Well, like Kat and other channelers I usually wait until people use up their stuns before ulting someone. And even then it's good for interrupting channeled stuff like warwick, fiddle and nunu or just locking down their carry for a few moments.
I just started this game and I love using Malzahar I can lane push easily if there is only one other champion in the lane and if its a 2v1 I can keep it at a neutral spot. Taking out minions is a breeze witch means I pretty much outlevel all the opponents.Halycon said:Malzahar has gotten so much better since last i used him.
Use /ignore my friend, really helps to clean up the chat windowMacattk15 said:Lost a game with Ryze with me going 26-8-13. Other team was trolling me and raging cause I was wrecking them with a "faceroller".
I'll be fair, and say pure tank teams are bullshit and probably shouldn't be allowed. Cho, Nasus, Udyr, and Mundo barely need any dps items(Mundo doesn't even need one), to do solid-great damage. Even the poor tanks like Nunu are much stronger than the typical damage dealer.thestopsign said:Played a bunch of 5s with my friends last night. Including two tank team games both of which we rolled. In the first game, one of our friends had to leave during the middle of it, so it was only 4v5. Didn't prove to be a problem, I think we started doing better after he left actually. It forced us to stick together more, which is a good thing. The second game, I recruited some random guy off my friends list to play with us, and he went Cho. He wasn't great, but whatever. I got extremely fed as Udyr, and we had so much CC they couldn't move properly.
Udyr + Madred's Bloodrazor + Wriggle's Lantern + Tiger Stance melts faces. At one point I went back and bought Banshee's, Sunfire Cape, and Spirit Visage in one go.
Edit: I also won't be able to play next weekend. I'm going down to Boston to meet my brother. So good luck to you guys!
shintoki said:Also, I need code to get past Busy!
haven't had any issue so far..FlightOfHeaven said:I have no idea how to approach a Maokai. No one on my team seemed to know what to do against him, and we lost terribly. : /
I should probably stick to two games a day, after that it seems to go to shit.
FlightOfHeaven said:I have no idea how to approach a Maokai. No one on my team seemed to know what to do against him, and we lost terribly. : /
I should probably stick to two games a day, after that it seems to go to shit.
just no..Lead Based Paint said:Build him as a Tank.
Get a Chalice of Harmony and Boots on your first return. Level your E first, get one point in the other two, then level up Q next.
Good starting item for a balanced team would be Aegis.
Then build from this pool of items depending on comp:
Warmogs (Rarely use it)
witchedwiz said:just no..
it's a pure ap champion with decent ratios too..
build the standard ap item and give him some survivability item..
go with
doran --> mobility --> deathfire grasp --> rabadon
at that poind check how the game is going..
1) if you CAN go on the offensive, consider a lich bane + any other offensive item (void staff OR a sunfire that it's always useful)
2) if you gotta stay on the defensive side it's banshee or thornmail (depending on the team) and rylai (to boost ap a bit)
feel free to switch item priorities as you see fit..
AND don't forget that if you can nag a few kill early, you should always go for mejaj, since you'll hardly get focused in general, so you should be easily able to rack up stacks![]()
I just want to chip in and say that I have also had great success going with a more tank like build (pretty much the same items that you listed in your earlier post). Also I just want to say how much I like Maokis early game, saplings are so good for both defense and offense while fighting for control of the lane and his W and/or Q abilities are nice for those early ganksLead Based Paint said:How can you say that when you see my matches?
Ive beaten every ap Moaki that has tried me. So agree to diasgree.
Halycon said:One: FlightofHeaven was saying he has trouble figuring out how to fight maokai, not how to build him.
Two: AP Maokais are almost a non-factor in fights unless they are fed. Given the lack of people willing to tank and that everyone wants to play the new hero, a tanking Maokai is generally always preferable.
1) i was just pointing some stuff to lead baser list :XHalycon said:One: FlightofHeaven was saying he has trouble figuring out how to fight maokai, not how to build him.
Two: AP Maokais are almost a non-factor in fights unless they are fed. Given the lack of people willing to tank and that everyone wants to play the new hero, a tanking Maokai is generally always preferable.
CrazedProfessional said:I still don't get why people call others a kill stealer, whoever did the most damage gets the majority of gold on it anyway.
witchedwiz said:1) i was just pointing some stuff to lead baser list :X
2) sure you can build him "tanky", but if you really wanna tank there are rammus and shen that can do an infinitely better job... heck even nasus is better as a tank (and his ulti is far more effective in teamfight, while maokai's ulti is generally more situational).. I'm not saying that you can't build him tanky-alike, i'm just saying that if you can play effectively you can play him full ap for some great results.. granted that the tank is a niche role that hardly gets filled in solo queue, so maokai in that role may turn MORE useful, building him prioritizing ap is far from useless
But then again i guess that this opinion of mine is influenced by playing with some friends of mine that when trying the char for the first two days just went and did the mejaj on him for every single match.
