Archie said:Can we keep the HoN vs. LoL bullshit out of this thread? Both games are good.
Clearly DotA is the only good DotA game and LoL is the best LoL game. HoN is awesome for being a HoN game.VaLiancY said:Nah bro', this is GAF. There must be only be one good DotA game.
Jazzy Network said:If LoL stayed the same with relays spectator and good server stability, it would be fine. But right now there's more flaws than I'd like on it.
Teknopathetic said:GGs Earthstrike, met, nilay, and jiten.
Macattk15 said:Good thing it is a free game huh? Just go pay your $20 and go play HoN then sir.
Jazzy Network said:Just cause it's a free game doesn't mean they can just leave shit out there normally should be in it and if the servers are down half the time what does it matter if I can't play it?
And sometimes we're too lazy to play a game but want to watch people get rolled anyway.Meteorain said:A lot of people like to learn by watching good players play. Not all of them stream or upload their games.
No, Val enjoys it too, he just likes to be the cause of it.Meteorain said:Only you Haly delight in the misery of others. You are an evil evil person![]()
Macattk15 said:I've never had to deal with the servers being down more than like 5 times in all of my playing time and I'm level 30.
If you're talking about them being "Busy", well there are ways around that.
Spectating is really a needed function? Wouldn't you rather be playing it than watching it?
What can I say? I was responding to a completely moronic post so anything I said was going to sound stupid.Jazzy Network said:This post is full of stupid I can't even begin to comment.
IcedTea said:What can I say? I was responding to a completely moronic post so anything I said was going to sound stupid.
They have server guys working on making the servers better and they have game developers that develop the game. Stopping the development of new champions does not make the server guys jobs easier, it just means that the game devs aren't doing much.
If you're that concerned that LoL's featureset doesn't match up with HoN's, maybe you should just play a game with a featureset that does match up to HoN. Such as HoN itself. As a bonus, the community for that game is already filled with jackasses so you'll fit right in.
Mairu said:While I am looking forward to the graphics improvements, I would have much preferred replays/spectator before a graphics revamp.
.bluemax said:"Different teams do different things" - Riot Games
Jazzy Network said:Just cause it's a free game doesn't mean they can just leave shit out there normally should be in it and if the servers are down half the time what does it matter if I can't play it?
- Power Fist now resets auto-attack timer.
- Terrify now grants assists.
- Perseverance is no longer removed by combat dehancing effects such as Warwick's Blood Scent.
- Explosive Cask now interacts properly with spell shields like Banshee's Veil.
- Counterstrike now leaves a buff showing for how long it can be used.
- Death Defied passive remade to fix some of the bugs and usability issues
- Lightning Rush is no longer castable while disabled
- Netherblade mana cost changed to 25, from 30/40/50/60/70.
- Riftwalk
- No longer shows cast particles over fog of war
- Now leaves a buff showing for how long your Riftwalk costs extra and deals extra damage.
- Shunpo no longer ignores enemy spell shields like Banshee's Veil.
- Killer Instinct no longer reduces true damage when used with Shunpo.
- Fixed a bug where Caustic Spittle was giving multiplicative attack speed rather than base.
- Defensive Ball Curl can now be cancelled.
- Fixed a bug where Jack in the Box fearing enemies didn't grant an assist.
- Fling now deals damage at the start of the spell, rather than when the target hits the ground.
- Radiance now has a brief cooldown when activated with the goal of preventing quick cancellation after initiation.
- The first attack after breaking stealth will now benefit from the bonus attack speed of Ambush.
- Ambush will now provide its attack speed bonus if you break stealth by casting a spell.
- Fixed a bug where his Transfusion was not restoring enough health from Spell Vamp (not how much the spell heals normally)
- Fixed a bug where his Transfusion tooltip showed it restoring less health than it did
- Vladimir's Blood Gorged passive no longer heals him when his Ability Power increases
- Chronoshift duration reduced to 13 seconds, from 15.
- Chronoshift cooldown increased to 180 seconds at all levels from 180/160/140 seconds.
- New Item: Kindlegem
- Recipe consists of Ruby Crystal + 425G.
- 200 Health
- UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%
- New Item: Shurelya's Firecrest(An item made for the new champion)
- Recipe consists of Kindlegem + Philosopher's Stone + 500G.
- 330 Health
- 25 Health Regen per 5 sec
- 12 Mana Regen per 5 sec
- UNIQUE Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%
- UNIQUE Active: Nearby champions gain 40% movement speed for 3 seconds (60 second cooldown)
- Rejuvenation Bead no longer lists as building into Spirit Visage.
- Vision Wards and Sight Wards now show their remaining duration (in seconds) in their mana bar. Both teams can see the remaining duration.
- Sunfire Cape no longer deals damage when held by a clone.
- Boost of Mobility are no longer removed by combat dehancers such as Warwick's Blood Scent.
- Fixed a bug where some knock up and knock away spells failed to interrupt enemy channeled spells.
- Fixed a bug where Summoner Teleport refreshed your W slot's cooldown when used.
- Disconnected players will now run home if their Blue Pill is interrupted
- Disconnected players now gain 1000 Magic Resist after 1 minute of continuous disconnection.
Actually I've spent like almost 60-70 bucks on the game already. If its totally free I see your point, but I've laid down quite a bit of money on it already so don't tell me they can slack.Tideas said:actually, it does mean they can, just because it IS free. If you don't like it, don't play. Because you didn't pay any money, you have no right to complain.
Jazzy Network said:Actually I've spent like almost 60-70 bucks on the game already. If its totally free I see your point, but I've laid down quite a bit of money on it already so don't tell me they can slack.
Damn small nerfs to Katarina. She's already weak as it is in competitive play.
