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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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How do you guys build fiddle, in terms of spell order? I generally put one into the crow-battarang first then alternate between fear and drain (obviously going nuke when available).


eznark said:
How do you guys build fiddle, in terms of spell order? I generally put one into the crow-battarang first then alternate between fear and drain (obviously going nuke when available).
Depends on who's in my lane. If I need a longer stun, then I move fear up the rank and start maxing it earlier.

dark wind
dark wind
dark wind
crow storm
After level 6 I try to max the skills in this order:
dark wind (max)
crow storm (max)
fear (max)
drain (max


I played that way at first with Fiddle but I found fear-drain was so much better than dark wind. (Actually someone yelled at me and told me to try it this way so I did and preferred it).


I prefer the defensive approach with silence (dark wind). Either you max it like me or you don't spend any points on it until level 13 (when you run out of other options).


Son of Godzilla said:
Yea, drain is an incredible nuke. And fear is completely broken. Storm Crow is little more than harassment if you don't have drain.
It's pretty bad ass for group rumbles. Throw in a dark wind, crow storm, and fear...you can take out the entire team in a blink.

I always use the first point on dark wind because it's such a bad ass leveling/cash tool. Get so many last hits with it.


eznark said:
Shit, with blitzcrank as a free to play now I'd say flash is a great pick anyway (but yeah, if I see a Fiddle without flash I jut chuckle)
I always use flash, no matter what hero I'm playing... always useful


Second-rate Anihawk
I just started playing this game a few days ago, and I'm pretty terrible, but I am trying to get better. I was able to get enough battle points to unlock Master Yi and he is beastly. If anyone wants to add me my LoL user name is 'ScumbagBlues' (all one name)


Second-rate Anihawk
Melhisedek said:
How is community in this one? I mean how much I'll get yelled at for being a newb?
It seems pretty chill. I've read DOTA horror stories but overall it is pretty casual. I've played 15 games and have only met two people who acted like pricks.


Melhisedek said:
How is community in this one? I mean how much I'll get yelled at for being a newb?
Play the tutorial and a practice match or two, then join matchmaking. You should be matched with other noobs, but you will occasionally get placed with more experienced people, and those people might get frustrated and say something...but for the most part people will try to teach you.

This guy has done commentary on many different games and he found his way to LoL, he made this observation in one of his commentaries.
I haven't played DotA actively and never tried HoN, but the the general consensus seems that the LoL community is friendlier and much less elite. I've seen many posts about this appearing on the forum by people who have experienced these communities.
However there might be a difference based on your elo (rating). As more people have started playing LoL, some posts indicate that lower elo means more rude behaviour. I haven't experienced this myself because I haven't been in the low elo for a while. That said there are always bad apples, regardless of elo. I sometimes meet one, but it's not too bad. Here's a funny example; I recently played a game with Larias on my team through matchmaking. He has 'emissary' status, so he's like an ambassador of the game. He usually makes sophisticated posts on the forum and has a LoL youtubecast. Yet I haven't seen anyone insult people in caps like him in a good while, only because some didn't play like he expected them too, even though it was pretty obvious our team would win. The contrast between his appearance on the forum and the way he acted in-game couldn't be larger.

Besides playing practice games first, I strongly suggest checking out a guide for the champ you want to play. That's what I always do before playing a new champ.


I try to play two or three matches a night and honestly, the assholes are few and far between. More often than not if someone start being a dick, the rest of the players will react strongly to try and shut the idiot up.

When you play your first few matches just defend and support. Stick near turrets and do not wander off alone. As long as you don't die a lot no one is going to be pissed. Even if you get zero kills but rarely die it's likely you've been an asset (or at least not a liability).


Melhisedek said:
Any tips for a beginner? Like what hero to use and what items? And overall strategies?
Take a few classes to a practice match and see what you prefer. ranged/mage/tank/melee dps. You can read about each class at the store where it also says how difficult it is to master a certain class.

