that's pretty futile unless they can silence/stun you for a long time.
If you do get Deathfire you need to make sure to always use the active because you're paying a lot for it. I think a better choice all around is lichbane, since the mana synergizes with staff, and you're stacking AP anyway, and more MS on Zilean is always funny.
Oh and always remember to spam Rewind whenever it's up to get mana charges and to refresh Chronoshift's cooldown. If you have extra mana just buff random shit for more mana charges.
Shinjitsu said:Dug around on Leaguecraft a bit. Anyone with some Zilean experience willing to skim over this guide and tell me if it's something i should try and follow? With my limited play time I'm just not sure if it's a good guide or not.![](),Not+Only+Support
EviLore said:The perils of solo queue!
Tetsuo9 said:I advice you to better start playing Ryze. Zilean is a hard one, you have to know very well the strenghts and weakneseses of your team you be a good support and to know who to chronoshift and time warp.
Ryze is more straightforward: press r, snare someone with w and then e and q. Stay back until your cooldowns are up again.