FlightOfHeaven said:I played Blitz for the first time yesterday.
I might have found another tanky hero. He's so much fun. People got a riot out of this scenario:
Both teams are rushing each other. Mine is at the entrance to their mid lane. Minions are on the way, about to clash. My Blitz is on Overdrive, leading the charge way in the front.
All of a sudden...
My Blitz stands between the two teams, laughing. The entire chat breaks out in "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"
The other team lost, but everyone had a good time. Also, his abilities are BUSTED.
witchedwiz said:uhm i bought udyr but don't want to jungle with him (i already have ww as a pure jungler)..
so far my experience with him is so so..
he's a poor farmer, so unless he gets a few ganks straight he can hardly finish his build before match ends... sure he *CAN* go phoenix stance for creep aoe, but i personally max tiger, turtle and depending on team most likely bear as well... :|
Cels said:Wrong. Last hit is all that matters for gold distribution. Last hit gets the bounty, and 70% of that gets split between all assisters. If there is no assister then the extra 70% gold is lost.
Illustration -
You last hit an enemy champion who is worth 500g at the time. 2 other champions on your team helped. You get 500g, and 70% of that (350g) is split between the 2 assisters, so they each get 175g. If it was a kill with only 1 assister then you still get 500g, but the lone assister gets 350g. If it was a solo kill, you still only get 500g and the potential 350g for assisters is lost.
This is why assisted kills are always better for your team than solo kills. You WANT teammates to get gold.
I thought troll thing was fantastic from the get go. Pick the lane where the other player/s do not have flash. His movement speed+Pillar turn out to be incredibly useful at ganking. Only real competition for early ganks would be Shaco(With Exhaust), Eve, Ram, and a few others I expect. Unlike WW who is basically a third wheel, till he hits 6.Blackface said:I wouldn't suggest Trundle to someone new to jungling. He is also very difficult to jungle with without a good amount of runes. I would say go with WW for sure. You can gank at level 4 if the lane you are ganking has someone with a stun/slow etc.. Otherwise wait until you are level 6. Most games, if your team has a slight clue, you will easily be able to get a kill or two at 6. Your Ult is super super retarded early game.
My favorite jungler right now is Trundle. He takes a bit of getting used to, but once you learn how to play him he is so fucking good. He is not weak at any point in the game, is one of the most OP level 4 gankers, and can control all fights in the jungle with piller of filth. Late game he can easily take out a tower without any creeps around (drop a ward to absorb the first few hits). He also turns tanks into squishys with his ult.
You don't see Trundle much at high ELO, but that will change eventually. He is far to good of a champion to go un-noticed. The trend right now is a lot of people playing Irelia because they are finally realizing how powerful she is. Eventually Trundle will be in that position.
shintoki said:I thought troll thing was fantastic from the get go. Pick the lane where the other player/s do not have flash. His movement speed+Pillar turn out to be incredibly useful at ganking. Only real competition for early ganks would be Shaco(With Exhaust), Eve, Ram, and a few others I expect. Unlike WW who is basically a third wheel, till he hits 6.
And it's kind of funny how overpowered a team of tanks is. Got a game last night were we had Mundo, Nasus, and Udyr all on my team. Regardless of how many stupid ass things we did. We still completely overpowered them and the Udyr was pretty shitty/Very annoying.
This has been brought up somewhere. Hopefully something happens.K.Sabot said:First fucking game of the night and the ban picker is AFK, and no one wants to queue dodge
Riot needs to do something about afkers during picks.
FlightOfHeaven said:Man, I dunno what I should do. Should I use my IP to get Blitz, or spend it all building a solid rune page...
The issue is if someone goes AFK after you hit the button that places you in the select screen or if the game locks up for some reason that prevents them from picking a champion. Generally, someone going AFK or crashing for 1 minute in a ranked match is much less volatile than doing it at the champ select screen, because they often aren't spending 40 minutes not knowing what they're doing, or using an awful team composition that isn't necessarily anyone's fault.thestopsign said:I'm pretty sure that if someone doesn't do anything while in draft mode it drops them from the game and gives them a leave. I once went to the bathroom while I was in queue and came back and found out I got a leave.