Free champs this week: Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Nunu, Rammus, Ryze, Temmo, Warwick, Ezreal, Galio, Karma
I recognize most of the names, but who is that champ at the end there?
Free champs this week: Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Nunu, Rammus, Ryze, Temmo, Warwick, Ezreal, Galio, Karma
How did I miss this
I put some tips in, at the very end! I even scattered them throughout.
Some tips:
-Don't leave base with more than 475 golds if you have empty slots, instead of saving it for expensive item, buy a doran/pot/ward, it will return your investment.
The classic Achitus maneuver-Achtius will always be in shower, don't bother asking him to play
-Kiunch's Eve is awesome, if Kiunch failed a tower dive, its the team fault, always.
He also runs away even if you are winning-SummonInTrouble always ping retreat, even when your winning.
-75% of Gaf afk in chat room, a premade 5 vs 5 is impossible unless we have at least 25 people online.
I recognize most of the names, but who is that champ at the end there?
This doesn't happen to me anymore, HA! Also, you forgot one. Buy wards.-If you play less than 3 champions, in premade draft mode, GAF will ban all of your champ for easy win. WE SERIOUS
I was under the impression you owned more champs than that... why are we so poor =(![]()
Idunno who she is either, but apparently i brought her before. :O
That can't seriously be your champion roster.
More junglers and AD carries I guess. Unless you just don't play those roles ever.who else should i have?
I am going to bring Yi back. Seriously, he's so good now.
More junglers and AD carries I guess. Unless you just don't play those roles ever.
I'm trying to win games, not dunk.need more attack speed.
New Avatar get. Hate size restrictions :|
Free champs this week: Fiddlesticks, Katarina, Nunu, Rammus, Ryze, Temmo, Warwick, Ezreal, Galio, Karma
I am not looking forward to this one bit.
I'm trying to win games, not dunk.
Hate to post two games in a row but c'mon, this was ridiculous:
Some tips:
-Don't auto attack creep during early lane, just last hit
That Fizz had over 4k games played, kind of hard to compete with a tough lane like that.I hate that fizz so much, jump jump ignite dead fox, jump jump sheen proc dead fox, that happened 6 times straight.
Felt good to get carry by my team, it's like my feeding is part of the grand master plan for ultimate victory.
Man, it's going to be done tomorrow, no question about it. This last part is so ANNOYING though.
Hard to find many guides lately that properly reflect the new jungle.Anybody know of a really good jungling guide?
so far I'm interested in learning how to jungle properly with Yi and Tryndamere.
Like, what rune builds, masteries, items, and sequence, etc.
I now own every champ. God I've put so much money into this "free" game.
That comic posted earlier fits me perfectly![]()
More junglers and AD carries I guess. Unless you just don't play those roles ever.
Items depend. Yi can start armor and five pots if you really want to play it safe, but realistically the best start on both Yi and Trynd is the Vampiric Scepter. Build Wriggles from there. Buy basic boots early on your first back but don't upgrade until Wriggles is done. Not a big Trynd player so I can't speak too in depth about his build, but for Yi after Wriggles the build order I tend to use is Beserker's Greaves, Youmuu's, Warmog's, Atma's. Build last item as the game calls for and go tankier if you are dying (MR if their mages are out of control) or damage if you're pulling ahead. Yi has low survivability, so you have to build him with a mix of tankiness in order to get your damage off.
Only route for champions who use mana is just Wolves -> Blue -> Wraiths -> Golems -> Red if you want to gank somewhat early. If you want an easier route start at Blue and get a leash, this can help open up earlier ganking opportunities as well because you'll have more health. After that clear the jungle as needed and available, and take advantage of red buff to gank. If you know a lane is warded don't be afraid to pop your ult in the river to come in extra fast.
Hmm, I already have health seals from a while back, should I just go straight up vamp scepter then? assuming my runes are:
DMG marks / HP seals / Cooldown Glyphs / Armour Pen quints
He's the first champ I bought even if he costs 6300IP in Asia.I guess you like Wolves, huh?
If you are running that rune set you should probably start cloth armor and pots. Trynd is best with early ganks, so I would also say the recommendation for a Doran's Blade from bjaelke is the optimal opening if you can grab an easy level two with it.Hmm, I already have health seals from a while back, should I just go straight up vamp scepter then? assuming my runes are:
DMG marks / HP seals / Cooldown Glyphs / Armour Pen quints
I don't feel like I could seriously play Yi this way. It's just too risky to rely on lifesteal to keep you alive on a melee glass cannon. It's not uncommon to have to run from a situation, or to be unable to get an auto-attack in because you can't close the gap at that moment.IDK I still go all attack speed. Key here is after I build wriggles, boots, phantom dancer, and ghost blade I try and build starks. So the extra LS from that on top of wriggles keeps me alive with my insane attack speed from items + Ulty. Plus he gets the extra static movement boost from the PD so you can haul ass around the map later on in game especially if you have flash/ghost + ghost blade + Ulty.