True, but I am still a paying customer no matter how you sugar coat it. Ive had at least 4 days in the past week alone that was either me lagging in game incredibly bad or the server itself was off. These were doing peak times around 8-12 est so I couldn't play. One or two times fine, but when it happens week in and week out that is when I start getting pissed.Macattk15 said:But you weren't required to spend that money on this game, that was your choice. You could of slowly grinded out the IP to buy everything you wanted in this game, except for cosmetic skins ( <3 Corp. Mundo ). I've really only ever had one day where the lag was unplayable and a handful of days where the servers were down. For a "free" game with as many people playing it as there is ... I give them a lot of credit for what currently exists.
Jazzy Network said:Actually I've spent like almost 60-70 bucks on the game already. If its totally free I see your point, but I've laid down quite a bit of money on it already so don't tell me they can slack.
Damn small nerfs to Katarina. She's already weak as it is in competitive play.
Fixed to accurately reflect what Riot is doing.That's like saying I was giving out free pizza slices, only 1 per customer per day, as a deal. But you could buy some extra slices if you enjoyed them, along with drinks and sides. (And the whole purpose of the free pizza was to entice users into buying more.) So you should have the right to complain if the pizza you bought was shitty.
So if I or other paying customers didn't support the game then this game wouldn't even exist. Of course I have the right to complain. I love it when people use the "well you didn't have to pay for it" excuse.Tideas said:that was by your own volition. You never had to spend money. you CHOSE to. u never had to spend money to play the game.
that's like saying I gave you a free pizza slice, you bought napkins for it, and you have a RIGHt to complain to me on where I should spend my resources to provide you with the free pizza.
Jazzy Network said:So if I or other paying customers didn't support the game then this game wouldn't even exist. Of course I have the right to complain. I love it when people use the "well you didn't have to pay for it" excuse.
Halycon said:Some people seem to be under the impression LoL wasn't designed to make money.
Halycon said:I think paying customers have a right to complain, after all, they're the ones who are supporting the game itself, along with the company.
Also can we have some non-shitty late game MR items already? Armor has Sunfire, Atma's, Thornmail, Randuin's and Frozen Heart.
What do you have for lategame MR? Banshee's (loses cost effectiveness on tanks without mana), Abyssal Scepter, Lichbane (always bought for AP and rarely bought for the MR unless you're playing an AP/Tank hero), Force of Nature (lololololol).
Go look at the LoL forums sometimes whenever servers go down.Macattk15 said:Of course the game was designed to make money, Riot isn't a charity, don't think anyone thinks the game was designed to make nothing ... especially with Riot controlling the servers and not some 3rd party (or ourselves).
I was thinking from a tanking perspective. If the other team is mostly physical DPS, you can still have a wide range of options to choose from as you near end game. If the team is mostly caster? Banshees, and that's pretty much it.I'll always buy Banshee's ... it has saved my ass so many times and I've seen it save others asses so many times.
Halycon said:Go look at the LoL forums sometimes whenever servers go down.
A lot of people hold LoL to the standards of a completely free game, like one of those games you find on Kongregate. It's not. It's very clearly a game made with the intention of making money, but is very subtle about how it wants to become profitable. Thus, it should be held to the same standards as any other retail game you paid $30 for (see, HoN). The only difference is some people have paid far more than $30, and it's a slap in the face when the game doesn't even deliver some rudimentary features that have been promised since beta. Did they choose to spend that money? Yes, ultimately they did, and in good faith. It's when that faith turns out to be misplaced that they get angry, and rightfully so.
I was thinking from a tanking perspective. If the other team is mostly physical DPS, you can still have a wide range of options to choose from as you near end game. If the team is mostly caster? Banshees, and that's pretty much it.
Halycon said:I was thinking from a tanking perspective. If the other team is mostly physical DPS, you can still have a wide range of options to choose from as you near end game. If the team is mostly caster? Banshees, and that's pretty much it.
dionysus said:Is pure health a lot less effective than armor and MR for survivability? Of course most high end armor items have a bunch of health too...
bluemax said:Yes. Which is why building warmog's or leviathan is a complete waste of time and money.
Yes, in my experience. It is usually more cost-effective to go for Banshees+Some armor item than it is to go for pure hp that is blasted away quickly by both mages and physical dps guys.dionysus said:Thanks. Does that apply even vs. a balanced team?
Moussi said:Im a noob here and I just installed this game. Im having troubles with the menu of screen it seems to be destroying my computer and I can't log in. My comps specs destroy this game why am I having problems? ;(
srry for the noob question.
i got flash up to date. im not sure about adobe air.Macattk15 said:have the most up to date adobe flash / aero whatever it is?
Halycon said:I don't think leviathan is completely useless, as long as you're good enough to get the full 20 stacks, which isn't hard for a good tank because you'll be getting assists all over the place. Warmog's though, yeah. Piece of shit items really.
Jazzy Network said:That's good if you haven't experienced any issues. I have. I've paid them money more than what a retail game is worth. Once you have experienced the same issues I have almost daily since season 1 started, then come to me and give me your excuses, till then, I have the right as a customer of a free game that I am paying for so it won't die.
Plus the things I am asking of are completely reasonable. It's not like I'm asking Riot why they aren't giving me new maps for free or some other dumb thing like that. Server stability and replays are very reasonable things to ask for when season 1 comes out. Before that ok, it wasn't really all the competitive, but now with ranked games, there's no replay? Hell forget even replays, I can't even play half the time without lag or server shutdowns. If you don't play ranked, then good for you, I do.
Allocate your damn resources to server stability at the very least. What does it matter if hero X comes out if the first 2 days the servers are unplayable then when it actually does come on, gets bombarded and lagged to hell?
people seem to be under the impression that riot doesn't make a fuckload of cash from thisHalycon said:Some people seem to be under the impression LoL wasn't designed to make money.