Son of Godzilla
Nunu is also an excellent beginner character so long as you understand the idea of avoiding towers.
I kind of like that character. But he appeals to the part of me that likes killing minions for gold. Since basicly if you last hit a creep with his spell your AP goes up. But yeah he is kind of tough to play for anyone new to the game. But I certainly did manage to carry the entire team with him once. Had about 900 ability power at the end of the game, was quiet fun. No survivability though.Cindres said:Just played a practise 2v2, didn't go aswell. Forgot the champions name but i won't be playing as him again, Short spellcaster guy, near the bottom.
Just kept getting buttraped by one guy carrying the other team, though we did make a good impact on their inhibitor but they managed to break in and take ours out while both of us were dead =/
Anyway i still really enjoyed when i was alive :lol But i need to play with someone a bit better who can basically command me while i learn.
Cindres said:Just played a practise 2v2, didn't go aswell. Forgot the champions name but i won't be playing as him again, Short spellcaster guy, near the bottom.
Just kept getting buttraped by one guy carrying the other team, though we did make a good impact on their inhibitor but they managed to break in and take ours out while both of us were dead =/
Anyway i still really enjoyed when i was alive :lol But i need to play with someone a bit better who can basically command me while i learn.
morgana is my most played character. spell shield is a game winner mid/late game.Tetsuo9 said:So far I have been playing with Morgana. She has stupidly good spells (stun, aoe and even snare :lol ) and I think Black shield is a little too powerful. She makes so much damage that I bought just 1 item with ability power and all others goes to mana regen, cooldown time reduction and health regen.
Today I teamed up in one lane with a friend playing with Teemo. I just lured them, shielded myself, did all my spells and then Teemo killed anything left, we dominated lanes in 3 games.
yeah, rod of ages i can understand. i might try some different builds with her.HeartAttackJones said:Try rushing Rod of Ages on Morgana. Get Meki and a few pots to start. B when you've got enough for Boots and Catalyst. It's hilarious early game when you're in a fight and you pop the catalyst heal when you lvl. Saved me a few times.
Also, work in Frozen Heart (or at least Glacial) for the cooldown reduction. Morgana's got nothing other than abilities so the CD off FH is amazing. Now if you miss a Dark Binding in a team fight it'll be back up in a bit.
Then go Banshee's late.
spell resist is really good against evelyn as is the elixir that reveals stealth. mana steal is good against kassadin if you can keep him off you and your caster minions, as that will deny him badly needed mana (he has that passive mana steal ability). kassadin without mana is pretty much fucked.eznark said:I've been running into a lot of Evelyn/Kassadin combo's lately. What's a good item build for Kayle to sort of counter that combo. Generally I have no problem holding a lane on my own, but early game I get my ass handed to me if they are playing well together.
Really depends on the champion. Ghost and Heal is usually my default. Teleport for people that can abuse it like Aniva and Shako. I'll get the turret protection on heroes that don't really need a heal like Morgana and Ashe. Blink on Minotaur/Blitzcrank.b.e.r.g said:May I ask, what summoner spells you guys usually go for?
Ghost and teleport. Ghost is pretty awesome with Kayle.b.e.r.g said:May I ask, what summoner spells you guys usually go for?
pretty sure they said the first week they were all available right? then they're going to the points system?eznark said:They started locking champions?
Mister_Mingi said:I am quite solid with most characters. Only like 5 I don't play. If you want to play seriously or practice, I can do both. I can give pointers on builds as we play. I have several vents we can go to but the LoL Official server is where I usually go.
Want to play add me : LikwidCid
Cindres said:Well i'm never playing Blitzcrank again.
And now Annie's been locked out? She was my favourite. Jesus.
blitz64 said:IGN review is out 8.0
I think reviews don't matter much for a free to play game.
Darklord said:This game really needs more maps. The 1 gets too boring.
Mister_Mingi said:There is another map. It can be played only in practice now. They do this to make sure there are no problems with it and it's balanced for "ranked" play.
Darklord said:That's only with bots though isn't it? I mean with actual players.
MP matches are the best way to learn. But its probably a good idea to play at least 1 game with bots or something just to get a feel for it. Some people can freak out if you do something they think is stupid.dejan said:Never played a DOTA game before, but after watching giantbomb's LoL and HoN quick looks the gameplay reminded me strangely enough of Herzog 2 (which I loved btw). Should I jump right into a mp match or is there a tutorial (I'm downloading the client right now) I should go through first?
dejan said:Never played a DOTA game before, but after watching giantbomb's LoL and HoN quick looks the gameplay reminded me strangely enough of Herzog 2 (which I loved btw). Should I jump right into a mp match or is there a tutorial (I'm downloading the client right now) I should go through first?
GameSpot lost its good reviewers after Kane and Lynch :/HeartAttackJones said:That gamespot review really pissed me off today, tone does not match the score IMO. I've worked on much worse games that have been scored higher by them (and were $60).
But, I'm happy to pass along Sharkey's review which gave us an A-!!!![]()
I notice a severe lack of Shako, though that's probably for the best considering how hard he is to play.blitz64 said:The list of 10 free rotating champions have been revealed
I still don't get this. So I have to unlock every champion I want to play at all times? Or can't a play even an unlocked champion when it's not their week?blitz64 said:The list of 10 free rotating champions have been revealed
There will always be a rotating list of 10 champions that anyone can select. If you buy a champion from the store, you can always select. You can pay either currency for a champion. I think the last calculation had the IP costs somewhere around a couple thousand games to get all the heroes.b.e.r.g said:I still don't get this. So I have to unlock every champion I want to play at all times? Or can't a play even an unlocked champion when it's not their week?