Ferrio said:Witnessed my first flash fail by a Monkey King trying to escape through the dragon area. Was hilarious.
That was too funny.
Ferrio said:Witnessed my first flash fail by a Monkey King trying to escape through the dragon area. Was hilarious.
I am going to have to steal your build apparently. Also I can never play games with you since you'll be better and thus it wouldn't be right for me to play Fizz.AcridMeat said:I quite like Fizz.
I let you down.Ferrio said:Dismayed how most people still pick flash, such a damn shame.
You have Brand, Maokai, Shyvana and others in you rotation, right? We were supposed to have those as well (announcement), but Riot apparently decided otherwise...Dance In My Blood said:No, ours is way different. And not anywhere near as bad.
Nome said:Out of curiosity, what do you mean by more DotA-like items? I've actually found LoL to have a wider variety of items.
Halycon said:More significant activated abilities. Although there's a wider range of stats/combinations available to champions, all of them are stats boosts of some kind. It's just mix and match your preferred stats. If items were removed, and you directly bought stats (say, you spend 400g on a Scroll of Attack to permanently boost your attack by 10), the game would be more or less exactly the same.
Of course you could make a similar argument for DOTA.
Boken said:I think he means game changing items. Items in LoL are in the "do what you do better" category, where as items in DotA allow you change the game as required (generally - strong actives, BKB, Manta style, cyclone stick, hex stick etc).
Honestly, while I'd like more strategic options in item choice + in team fights, I think that LoL champions aren't strong enough for such impactful items (compared to DotA champions).
Yeah, ours is Brand, Maokai, Shyv, Blitz, Taric, Ryze, Malphite, Syver, GP, Kog. It's a pretty good week.bjaelke said:You have Brand, Maokai, Shyvana and others in you rotation, right? We were supposed to have those as well (announcement), but Riot apparently decided otherwise...
Ferrio said:Dismayed how most people still pick flash, such a damn shame.
Dance In My Blood said:Keyboard mashing as Skarner redeems the night. Decisive win. Skarner just dominates everything. Had people with full health dying during the ult duration. Preeeeeeety cool.
When they suicided in for kills I thought they'd pull down something, but that was just crazy.AcridMeat said:Surviving a team fight with less than 100 health was incredible and the highlight of the night.
With only one person on the other team getting fed I can just ult and shut them down. Worked out sometimes, other times not as much. Really hard to gank Kennen. He's really underplayed.Dipindots said:That kennen scared me, not gonna lie... until that first pull at bot river where he went 100-0 in seconds. All was well after that![]()
AcridMeat said:Surviving a team fight with less than 100 health was incredible and the highlight of the night.
Ferrio said:Dismayed how most people still pick flash, such a damn shame.
Achtius said:y u no do this in our games
Archie said:Voted Dota 2. Thanks for the link.![]()
If only we could all be so blessed with a key >_>Archie said:Voted Dota 2. Thanks for the link.![]()
Eh heh heh.Rise of Immortals - 15
shintoki said:If only we could all be so blessed with a key >_>
But you already play Riven and Shyvana, HEYOOOOFerrio said:*flaunts his*
also I should pick up sivir, i need a troll character.
Blizzard said:But you already play Riven and Shyvana, HEYOOOO
Please don't though. My Sivir skin is cooler than you anyway. Also no key flaunting especially when you spend all your time playing LoL anyway!![]()
lol gaf gonna lol it up.Legato.Reborn- said:Now I'm regretting posting that link -- fuck guys.
I don't know why you'd want to compound grief with saltiness.Ferrio said:also I should pick up sivir, i need a troll character.
Gez said:I wish the game had a hardcore mode
-No runes
-No Masteries
-No Summoner spells
-Flash is now an item
-All teleports must be a paid 1 use Portal scroll
-Free team shared Fortify every 5 minutues.
-Gold lost on death
-Creep Dennying
-Tower dennying
-Player dennying
I really think Riot is losing a big potential player base but not making a Hardcore mode.
'Go a play HoN/DOTA' is not a good answer, i really love the characters and stats system in LoL but i would like to see it in a traditional DOTA sense.
Ferrio said:I think they'd lose more doing that. Even if they did that barely anyone would care. Most people who do would play dota for the name alone. Not to mention the inclusion of dominion has caused weird balance issues to arrive, imagine trying to balance 3 separate game modes like that.
I think "Go play HoN/Dota" is a great answer. Why mess with this game's formula to appease people who wouldn't play it anyways? Cater to the people who love the game already.
Pretty much the argument you're offering is the same EA/Bioware does for Dragon Age II, trying to appeal to a larger audience, but losing focus on what made them popular in the first place.
Gez said:Its a mode you dont have to play...just like dominion....
Ferrio said:Think I'm going to change up my shyvana jungling strat. Liked the smite/surge but it's killing my early ganking. Overall ganking as her is kinda hard, so I'm not going to go out of my way to do it anymore.
Instead I'm going to go 21-9-0, smite/ghost and hunt down their jungler after I've cleared. If they don't have one i'll just clear their jungle and pick off anyone I can.
brian! said:aaaa you should just lane then, jungle's for gankers!
Ferrio said:Killing their jungler isn't ganking?
Achtius said:technically it's counter-jungle![]()
Your top and bottom lanes will hate you even more than they already hate you for playing Shyvana jungle.Ferrio said:Which is a job of a jungler. So what's the problem?
I would much rather see Riot focus on changes to the game they made than trying to shoehorn in DOTA mode or whatever. To me it is pretty clear that the game is already in a state of transition, and balance feels precarious and temporary as such. Like Ferrio said, I already think Dominion was a waste of time for Riot that threatens the balance of Summoner's Rift. Another mode would simply compound balance issues and take resources away from improving the core game.Gez said:I wish the game had a hardcore mode
I think most people don't care about the enemy jungler as long as they aren't ganking them or taking dragon/baron.Ferrio said:Killing their jungler isn't ganking?
Ferrio's Shyvana jungle is solid. I vouch for it.Blizzard said:Your top and bottom lanes will hate you even more than they already hate you for playing Shyvana jungle.Also, your top lane already has 5 deaths since they're a bad player, and your enemy team has no jungler, so it was 2v1, and that tower is down to 20% health.
Legato.Reborn- said:
Dota 2 - 5348Nome said:It's gonna be funny if Dota 2 gets more votes than they have players.
Well still no sign of the invisibility or jungle changes, although I guess you could argue that the mastery overhaul serves as a stepping stone to the jungle changes. Also: Project Shiny or whatever, which sits in a place of questionable existence.Halycon said:Riot is not exactly lacking in resources/manpower.
Halycon said:I have no basis for this claim, but I feel that the lethargic nature of Riot's balance team is not due to a lack of manpower. I highly doubt Guinsoo is losing sleep because he's up all night crunching numbers and tweaking values. Rather, it is part of their development policy/philosophy to introduce changes a little at a time, as is true for most online games where balance is an issue.