Going on a secret mission? :OElectraStar said:Yeah, we showed them!!
And I'm glad we left it on a high note, because you won;t be seeing me for a while :x
Also, we won with a lady team:

Going on a secret mission? :OElectraStar said:Yeah, we showed them!!
And I'm glad we left it on a high note, because you won;t be seeing me for a while :x
Ferga said:I've once played a game where it was all male characters vs female characters
It was pure coincidence too. Everyone made a remark about it after the loading screen
The males won![]()
Ferga said:I've once played a game where it was all male characters vs female characters
It was pure coincidence too. Everyone made a remark about it after the loading screen
The males won![]()
Ultimoo said:made an all female team with nome and mspudding and we won.
Gaaraz said:Sorry, just thought I'd drop this here since I still can't believe I got this score!
Juggernaut - stacks multiplicatively with other disable duration reductions -- for example, Irelia with Merc Treads (35%), Juggernaut (10%), and 3+ enemy champions nearby (40%) will grant her a grand total of (1 - 0.35) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 - 0.4) = 0.351 ---> 1 - 0.351 = 0.649 ~ 65% disable duration reduction. Better nerf Irelia.
I think I lost 3-5 games games yesterday when I was jungling and the other team had no jungler. Now the explanation could be that I'm a terrible jungler and my ganks are terrible and all losses were my fault, but considering stuff like one game where early on our DUAL lane has two people with 12 deaths and 1 kill, I don't think I can be blamed for all of it. =(bjaelke said:I count 2-3 females junglers in total. 0-1 for competitive play.
bjaelke said:Sorry for dp, but did anyone catch this article over at IGN?
Hey League of Legends Community, Don't Be a Jerk
I mean "0-1 female champions that are useful in competitive play". I don't believe that a jungler is a necessity to win a game, but it does provide a significant advantage (xp/farm).Blizzard said:I think I lost 3-5 games games yesterday when I was jungling and the other team had no jungler. Now the explanation could be that I'm a terrible jungler and my ganks are terrible and all losses were my fault, but considering stuff like one game where early on our DUAL lane has two people with 12 deaths and 1 kill, I don't think I can be blamed for all of it. =(
Naturally that's normal instead of "competitive" play, but even GAF games seem to get lost when we have a jungler and the other team doesn't, half the time.
bjaelke said:I mean "0-1 female champions that are useful in competitive play". I don't believe that a jungler is a necessity to win a game, but it does provide a significant advantage (xp/farm).
perryfarrell said:As usual, Wellplayed's Rampage match coming up shortly.
Dignitas vs TSM
For how many champions there are now it seems fine. Two isn't enough for draft/ranked.bjaelke said:4 bans for each teams seems like an overkill.
Kozak said:slicebread
tomato/bbq sauce
and thats fucken it!
Ferga said:what
thestopsign said:Just saw another GAFer in solo ranked queue for the first time ever. Was a good game, but my team pulled ahead at the end and got an uncontested baron.
For those who want a sort of unconventional yet strong pick. I'd suggest Teemo top and go a straight attack speed/proc build with Malady, Wit's End, Starks, and Frozen Mallet. He counters almost every top champion except maybe Irelia, and I stayed even with her for most of the game and crushed her with the help of the rest of my team late. Once you push the top tower down, completely mushroom up their top jungle and force their team to fight the rest of their fights in the top jungle.
Did you see TheRainMan's Teemo against Dignitas? It was actually a positive surprise.Dance In My Blood said:I will beat Teemo top. Every time. Because hey, it's Teemo.
No, I'd be interested to see it. Was this recent with Dignitas running their new top though?bjaelke said:Did you see TheRainMan's Teemo against Dignitas? It was actually a positive surprise.
dont laugh, he's a beastbjaelke said:Dignitas first picked Tryndamere![]()
bjaelke said:Dignitas first picked Tryndamere![]()
I'm not laughing at their Tryndamere pick. I'm laughing because they first picked him.AEGISX said:dont laugh, he's a beast
thestopsign said:Just saw another GAFer in solo ranked queue for the first time ever. Was a good game, but my team pulled ahead at the end and got an uncontested baron.