You can find some class specific strategies here: http://leaguecraft.com/strategies/guides/ (or at the official forum)


Melhisedek said:
Any tips for a beginner? Like what hero to use and what items? And overall strategies?
Kayle is a very easy and fun (I think) champion. Team with your best player, work it out in the pregame chat, and support like nobodies business.


I just had one of my best games playing Sivir (only my second try with her). Finished at level 17 with 9/1/8...the second highest hero was level 14 and on my team :lol Only shopped that one time after I died so I had 3k+ when the game finished :D Very easy-to-play character with an impressive dps output throughout the game.


Sivir, Ashe, and basically most ranged dps champs are good for beginners... you might get yourself in losing situations more often with melee dps champs since you need to be close, and caster champs usually rely on certain combos and skill shots to be effective.
A New Champion Approaches: Gragas, the Caskmaster

Barrel Roll: Gragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 5 seconds.

Drunken Rage: Gragas guzzles down brew from his cask for several seconds, restoring his mana. After finishing, he becomes drunkenly empowered, increasing his damage dealt and reducing damage received.

Body Slam: Gragas charges to a location and collides with the first enemy unit he comes across, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units and slowing them for several seconds. Damage is split amongst units hit.

Explosive Cask: Gragas hurls his cask to a location, which explodes on impact, dealing damage and knocking back enemies caught in the blast radius. Enemies struck by the blast have their attack speed lowered.

Happy Hour (passive): On ability use, Gragas takes a drink restoring a small percentage of his max health over 4 seconds.

Looks like a fun champ to me.


That sounds freaking awesome. I wish they would do more of that, develop and focus a bit on the character of the champions. Make them a little interesting.


Yeah the LoL community has been very cool. Sometimes you'll get the guy who is all business and hates anybody who isn't playing how he wants them to play, but just ignore those dudes.

I tried playing HoN and the first game I got into the entire team got pissed at me because I was only lvl 1. They instantly dismissed me (even though I know how to play DotA), so I just quit the match early and came back to LoL.

On a side note, I'm currently in love with Fiddlesticks, he's just downright awesome. I try to max Dark Wind as early as possible, it's insane when you are in a lane with 2 enemy champions. Any time you can get the 2 of them alone in the early game, throw a Dark Wind at them and it just bounces back and forth until it kills one of them. Not to mention how deadly Crow Storm + Drain can be.

I'm still pretty much a noob though, I'm only lvl 9 so I don't have flash yet, which kind of breaks Fiddlesticks. But anybody who is noob friendly go ahead and add me (Aesthet1c). I'd like to get some more people on my friendlist, right now it's kind of just me and my brother in law.
Nope. Just played a few games as Nunu, and went 18-1-2 and 4-1-11. The first game, I got overleveled fast, and my ultimate was taking out their whole team in one hit. I got multiple triple kills from that. He's a fun hero to play as. Both games I had a Kassadin on my team that was over 20-0 though, the hero seems over powered if played right.


Anyone playing with the two new champions? The spartan dude seems to be pretty damn popular (and a decent tank)


I've played them both a bit and found the Gragas is kinda cool, but everything he does he does it rather rather poorly and other champs do it much better. He's a novelty right now, and I'd expect him to receive some sort of buff or even a reworking in the future.

