Depends on who's in my lane. If I need a longer stun, then I move fear up the rank and start maxing it earlier.eznark said:How do you guys build fiddle, in terms of spell order? I generally put one into the crow-battarang first then alternate between fear and drain (obviously going nuke when available).
It's pretty bad ass for group rumbles. Throw in a dark wind, crow storm, and can take out the entire team in a blink.Son of Godzilla said:Yea, drain is an incredible nuke. And fear is completely broken. Storm Crow is little more than harassment if you don't have drain.
fixedSon of Godzilla said:Storm Crow is little more than harassment if you don't have flash.
Shit, with blitzcrank as a free to play now I'd say flash is a great pick anyway (but yeah, if I see a Fiddle without flash I jut chuckle)Cheeto said:fixed
I always use flash, no matter what hero I'm playing... always usefuleznark said:Shit, with blitzcrank as a free to play now I'd say flash is a great pick anyway (but yeah, if I see a Fiddle without flash I jut chuckle)
It seems pretty chill. I've read DOTA horror stories but overall it is pretty casual. I've played 15 games and have only met two people who acted like pricks.Melhisedek said:How is community in this one? I mean how much I'll get yelled at for being a newb?
Play the tutorial and a practice match or two, then join matchmaking. You should be matched with other noobs, but you will occasionally get placed with more experienced people, and those people might get frustrated and say something...but for the most part people will try to teach you.Melhisedek said:How is community in this one? I mean how much I'll get yelled at for being a newb?
Take a few classes to a practice match and see what you prefer. ranged/mage/tank/melee dps. You can read about each class at the store where it also says how difficult it is to master a certain class.Melhisedek said:Any tips for a beginner? Like what hero to use and what items? And overall strategies?
Kayle is a very easy and fun (I think) champion. Team with your best player, work it out in the pregame chat, and support like nobodies business.Melhisedek said:Any tips for a beginner? Like what hero to use and what items? And overall strategies?
0.o(Passive): Pantheon gains 100% critical damage on targets below 20% health.
Barrel Roll: Gragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 5 seconds.
Drunken Rage: Gragas guzzles down brew from his cask for several seconds, restoring his mana. After finishing, he becomes drunkenly empowered, increasing his damage dealt and reducing damage received.
Body Slam: Gragas charges to a location and collides with the first enemy unit he comes across, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units and slowing them for several seconds. Damage is split amongst units hit.
Explosive Cask: Gragas hurls his cask to a location, which explodes on impact, dealing damage and knocking back enemies caught in the blast radius. Enemies struck by the blast have their attack speed lowered.
Happy Hour (passive): On ability use, Gragas takes a drink restoring a small percentage of his max health over 4 seconds.
I'm playing it religiously, go ahead and add me, CheetoBanditoJoeFu said:This thread isn't really active
I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob, but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.
How many of you dudes play it here?
I play at least once a day, more like 3 matches or so.JoeFu said:This thread isn't really active
I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob, but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.
How many of you dudes play it here?
Nice, I was planning on picking up a boost since I have a totally open day tomorrow.HeartAttackJones said:
New LeaverBuster Additions:
When players leave during Champion Select, they will not be allowed to rejoin the Matchmaking Queue for a period of time. The first time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 3 minutes. The second time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 10 minutes. This count will reset 8 hours after the last time a player left during Champion Select.
Removed the "In champ select" message from buddy lists for friends who are in Normal Games (to help with queue dodging)
The Play Game screen has a new look and feel. When a player presses Play they will see a new screen with the same options. Clicking on Normal Game or Arranged Team will take the player to a Choose Game Mode screen which is where the map/game type are selected. should now support buddy lists up to 200 users more effectively
Fixed the rune list to allow for larger quantities of runes to be displayed
Fixed a bug where the initial buddy presence was not correct upon login to, causing some buddies to appear offline who were not
Fixed a bug that would allow some players to view other players Most Played Champions wins and losses
Fixed a bug that was causing some security answers on new accounts to not work
Fixed a bug that was causing some new accounts to not be able to log into the Community Site or after registering (if you still cannot log in to the web site but your account works on, please contact [email protected]).
Fixed a bug in the client that was causing the client to crash when chat was undocked
Fixed a bug where online players were sometimes showing up in the offline section of the friends list.
Fixed a bug where was not cleaning up game logs more than 5 days old.
Fixed a bug where sometimes players in the Arranged Team lobby would show as Level 0 with 0 wins.
eznark said:What's the problem?