You gotta be pro with Bayonetta. Sounds like you're not pro enough. </trollface>Man, trying to learn vayne but man I'm sucking it up. I don't see how you can lane without getting completely destroyed by another ranged character.
So far I've had to fight against (in a lane)
Cait & Shaco: Cait completely auto ranged me, and shaco kept me from hiding in bushes.
Nasus & Teemo: Teemo would stealth, pop me with a blind if I ever tried to bully nasus. Just one hit of his poison and vayne is hurting.
Kogmaw & ???: Wasn't too bad, but still kog puts on the hurt.
All times I never had a support. I'm guessing you need a support or your just screwed with her?
She definitely excels with a support. Taric's stun allows Vayne to get in position for condemn or to get out of tough situations.All times I never had a support. I'm guessing you need a support or your just screwed with her?
Another thing to bear in mind is that when you go for your third silver combo shot, try to make sure it's either an arrow or a roll shot for maximum bonus damage.
God I hate free Vayne week. I'm thinking about dodging games with a Vayne on my team...
It adds additional damage over doing a normal autoattack, after which point you might not have the opportunity to do another attack, so it's more damage than you would have done in general.Actually doesn't add any additional damage, just more bursty.
What shoes did you get? I'm guessing possibly merc treads since you wouldn't have had magic resist otherwise? Or cooldown boots for more parleys?
Welcome to the jungle Gangplank fold. The new masteries helped him out more than a lot of other champions because of how crit heavy they can be.
If you're stomping a team Beserker's are best.
Once stopsign gets on, we'll talk about what we're going to do then send invs to those interested.
Sorry for taking a while to get back to you guys. Had to travel home for Thanksgiving and didn't have internet for a bit.
As far as a Ranked Team goes, lets see if we have enough for the eight slots available for each team, and then if we have more we can hold tryouts of some sort. I'm not really sure how that will work exactly. I think ideally we would just reach eight and then hopefully another team can form if need be. Then of course there's going to the Gaffers gonna GAF team.
I think having options is key here, so no one gets stuck where they don't want to be.
If you guys don't have me added yet, I'm Chronos in game. I can either make a Ranked Team or maybe take over the one that Achtius has (sorry I get Achtius and Blizzard confused all the time for some reason).
Course, you could always add other good players and use good judgement.
Off the top of my head:
There you go, eight solid players. I'm probably leaving someone else.
Wow. 1v1 me at dragon.Course, you could always add other good players and use good judgement.
Off the top of my head:
There you go, eight solid players. I'm probably leaving someone else.
I'm not on these good lists, I've been robbed!good? TROLOLOLOLOL
These are the people that are good:
+ among others
also I transfer ownership of GAF to Chrono
These are the people that are good:
+ among others
also I transfer ownership of GAF to Chrono
Course, you could always add other good players and use good judgement.
Off the top of my head:
There you go, eight solid players. I'm probably leaving someone else.
One word. Yorick.jk XD
Southern, that Yorick killed your rep man.
Ufokidd not even on this list.
You guys should be more worried about availability when constructing a team.
Man, trying to learn vayne but man I'm sucking it up. I don't see how you can lane without getting completely destroyed by another ranged character.
So far I've had to fight against (in a lane)
Cait & Shaco: Cait completely auto ranged me, and shaco kept me from hiding in bushes.
Nasus & Teemo: Teemo would stealth, pop me with a blind if I ever tried to bully nasus. Just one hit of his poison and vayne is hurting.
Kogmaw & ???: Wasn't too bad, but still kog puts on the hurt.
All times I never had a support. I'm guessing you need a support or your just screwed with her?
Ufokidd not even on this list.
Why don't we just have the people who want to join the more serious group post up, and then we can form a list. I think there are a lot of good players that have been listed so far, probably enough for two different solid groups.
So if you want to join, post and I'll start a list.
Don't cause rage either.![]()
I'm finding it really hard to make the transition to Dota2.
Just had a couple of games of LoL; first time in months and loved it.
<3 Ashe
Silly, I don't know of anyone who disrespects Yorick much these days. It's SouthernDragon Yorick that getsAll you motherfuckers talking shit about Yorick take note. I'm going to main Yorick 24/7 until he gets the fucking respect he deserves!
Why would you even say this unless you're going to offer me 4 keys or something? :/also i have dota2 on 2 steam accounts![]()
You gotta be pro with Bayonetta. Sounds like you're not pro enough. </trollface>
I'm kind of surprised Kog'maw didn't bother you more, considering his long slime range, boostable attack range, super ult range with vision in bushes, and kamikaze passive for Vayne's low HP.
I don't know how to do well with Vayne. Mudkira does well with her in bot games, but other than them I don't even know GAF people who play Vayne regularly. One thing to bear in mind is that when you use your ult and roll, you become invisible for a short amount of time. Another thing to bear in mind is that when you go for your third silver combo shot, try to make sure it's either an arrow or a roll shot for maximum bonus damage. Presumably ultra pro Vaynes also use rolls and arrows to pin people to unexpected geometry in glitchy fashion.
And a side note regarding Teemo, he's pretty good against autoattackers like Tryndamere and probably Vayne precisely becuase of the blind. You can hit him with abilities, but all Vayne has is the crossbow so you'd get off like one shot while being hit with 2-3 shots + poison. Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, and even Kogmaw have other things they can hit Teemo with if they're blinded.
aww no honourable mentions to me being good?
rex is sad![]()
Acrid, Mudkira and I got no love despite my complaining. =( And after all my pro AD carry work when people are like "YOU MUST GO CAITLYN".Thanks achtius![]()
Acrid, Mudkira and I got no love despite my complaining. =( And after all my pro AD carry work when people are like "YOU MUST GO CAITLYN".
Everybody needs love. I'm sure you're good at uh, Fizz!I don't need love! I'm bad.
aww no honourable mentions to me being good?
rex is sad![]()