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It's been so lonely lately
I haven't tried him since the buff, but he's so expensive since I also was thinking I want wukong and xerath, lol.Just went 14-5 with Skarner jungling in ranked ... so fucking OP and easy jungling.
play more dominion with us
and our amazing joke teams
You guys play LoL?
Soul Eater (Passive): Ahri gains a charge of Soul Eater whenever one of her spells hits an enemy (max: three charges per spell). Upon reaching nine charges, Ahri's next spell has a large amount of Spell Vamp.
Orb of Deception: Ahri sends out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and True damage on the way back.
Fox-Fire: Ahri releases three fox-fires, which after a short delay lock on and attack nearby enemies.
Charm: Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her.
Spirit Rush (Ultimate): Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging three nearby champions. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown.
Well Uchip, this champ was made JUST for you.
the exact same thing was posted a few pages ago -_-
im not gafs resident furry and never will be
edit: so they used that one as the official art then?
wtf yes you are?
I will not be your wish fulfillment
okay look, you're LoLGAF's resident furry
is that not a fair assessment?
Ahri is probably going to be the first champion I buy day one. She has sustain on a passive. True damage. Hard CC. Summoned minions. Mobility dash that will probably go over terrain. And she shoots hearts.
Probably going to be OP.
That's actually what pushed me to want her even more. Look at my avatar, dammit!Ahri is probably going to be the first champion I buy day one. She has sustain on a passive. True damage. Hard CC. Summoned minions. Mobility dash that will probably go over terrain. And she shoots hearts.
Probably going to be OP.
Nice pentakill and great job with vlad.(Note Vayne's awesome score... Even despite her early-game feeding we were semi-afraid of her towards the end. She's so ridiculous in late-game!)
Nice pentakill and great job with vlad.
I should revise what I said and say that the new champion sounds like a mix of Akali, Talon, and Irelia, yikes. (though I guess none of them does true damage, double yikes)
Ahri is probably going to be the first champion I buy day one. She has sustain on a passive. True damage. Hard CC. Summoned minions. Mobility dash that will probably go over terrain. And she shoots hearts.
Probably going to be OP.
I will not be your wish fulfillment
ufokidd OP!
(Note Vayne's awesome score... Even despite her early-game feeding we were semi-afraid of her towards the end. She's so ridiculous in late-game!)
something tells me there was outside inspiration
They even added the ears. That's +10% furry right there.
She better do the pose.
The Veigar buffs are welcome and will make laning better, but they don't fix the real issue with him. The real issue is that after you use your stun and your ult, you have 12 seconds of uselessness. They should have decreased the time it takes for dark matter to fall so that it was more useful when your stun is down.
In certain matchups he can be a very good pick. I think the mana reduction changes will make his farm as strong as it needs to be.Veigar closet OP man
Warmog's Armor
Passive health gain cap reduced to 350 from 450
Passive health regeneration per 5 reduced to 10 from 15
Health gain per kill or assist reduced to 35 from 45, minion kill reduced to 3.5 from 4.5
Health regeneration per 5 gain per kill or assist reduced to 1 from 1.5, minion kill reduced to .1 from .15
and i bet you have an orianna hentai collection
If such collection exist, yes I would![]()
::sees GP up top::Throughout the whole TankyDPS meta (which has been a verrrry loooooong meeeeeeta) I still can not believe Atmas has not been touched. It is one of the pillars that creates the TankyDPS problem.
::sees GP up top::
::first trip from base - giant's belt, ruby crystal, regrowth pendant::
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Throughout the whole TankyDPS meta (which has been a verrrry loooooong meeeeeeta) I still can not believe Atmas has not been touched. It is one of the pillars that creates the TankyDPS problem.
Patch by patch, LoL slowly becomes DOTA.
Patch by patch, LoL slowly becomes DOTA.
Ahri not getting released/unlocked before the 14th.