Since their last two heroes have been 4800 and 6300, there's a chance that she'll be at least only 3150 right? Cause I only just bought MFVaLiancY said:
Since their last two heroes have been 4800 and 6300, there's a chance that she'll be at least only 3150 right? Cause I only just bought MFVaLiancY said:
A single person can only do so much. Dead weight is a bitch. Very often I'm the only person on my team who's not feeding and I'm doing well, but it doesn't mean I can somehow pull a win out of my ass. It's a team game not a solo show.FlightOfHeaven said:I assume it's more complicated than my statement, but when someone has won 500+ games and most everyone else has won 70-ish games, well... their elo can be significantly lower in terms of win/loss ratio, but sheer experience will trump all.
oxrock said:A single person can only do so much. Dead weight is a bitch. Very often I'm the only person on my team who's not feeding and I'm doing well, but it doesn't mean I can somehow pull a win out of my ass. It's a team game not a solo show.
You get the same with nearly any character and an idiot who expects you to support them, aka bail them out of something stupid.dionysus said:Playing Shen brings out the worst in the community. I had 3 games in a row where people non-stop flamed me for not using my R to save them. Never mind that they needed saving every 30s and it is a long cooldown or they wanted me to jump into a 4 on 1 gank deep in enemy territory. In all these games I had a positive K/D ratio and in one case was the best player on the team. I almost don't want to play him anymore.
Anyone else have these experiences with Shen?
I also think a high mobility team composition, shen, panth, and tf would be ridiculously good. And you are not sacrificing team composition because you have a tank, melee carry, and ranged carry. You can reverse ganks and backdoor towers.
People in this game yell just to yell. Especially feeders, how dare you not save their ass somehow when they charge into a 1v5 situation!?!?!?! I get this shit all the time, I'm not sticking my neck out for a player who continuously makes bad decisions. I'm also not dumb enough to try to hold a turret single handedly against the whole team. Unless the other team is completely brain dead it's a no win situation for me and I'd just be adding to their fed status. Anyhow, people who suck and are feeding feel it's in their best interest to yell and complain and carry on and especially lay some blame on your hands because they think that it somehow removes the suck from their gameplay.dionysus said:Playing Shen brings out the worst in the community. I had 3 games in a row where people non-stop flamed me for not using my R to save them. Never mind that they needed saving every 30s and it is a long cooldown or they wanted me to jump into a 4 on 1 gank deep in enemy territory. In all these games I had a positive K/D ratio and in one case was the best player on the team. I almost don't want to play him anymore.
Anyone else have these experiences with Shen?
I also think a high mobility team composition, shen, panth, and tf would be ridiculously good. And you are not sacrificing team composition because you have a tank, melee carry, and ranged carry. You can reverse ganks and backdoor towers.
shintoki said:You get the same with nearly any character and an idiot who expects you to support them, aka bail them out of something stupid.
I got it last game with a Yi who wanted a heal, which he did get, but some how expects it to be more than some 300hp every few seconds, all the while I have a MF and Kayle between me and him. :lol
dionysus said:Imagine a game where everyone took responsibility for their own death and thanked others if they got their ass saved from a gank. That would be the best game ever. My attempts to revolutionize the DOTA community by being nice and hoping others pay it forward is not going so well.
Edit. Oh I understand the community, but I am just saying it is worse on shen because his ultimate is a get out of jail free card for another player. So these players feel they have even more reason to bitch at you.
Edit2. Ok Shen players, do you save your energy in team battles for multiple taunts? My current playstyle I can only pull off 1 taunt because I am using my q and w and he has a slow regen rate.
FlightOfHeaven said:What tanks have they banned?
FlightOfHeaven said:Oh wow, Ranked sounds like a whole different ball game.
I have to purchase tanks that are not Rammus and Shen?![]()
shintoki said:PS: To note again, The "Last Person To Choose Has To Be Tank!" mentality is quite possibly the most retarded thing I have encountered yet. You ban Anumu and Ram, you choose some useless shit like Teemo for first pick, and then bitch why I didn't pick a tank.
"Pick Shen"
"I don't own Shen"
"Herp Derp Derp"
2nd PS: It sucks because I've played 7 ranked games and had to pick last on my team 6 out of the 7 times. :lol
3rd PS: The quality of player seems to be remarkably lower than normal games. I'm seeing zero wards, shitty turret diving, no jungles, no rare spawn control, no last hitting, and stupid fuck after stupid fuck.
FlightofHeaven said:Play normal? People are pretty chill on normal.
Does Tiamat stack? I'm starting to think it doesn't.