Key IMO if you want to get as many hits in on an enemy in the short times possible while your E is still proc'ed so you get the double AD damage. Then just chain your Ulty with the kills.
Main problem Yi use to have is his mana usage SUCKED early game, but they ended up buffing that during the Voli patch by reducing mana costs. Now he's way easier to play.
If you are running that rune set you should probably start cloth armor and pots. Trynd is best with early ganks, so I would also say the recommendation for a Doran's Blade from bjaelke is the optimal opening if you can grab an easy level two with it.
I don't feel like I could seriously play Yi this way. It's just too risky to rely on lifesteal to keep you alive on a melee glass cannon. It's not uncommon to have to run from a situation, or to be unable to get an auto-attack in because you can't close the gap at that moment.
Building all of one stat can seriously hamper your play as it doesn't really stack all that well. In most situations it behooves you to diversify your stats to maximize their cost effectiveness. Even if you build Yi tanky your DPS can go unrivaled, and it allows you to stay in combat longer and not have to wait for the fight to be almost over to enter the fray. It's important for the jungler to be the backbone for a team, and that includes being a part of team fights once the game shifts to that. Having a good transition into end game is important, and I don't really see how melee glass cannons who rely on always being in melee range fit into that.
Probably "when they're ready" (tm). In my opinion though, theres a high chance it'd be soon (next patch or after) since the changes weren't game breaking.When are those Shen changes coming?
You have to have your best player take the 1v2 lane. 1v2 isn't exactly an easy thing to do. Blind pick doesn't help either, since you'd like a champion who can 1v2.As for the jungle, I still feel like about 75% of the time that GAF has a jungler and the other team doesn't, since the jungle mastery changes, GAF loses.
This is funny.
When are those Shen changes coming?
In theory you are always in range, in practice this is never the case. Hard CC exists all over LoL, and so do dashes, dodges, and other tricks that loads of champions have as a means of escaping or turning the tables.Your always in range because of your movement speed. Once you build out boots + pd your stock movement speed is extremely fast. That's not counting your q to engage with, your ulty which makes you super insanely fast, and your ghost blade + flash or ghost.
If you can't always be in melee range with that it's more of a you problem IMO(not you specifically just general you). Plus that build gives you team utility in team fights with Starks Aura for all.
This is only a bad thing sometimes because GAF always plays blind pick and sometimes runs low sustain tops without teleport. Once you know how to 1v2 a lane and last hit under the tower it is remarkably easy, and you could only take half of the creep wave and still come out ahead of the lane with two. If the other team has no jungler they are giving up tons of buff control, and the mid and bottom lanes can push with little fear of any surprises.As for the jungle, I still feel like about 75% of the time that GAF has a jungler and the other team doesn't...
That's what one would think, but when I try unorthodox routes and such I always end up with no health, no mana, no gold, 3 levels behind, that sort of thing. I feel like with gangplank I either need to rush the jungle as quickly as possible (losing most of my health in the process and/or using up all my health potions by the time I finish golems), without ganking, or else I'm behind on levels and hugely behind on gold...unless I go sit in someone's lane after ganking (which probably failed), and then I'm stealing their XP. It's even worse if your mid person is someone who wants blue buff for the mana, since Gangplank has so little. Sheen helps eventually but I'm currently trying to build it after infinity edge which means it's like 5k-6k gold into the game, and the game is 60% over, before I get ANY mana help.And you don't really need a route to jungle anymore. Kill stuff that's up and put pressure on lanes. Jungling isn't something that's very rigid anymore.
That Fizz had over 4k games played, kind of hard to compete with a tough lane like that.
Somewhat related, but I was looking through LeagueofStats and it tracks how well you do with people on your friends list. I'm not sure how up to date or accurate it is, but this is some pretty serious Voltron stuff:
Somewhat related, but I was looking through LeagueofStats and it tracks how well you do with people on your friends list. I'm not sure how up to date or accurate it is, but this is some pretty serious Voltron stuff:[/IM G][/QUOTE]
Not sure how that works, because when I checked mine, it say i played only 7 games with bind, but I am pretty sure I played WAY more than that.
we played at least 70 games together. XD
Yeah it shows very few games. It claims I have won 100% of the games I have played with ufokidd or J Rizzle, but it says there are only 8 of each. Maybe it only started tracking recently?Not sure how that works, because when I checked mine, it say i played only 7 games with bind, but I am pretty sure I played WAY more than that.
we played at least 70 games together. XD
Yeah it shows very few games. It claims I have won 100% of the games I have played with ufokidd or J Rizzle, but it says there are only 8 of each. Maybe it only started tracking recently?