Jenga said:attack riven - leap away four fuckin times and if you manage to catch up she stuns you
the fuck kinda design is that

Jenga said:attack riven - leap away four fuckin times and if you manage to catch up she stuns you
the fuck kinda design is that
bjaelke said:In my experience you can improve the gameplay a lot by queuing for normal draft. Less people use it to test builds and troll compared to blind pick.
That's just a bonus in my opinion unless they ban tryndamere and mordekaiser.broz0rs said:I think the best reason to play normal draft is to ban strong free to play champs that most likely will be picked by terrible players.
Why are they douchebags if you can only play Annie? I'd say its the other way around.Wrekt said:Try and get comfortable with at least one champ in every role before going draft. It's pretty much a law that if you are only comfortable with Annie, the first 3 douchebags on your team will draft AP carries.
Yea laning I'm not bad with her or Annie at this point, team fights and general 'where the hell should i be right now' moments are my biggest problems, but the more games I play the easier that's getting. It's a pretty fun game, but I'm just shocked how many players sub lv30 get really mad at you when you aren't an elite player... Isn't that a given when you aren't max level yet?bjaelke said:You can go solo top with Morgana against a lot of the "usual" picks.
Thus the "Try and get comfortable with at least one champ in every role before going draft" part.shintoki said:Why are they douchebags if you can only play Annie? I'd say its the other way around.
Stay back until they start to focus someone else on your team and then go in for the ultimate. You might have to use flash offensively to get in the right position.Rawk Hawk said:Yea laning I'm not bad with her or Annie at this point, team fights and general 'where the hell should i be right now' moments are my biggest problems, but the more games I play the easier that's getting. It's a pretty fun game, but I'm just shocked how many players sub lv30 get really mad at you when you aren't an elite player... Isn't that a given when you aren't max level yet?
Rawk Hawk said:Yea laning I'm not bad with her or Annie at this point, team fights and general 'where the hell should i be right now' moments are my biggest problems, but the more games I play the easier that's getting. It's a pretty fun game, but I'm just shocked how many players sub lv30 get really mad at you when you aren't an elite player... Isn't that a given when you aren't max level yet?
Yea I tried that, and when I have an hourglass I can make it work, but seems like if I don't they are only attacking the tank while waiting for me to do that, I'm thinking about trying out Shen while he is free this week, haven't really played a tanky character yet. Maybe I'll be better at that, haha.bjaelke said:Shyvana is so much fun. Despite the 200+ ms latency on the PBE server, she can still gank and clear jungle pretty fast.
Stay back until they start to focus someone else on your team and then go in for the ultimate. You might have to use flash offensively to get in the right position.
Edit: Morgana that is.
Ain't that the truth.Mims said:One thing you will learn as you play this game. Everybody is the best player in the world. No matter what their Elo says they will continue to deny that they belong there and never take any responsibility for any deaths, poor play, and most of all their lack of map awareness.
Okay, I know I complain about everything, but you're complaining about Riven? D:Jenga said:Christ Riven is a fucking terror. What exactly are her weaknesses again (besides not dealing with ranged)? Unless you have some ranged CC (stun, slow, silence) she's going to either 1. leap at you, stun, get free hits, leap away or 2. turret dive, stun, shield hit you and then leap away
Don't get me started on trying to gank her without some ranged CC. 4 leaps and a short AOE stun shit all over singed and udyr
The leaps are small. The dash is short compared to other champions. She probably isn't carrying ghost so flash and exhaust plus a HALF SECOND stun are going to be the other escape options. Compared to something like superspeed (possibly with ghost) nunu/gangplank/rammus, riven should be a little easier to catch. You need CC or slow, and teamwork. If Riven had no way to escape then she'd be even more squishy and dead in teamfights. She doesn't have the firepower to focus people, so she has to be able to jump around in fights and try to run away, killing weak people.Jenga said:attack riven - leap away four fuckin times and if you manage to catch up she stuns you
the fuck kinda design is that
I'm going to play the jerk card here -- have you played Riven much? Did you see whoever the Dominion guy was (Haly?) who posted the good dominion Riven scores, and then how badly they did when they tried her in the jungle/laning on summoner's rift? Did you notice Rayven's advice not to use her in summoner's rift?Jenga said:You must play against some shitty-ass rivens
This, plus my horrible failure when I tried to play Graves, are why I suggest they're not a very easy AD carry to play despite suggestions from some people otherwise. I have probably seen 2-4 really good Graves, but I feel like the majority are either feeding the other team or like "Oh, Graves is in the teamfight? I forgot he was on their team. Guess I'll just stay out of his way until the rest are dead, or pick him off if he happens to get nuked."broz0rs said:I think the best reason to play normal draft is to ban strong free to play champs that most likely will be picked by terrible players.
