Nocturne, Shaco, Skarner, Udyr and Lee Sin will get nerfed before they touch Riven. I wouldn't worry about it because she was used in 1 pro game.
First serious GAF ranked game gonna go down, we'll see how it goes!
There it goes!riven is OP
I like Riven, but I don't think she's OP. I used to play her more often. I was just giving her as an example of another mostly melee champion, like Fizz, that I feel can struggle against ranged champions or certain matchups.
I think Jenga was complaining about her earlier in the thread, and two or three other people might have claimed she was OP. Someone used her in a competitive game too so I am kind of afraid enough people complaining will get Riot to nerf her.
There it goes!
Also someone on NeoGAF was telling me that Udyr is unstoppable and the best jungler. Isn't he getting remade though?
I don't really feel like Riven is OP. She is annoying and has some nice burst early game. But seems to hit a ledge and falls off quickly, outside still being annoying.
I'd still much rather see nerfs to Aki and Tyrand, before the other ones. Ram is definitely going to need another for the jungle changes, might as well put it in preemptively.
Udyr wont get touched. He is perfectly fine. He is the only champion without an ult. Unless they want to remake him and give him an ult he is fine as he is.
Karma has no ult. And having an ult doesn't make a champion more or less underpowered. Udyr is one of the best junglers in the game (although this could all get turned on its head with the next patch).Udyr wont get touched. He is perfectly fine. He is the only champion without an ult. Unless they want to remake him and give him an ult he is fine as he is.
He isn't being remade. Dodge is being removed from the game at some point in the future, and all champions that have built in dodge mechanics need some form of compensation that will be worked in. Udyr is one of these champions.There it goes!
Also someone on NeoGAF was telling me that Udyr is unstoppable and the best jungler. Isn't he getting remade though?
Akali is scrub league after all the nerfs. Well, not really but she only fits into very specific match ups and requires her lane matchup to be at a lower skill level. There are so many more champions that go top who can spiral out of control that don't rely on getting early kills.I hate Akali. Tyndamere, I can understand, because I can make sure he doesn't farm too much and I know not to get too close to allow him to smack me in the face.
But Akali..there is nothing I can do to her. Pre-6, she just slaps me around, ignoring minions, and post-6, there's no way I can kill her unless I catch her off guard AND I have a 125gold Pink Ward.
My friend plays a mean Akali and he outright denies how powerful she can be.
I hate Akali. Tyndamere, I can understand, because I can make sure he doesn't farm too much and I know not to get too close to allow him to smack me in the face.
But Akali..there is nothing I can do to her. Pre-6, she just slaps me around, ignoring minions, and post-6, there's no way I can kill her unless I catch her off guard AND I have a 125gold Pink Ward.
My friend plays a mean Akali and he outright denies how powerful she can be.
Blade of the ExileHe is certainly more well off than Riven is, which was my point.
Really? She doesnt have an ult? So what is this?Karma has no ult. And having an ult doesn't make a champion more or less underpowered. Udyr is one of the best junglers in the game (although this could all get turned on its head with the next patch).
a skill available at level 1 cant be called an ultimate
2th making me facepalm
Y u so furry, Uchip?
2th making me facepalm
Y u so furry, Uchip?
warwick confirmed to be new best jungler. those level 6 ganks are even more deadlier.
warwick > udyr
Warwick is good.
Too bad everyone in this game is too fucking stupid to realize that a Warwick gank before level 6 is going to be about effective as their contributions to society.
Its your fault I was first blood 3 minutes into the game! YOU NEVER GANK!
There it goes!
Also someone on NeoGAF was telling me that Udyr is unstoppable and the best jungler. Isn't he getting remade though?
[ALL] GG! Noob WW! Please go kill yourself!
[ALL] Lol this WW is telling me to stop feeding. Idiot doesn't even gank.
[ALL] blablabla I need to let people know all about my problems in all chat! blablabla
Stonewall008 updates his thoughts on the new jungle remake.In short - the new jungle is easier but it will still have the gap between regular junglers, bad junglers, masters and strong junglers.
Nothing says confidence like blaming others in all chat.
I always report the first person to do that shit regardless. Even if we win, going into all chat just to bitch out someone is low class.
But that's the only reason to use all chat. That and to say "gg noobs, easy" even if it took you 50 minutes to win the game.
In short - the new jungle is easier but it will still have the gap between regular junglers, bad junglers, masters and strong junglers.
Yeah, insecure elitist prick.example said:Yeah, let's make it easier for weaker players to clear the jungle....WHY?! Why is Riot doing anything for the low level player?
Are you being sarcastic? Her autoattacks are still relatively short melee range as far as I know, and the ranged attack is a skillshot. Garen's ult is a click attack, other champions have ranged ults with longer range, etc. What is wrong with a melee character being able to do enhanced AD damage in a general area?Blade of the Exile
(Active): Riven's sword reforms, gaining 20% bonus attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and autoattacks for 15 seconds. She is also granted the ability to use Wind Slash once for the duration.
Wind Slash Riven can activate the ability to emit a shockwave in a long cone in front of her that deals physical damage to all units hit based on their missing health.
No cost
Missile Speed: 2200
Bonus autoattack range: 75
Bonus Ki Burst range: 20 (estimate)
Broken Wings new aoe: 325 (estimate)
Minimum Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 (+0.6 per bonus attack damage)
Maximum Damage (25% health or lower): 240 / 360 / 480 (+1.8 per bonus attack damage)
Cooldown: 75 / 60 / 45 seconds
So she gets a ranged attack, an AD steroid, and her auto attack range is increased. Sounds like she is just fine to me.
Admittedly though she is weaker than Udyr but that doesnt make him OP. But, Riven can snowball a lot harder than Udyr. Get some AD on her and she can melt squishies. Plus she has a better gap closers than Udyr.
I think 2th would be happy if they nerfed udyr but changed phoenix to a ranged attack.
There only needs to be one Karthus in the game.he would be happy if udyr had a button that kills the enemy team
That's what I'm trying to learn at the moment. I'm always behind in gold and levels, but if I can manage not to feed and get past that point he seems good.What do you guys think about Ryze? Like low elo, normal, blind-pick solo queue. Seems kind of good.
Also 2th, stop pushing your "Udyr is so weak QQ" agenda pls.
Are you being sarcastic? Her autoattacks are still relatively short melee range as far as I know, and the ranged attack is a skillshot. Garen's ult is a click attack, other champions have ranged ults with longer range, etc. What is wrong with a melee character being able to do enhanced AD damage in a general area?
I think 2th would be happy if they nerfed udyr but changed phoenix to a ranged attack.
And Uchip you're playing dominion instead of summoner's rift. :|
*edit* I notice you didn't even use lich bane.
Ryze is cool. Tanky caster. Not much burst. Definitely not as bursty as Annie, or Morgana. You need 5-6 spells in succession to do some serious damage, but with his passive which reduces CD after spells are cast, it's lots of fun. Something like R-Q-W-E-Q etc.
im going to be sad next patch when hes nerfed to shit
If this keeps up with champions I actually like, especially new champions, I'm going to quit playing forever. Or I'll just keep complaining about nerfs. :| I guess the only safe thing to do is wait until new champions are free, but didn't Graves get nerfed twice AFTER he was free?I bought Fizz last night. I also say he is OP. They will nerf his ratios into oblivion.
Ryze is cool. Tanky caster. Not much burst. Definitely not as bursty as Annie, or Morgana. You need 5-6 spells in succession to do some serious damage, but with his passive which reduces CD after spells are cast, it's lots of fun. Something like R-Q-W-E-Q etc.