I have seen crushing ranked game defeats, 2-18 kills, 20 minute surrenders, that sort of thing, but somehow I was fine until a 66 minute victory. That made me rage more than anything.
It was 66 minutes against 4 people. Amumu was presumably the highest ELO and never joined the entire match. Then it was 5-10 minutes against 3 people. Veigar was 8/0 and died for the first time when he disconnected and we jumped on him midlane during the disconnect. He stayed out for a few minutes and finally came back. We lost 4 people at once in their base then, I think.
I was a terrible Caitlyn, dying twice but not doing much (1466 crits on minions, but didn't seem to do much versus champions?), but I almost think if we had been aced they would have won. Our team was constantly split up, begging in chat hardly did anything, and just when you thought you had the group together, one would go off to the jungle, or recall, or get dragon 60 minutes into the game, or go baron again (only to lose 4 people and wait another minute to respawn).
At one point we had 4 people mid, ready to take a tower or the nexus (no inhibitor mid?) or kill veigar, and kennen stayed top lane to kill a tower after like 20 pings for him to join the group. Naturally one or two other people went to join them, and pow, three people killed under a tower, more fun for veigar.
Then later, we at long last killed veigar, killed everyone (except ashe or fiddlesticks?)! We had 4 or 5 alive! We have 50+ minute Caitlyn and Master Yi, time to destroy the nexus tower(s) since we're 4v1...oh wait, wandering over to destroy that other inhibitor? Oh wait, getting one or two people picked off instead of tanking the nexus tower with rammus? Oh wait, 4 enemies alive again?
Oh wait, 3-4 of the team dead again and another 60 seconds to wait?
In the end the nexus went down. Not because we killed it, of course, but because the minions did it.
I normally take everything I do bad and teams do bad in stride, but that game just took the cake. I will try not to ever bitch that badly again.