You guys don't get to complain about what you didn't get =(
Also, I'm gonna wait until some gaffer (Kiunch, I'm lookin' at you) plays her, to see how well she really does. I can't judge champions off spotlights anymore.
He knew the game was already over. Doublelift and Hotshot played terrible and there was nothing that could be done. They did not react to the lane swap well at all.CLG's 2nd game was well played but the 3rd game..
what is saintvicious doing?? His ulting in as jarvan knowing his outnumbered
I knew CLG fell from grace but this is terrible play
People wanting to play new champ, holidays, and Christmas stuff in the game. The issue would be less pronounced if Ahri came out earlier in the day when fewer people are playing.Holy shit, I haven't seen queues for so long. To think Riot was finally picking it up in that department.
They borked their Ahri world release. Poor Riot, they tried so hard =\
Actually I can
Ahri is exactly like leblanc early game in terms of burst but is weak late game like leblanc but she can hit multiple targets.
Her passive pretty much lets you lane forever if you mana regen runes
we lossssssssssssssssssssssssst ;(
minion op, nerf plz
i should of stay in base
and kill minions![]()
Yeah now I think about it trist should go bd, while talon with aoe should stay lol. I guess the tank should stay too =p
The longer the wait, the more I want to play. Is that a sign of addiction?
Still have 10 minutes here.Server is up, with 5 min estimate wait time. Q up gents.
I got in instantly.
First Impressions:
Burst: 8/10
I can see the LeBlanc comparisons but Ahris's not quite as bursty as her.
Mobility: 7/10
Her main mobility move is on a 80 second cooldown, so she falls far below champions like Riven and Fizz. She's more like Lux in this regard, but more combat oriented.
Sustain: 6/10
Her "sustain" requires you to basically farm creep waves, which pushes the lane. I guess it's better than nothing but on SR it can be pretty risky. On Dom this is a nonissue.
Troll: 9/10
She's good at kiting AND rushdown. Mind games up in this bitch.
Waifu: 10/10
Fox lady nuff said.
Ah yes, this I forgot to mention. Her farming is way better than Lux, Morgana or Ori, the closest parallels I can think of.She farms really good too, which something leblanc can't do and another reason why she drops off lategame.
Ah yes, this I forgot to mention. Her farming is way better than Lux, Morgana or Ori, the closest parallels I can think of.
I find myself skeptical of such a claim.Ah yes, this I forgot to mention. Her farming is way better than Lux, Morgana or Ori, the closest parallels I can think of.
I find myself skeptical of such a claim.
She farms really good too, which something leblanc can't do and another reason why she drops off lategame.
This is how you play Sona:Sona is a harder character to use than ahri, but then again she's really fun.
Meh. Don't like Ahri much. Her AP ratios are shit. She can't burst as hard as Leblanc ... kinda fun to seduce people into towers.
Least she can AoE somewhat. And I call bullshit on her foxfire prioritizing champions. I had a Volibear even with minions and they all zapped the minion when both voli and the minion were in range.
This is how you play Sona:
Just when I was starting to build up my IP balance again...
Holiday quints on sale.
On the plus side, getting closer to level 23. Played a good come-from-behind with Sona tonight.