For those who want a sort of unconventional yet strong pick. I'd suggest Teemo top and go a straight attack speed/proc build with Malady, Wit's End, Starks, and Frozen Mallet. He counters almost every top champion except maybe Irelia, and I stayed even with her for most of the game and crushed her with the help of the rest of my team late. Once you push the top tower down, completely mushroom up their top jungle and force their team to fight the rest of their fights in the top jungle.
bjaelke said:Dignitas first picked Tryndamere![]()
Blizzard said:Speaking of Teemo, strategy question:
(I know the answer to this may be DUH, PLAY DRAFT NORMAL, but bear with me)
My understanding is that normally, top lane has a solo tank or a solo mostly tank person. I guess if they're a mostly tank person, the team either doesn't have a tank or the bottom lane has the tank as a support (Alistar).
Now, if the top lane is solo and the other team doesn't have a jungler, and we still lose (I have lost about 5 such games, I think most of them with GAF people, in the last 2 days or so), we are presumably doing something wrong. Case in point, last night we had what seemed to be a pretty bad Singed top. However, he was facing Teemo and Zilean.
Strategy question: What do you do as a solo person against Teemo and Zilean? If you are a tank, chances are you don't have ranged attacks. If you are a ranged AD person, chances are Teemo blinding you immediately shuts down most of your damage. If you are a ranged AP person, chances are you are squishy.
In any of the above cases, if you hug your turret you are unlikely to get minion kills due to turret hugging and being blinded by Teemo running in with the dart and running away. You are unlikely to be able to survive at the turret, even with pots, because Zilean can run in, bomb you, and run away (instantly repeating it with whatever ability he has that does that, too). That will be say, 100-300 HP for each combo, most likely.
Then past level 6, even if you charged one of them or got a good gank (through all the Teemo mushrooms), Zilean may be able to save it with his ult. What do you do?
Be careful of renekton.thestopsign said:I'm mostly assuming that most top laners are going to be melee, and that's why Teemo counters them. If they put a switch and put someone like Malz top then I might have a problem. I'm 2-0 in Ranked with one game against a Cho and one against a Irelia, and I've beaten a Singed and Rumble top as well.
How do you handle the situation I described with Teemo dive-blinding and Zilean dive-double-bombing you though? You would have to pick someone in advance with lots of healing, right?Dance In My Blood said:If you can't last hit under the tower stay out of top lane. Dunno what else to tell you. 2v1 is easy if you just hole up, play safe, and do your best on last hitting. They're going to be gimped as hell later into the game in terms of gold, so as long as you don't feed you pretty much win. Zilean is good support but only mid. He doesn't work that well in a duo lane.
I just really don't understand the hypothetical danger here. There's not enough burst there to kill you, and you can punish dives so hard in the game right now that I really just don't see the issue. They can't dive or push hard early game, and by the time the mid game rolls around any top has enough sustain to easily hold the lane under their turret.Blizzard said:How do you handle the situation I described with Teemo dive-blinding and Zilean dive-double-bombing you though? You would have to pick someone in advance with lots of healing, right?
It was a Singed top. They weren't being dived so that Teemo and Zilean would take damage they couldn't heal off. The point is that Teemo can use a dart unless you are literally behind the tower, and Zilean can use the bombs even if you ARE behind the tower as long as minions are near. If you get hit with any of the above, you will take say 100-300 damage at level 3-6, right? You also typically have no way to counterattack since Zilean and Teemo have speedboosts plus mushroom bushes to slow. It is going to be very hard to heal off repeated 100-300 damage hits as far as I am aware, if you only have like 700-1000 HP early on. I guess you can try to get the jungler to hold the tower for you while you go heal (enough Teemo mushrooms should also prevent ganks). Singed used all 5 potions early on and was still low HP.Dance In My Blood said:I just really don't understand the hypothetical danger here. There's not enough burst there to kill you, and you can punish dives so hard in the game right now that I really just don't see the issue. They can't dive or push hard early game, and by the time the mid game rolls around any top has enough sustain to easily hold the lane under their turret.
Who are you playing top where this is so hard? Shyvana or something?
I guess my issue was that with proper Teemo mushrooms you can't really get top, and I either wasn't there enough or was too bad to kill top early on.Dmorr07 said:The jungler should be able to punish them if they're that far pushed up. Singed with his slow and most junglers should be able to get a kill if they playing that far up even with Zil and Teemo's speed. If they keep playing that aggressive then the jungle should keep ganking top.