I found Pantheon to be a much better champ though. His spear shot makes for amazing early game harassment. I normally take a pair of boots, 2 health pots, and a mana pot out of the gate. This allows me to move very quickly around the lane since pantheon's base move speed is already pretty high. With this extra move speed you can constantly harass an enemies that are trying to get last hits and keep them away from the experience and gold. At level 3, once I've skilled my main skills and with a competent laning partner, double killing the lane enemies is pretty easy to do with a well timed shield strike after my partner initiates. This has been successful with a wide range of partners, but Twisted Fate, Janna, Rammus, Annie, or Alistar pretty much guarantee it. You need to take advantage of his great farming ability and you need to stay ahead of the game or else he becomes very useless. After buying your initial items, don't spend anything until you have a B.F. sword, because once you have that you'll be able to realize the full farming ability. Your heartstreaker will now one shot creep waves and you'll be able to clear the jungle. My goal is to get two bloodthristers and a last whisper by level 16. Stacked, you can stun+heartseeker most champs to about 20% health, auto attack once, spear and they're dead...very devastating combo. Again, the problem is you need a lot of money to get to that point, so use your ult to clear waves and gain stacks and money. I rarely use my ult for offensive purposes unless I see my team winning a skirmish and I can cast it at the enemies escape point and land on the runners...otherwise anyone with half a brain can dodge it.


Pantheon is amazing, Grabass is good early game then everything besides his ult is :/

If anyone wants to play add me:



This thread isn't really active :(

I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob :( , but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.

How many of you dudes play it here?


JoeFu said:
This thread isn't really active :(

I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob :( , but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.

How many of you dudes play it here?
I'm playing it religiously, go ahead and add me, CheetoBandito

I've got a couple groups of players with vent servers for premades.


JoeFu said:
This thread isn't really active :(

I just downloaded the game a few weeks ago and the game is a blast. I never played DOTA, tried HON and got yelled at for being a noob :( , but the LoL community is pretty nice. The friends I play with make it even more awesome.

How many of you dudes play it here?
I play at least once a day, more like 3 matches or so.

eznark, feel free to add me as well
I've been playing this game a lot more and I'm getting pretty good with Sivir. I added some of you on here and if anyone else wants to add me, my name in LoL is NubCakes09.


Gonna try and get a bunch of game in this weekend before the storm of new games hits.

New patch:
New LeaverBuster Additions:
When players leave during Champion Select, they will not be allowed to rejoin the Matchmaking Queue for a period of time. The first time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 3 minutes. The second time a player leaves, they will not be allowed to requeue for 10 minutes. This count will reset 8 hours after the last time a player left during Champion Select.
Removed the "In champ select" message from buddy lists for friends who are in Normal Games (to help with queue dodging)
The Play Game screen has a new look and feel. When a player presses “Play” they will see a new screen with the same options. Clicking on “Normal Game” or “Arranged Team” will take the player to a “Choose Game Mode” screen which is where the map/game type are selected.
PVP.net should now support buddy lists up to 200 users more effectively
Fixed the PVP.net rune list to allow for larger quantities of runes to be displayed
Fixed a bug where the initial buddy presence was not correct upon login to PVP.net, causing some buddies to appear offline who were not
Fixed a bug that would allow some players to view other player’s Most Played Champions wins and losses
Fixed a bug that was causing some security answers on new accounts to not work
Fixed a bug that was causing some new accounts to not be able to log into the Community Site or PVP.net after registering (if you still cannot log in to the web site but your account works on PVP.net, please contact [email protected]).
Fixed a bug in the PVP.net client that was causing the client to crash when chat was undocked
Fixed a bug where online players were sometimes showing up in the “offline” section of the friends list.
Fixed a bug where PVP.net was not cleaning up game logs more than 5 days old.
Fixed a bug where sometimes players in the Arranged Team lobby would show as Level 0 with 0 wins.

Also a general game patch with the normal tweaks.

Leaver buster additions are a much welcome (and needed) enhancement.
And it is still unsure if we, SEA gamers, are going to start from scratch(again) or keep everything we've unlocked in our NA summoner profile. And also, we cannot play with the friends we've met in LoL anymore.


Anyone try out the new champion?

I played against him last night and got steam rolled. The dude doesn't seem to die. I thought about buying him, but I want to try to get a better idea if he's any good before I waste my IP.


He doesn't seem bad. I think he's a tank that can deal out massive damage. He's got that shield and crap too, but I dunno, only played against him like once.
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