I had a blind pick game an hour ago where the first player insta locks Graves. The rest of us picked non-ranged champs. We asked him to go mid, and he told us "fuck off" and went to bot lane. Then two players called him out and he moved to mid because it wasn't being occupied. Graves goes "ok but you fags will regret it" and starts to feed Teemo. He died six times before I told him to go back to bot. I just hugged our turret, got hardly any CS, but didn't give Teemo any more kills.
Graves did a surrender vote four times before we caved in at 30 mins. Why do people like that bother playing this game?
broz0rs said:I think the best reason to play normal draft is to ban strong free to play champs that most likely will be picked by terrible players.
I had a blind pick game an hour ago where the first player insta locks Graves. The rest of us picked non-ranged champs. We asked him to go mid, and he told us "fuck off" and went to bot lane. Then two players called him out and he moved to mid because it wasn't being occupied. Graves goes "ok but you fags will regret it" and starts to feed Teemo. He died six times before I told him to go back to bot. I just hugged our turret, got hardly any CS, but didn't give Teemo any more kills.
Graves did a surrender vote four times before we caved in at 30 mins. Why do people like that bother playing this game?
I still think it's sort of the case that to be effective with her, you need to work hard and be rather good. Does it take less effort with a possible higher payoff to use other tanky DPS champions? I suspect so. Point is, I think there are ways to counter her. CC, ranged attacks, and sheer damage should work. I don't think she's overpowered at all. If they gave her a 4 second stun instead of half a second, that would be nice, but Riot would have to make it so only -I- can play Riven in that case.Ferrio said:Edit: Actually not... wow graves feeding teemos is an epidemic.
Also enough bad mouthing riven in SR! She's awesome, I rarely rarely have any problems playing as her ever since her buff.
I find the fact the he won with Burbs in the same team much more impressive.Dance In My Blood said:Soraka so AWP
It just needs a faster cast-time imo, it feels really clunky to "launch off"Ferrio said:I really really hope they fix shyvana's ult, it's such a POS.
Inskipp said:It just needs a faster cast-time imo, it feels really clunky to "launch off"
Just don't leave yourself open to them, let them move into positions where the jungler can gank and abuse them for taking the chances they need to.shintoki said:Okay, someone tell me how do I deal with spammable characters. Aki, Vlad, Kat. I always fold under their pressure.
yeah except your champ examples are OP (lee sin) or were so OP they got nerfed to oblivion (everyone else) which doesn't help your argumentBlizzard said:I feel like you might as well complain about xin with his knockup and dash, or leblanc with the dash and hit and run, or lee sin with dash and hit and run, or jax with his face hump and run.
I replied point by point, with examples, countering techniques, and so forth to your posts.Jenga said:yeah except your champ examples are OP (lee sin) or were so OP they got nerfed to oblivion (everyone else) which doesn't help your argument
i guess no one will take me seriously until some pro takes riven and rapes everyone with her and she becomes FOTM
what's that have to do with riven being OPBlizzard said:(And as a side note, why do you use capital letters in the middle of your sentences, not at the beginning, and punctuation in the middle, but not at the end?)
It doesn't have anything to do with whether Riven is OP, which is why I not only explicitly said it was a side note, but also included it in parentheses to indicate it was parenthetical.Jenga said:what's that have to do with riven being OP
the beauty of message boards is that I can pick and choose to respond to posts when I likeBlizzard said:It doesn't have anything to do with whether Riven is OP, which is why I not only explicitly said it was a side note, but also included it in parentheses to indicate it was parenthetical.
You seem to have replied to me for the second time in a row while ignoring the main point(s) I made. :/
Go top, be annoying with your ult and pick up kills/assists when people think they're winning.Achtius said:shen is so horrible it's not funny
or at least i dont' know how to play him
Why not just /ignore?Wrekt said:He raged in chat for the following 20 minutes. Raged because I didn't give him 2nd blue buff. Raged because I only ganked Malz twice by minute 10. Raged because enemy Vayne had a high CS. We eventually surrendered with an even kill ratio and equal number of turrets down just so we wouldn't have to play with him any more.
He was still trying to be productive. Pinging for incs and stuff. Someone can scream till they are blue in the face and it won't bother me. I could just tell he would spend all his time typing and not enough time worrying about how bad Malzahar was kicking the shit out of him at mid.Inskipp said:Why not just /ignore?
Aesthet1c said:Woot free Nasus week. Can't wait to get my Q farm on.
Anyone got any solid Nasus builds?
Nice. And me too. I won those 7-8 in a row and now I'm sucking even with warwick, lost 2-3 in a row today already.ElectraStar said:Hey dudes,
Unfortunately this is the only good game I've had in a while; I'm on a terrible losing streak.
That's just depressing.Feep said:Also, there are an unbelievable number of bronies on staff at Riot. There were pictures of ponies EVERYWHERE.
Feep said:Got to tour Riot Games offices today in Santa Monica! What an incredibly cool workplace.
Also, snapped a picture of this. This is a crystal trophy in their lobby!
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