Blitz was banned also and the other team got Sion(Or Mundo, which ever one was free). The closest tank left was Morgana. :lol For some reason the leader expected me to have Shen. When I mentioned you banned the two I own already. It was getting yelled at for not having Shen drove me insane.sohois said:Even if the 2 tanks you own were banned, there should always be free tank champs available for you to pick, and seeing as tanks generally have pretty simple item builds i.e just buy loads of armour and mr, I don't see why any experienced players shouldn't be able to just play a Cho'gath or a Singed for one game. This is why I wish there was an option to always be the last pick in ranked since i'd always use it, i don't really have a main champ that i have to play, i'm much happier playing a wide variety of champs because i get bored playing the same one over & over.
sohois said:If the item description says UNIQUE Passive, then it doesn't stack, non-unique passives stack.
Teknopathetic said:" mean, if it doesn't stack, well... great! I just free'd up another slot! I just loved stacking splash, or thinking I'd stacked splash... Tiamat was just a great all-around item for Tristana."
Please don't get Tiamat on Tristana.
VaLiancY said:Cassopeia.
Get blowned up while people walk away from your dots. :lol
Diglet said:I finally hit level 30 and decided to try out ranked. I have been doing very well except for when I get last pick. Im 4-2 (3-0 with zil, and 0-2 with tanks) The first game i played, we had no jungler and not tank and i was last pick. The leader banned my two tanks, shen and amu and i had to play the free sion. I went like 2-5-4 or something with a teemo that would go invisi in bushes and leech exp. The rest of my games have been pretty enjoyable though
Edit: just played another ranked game as zil. we owned. 4-0 as zil![]()
Eve and Twitch both have always been that. They punish noobs with shitty for map awareness or people who can not adjust their strategies. You know what is a free kill? That idiotic WW or Udyr who has to start with Blue Golem. Better yet is when their skills are smite and flash, had one steal 3 dragons from the other team in a game. :lolHerbspicesoy said:I was stuck in "elo hell" (unranked 1000ish?, I only play solo ranked) for months and just finally worked my way up to the early 1400's recently by sticking with either Singed or jungle Udyr, instead of playing more risky/dps/squishie champs. The funny or sad thing is that the communication, or total lack thereof, flexibility (ppl that can/want to only play 1 or 2 champs) individual skill & teamplay isn't that far off from when I was in elo hell.
BTW something I noticed over the last weeks; nearly every Eve that I see dominates the game and makes jungling near impossible. Yes, even when ppl buy wards/oracle. I haven't seen her pwn this hard before. She seems like the number 1 pubstomper atm.
dionysus said:Edit. Oh I understand the community, but I am just saying it is worse on shen because his ultimate is a get out of jail free card for another player. So these players feel they have even more reason to bitch at you.
Edit2. Ok Shen players, do you save your energy in team battles for multiple taunts? My current playstyle I can only pull off 1 taunt because I am using my q and w and he has a slow regen rate.
FlightOfHeaven said:I just had an incredibly epic game.
At one point we were down something like 2-14, and the score ended up being 49-63, their favor.
We won, with two people bitching the entire time.
I'm adjusting my Tristana build, which now looks like this:
Berserker Boots
Phage + Zeal + Sheen -> Trinity Force
Zeal + Crit Cloak + 15% AS Sword -> Phantom Dancer
Sheen -> Lich Bane
Giant's Belt -> Frozen Mallet
Is it the best build? No. I get Mallet for health and the hahaha factor, but up to that point this has worked really, really well. Tiamat was godlike when they flooded our base with minions at one point, clearing out waves of them along with explosive shot. The game took 70 minutes, it was bananas.
If it had gone on long enough, I would have sold Tiamat for Infinity Edge.
Singed is probably one of the best heroes in the game(Currently). Very tank, quick, and like anumu has that auto AE which eats people slowly.FlightOfHeaven said:That's because Q could take Singed and go 30/0/20.
FlightOfHeaven said:That's because Q could take Singed and go 30/0/20.
dionysus said:But how do you go 30-4 without winning the game first? Were you just toying with the other team?
Easy, once the game gets pass a certain amount of time. One team loss means you loss. After about 30 minutes, backdooring becomes a massive potential cause to defend. Characters like Udyr in that game can do it exceptionally well. Or the exact opposite. Games were one person carries the team, means once he out of the picture. It's easy to face roll the rest. It's a crutch.dionysus said:But how do you go 30-4 without winning the game first? Were you just toying with the other team?
shintoki said:Easy, once the game gets pass a certain amount of time. One team loss means you loss. After about 30 minutes, backdooring becomes a massive potential cause to defend. Characters like Udyr in that game can do it exceptionally well. Or the exact opposite. Games were one person carries the team, means once he out of the picture. It's easy to face roll the rest. It's a crutch.