Carried a team hardcore with NasusArchie said:Just went 10-0-11 with Corki. feelsgoodman
FlightOfHeaven said:Mundo is busted. He's impossible to kill late game unless you have at least 2 other heros on him.
FlightOfHeaven said:Mundo is busted. He's impossible to kill late game unless you have at least 2 other heros on him.
wiping the team doesn't even matter. fortify can be used while dead.CrazedProfessional said:Boots of Mobility + Ghost + Ult = Fast motherfucker.
Also, ran into my first Fortify + Teleport team. needless to say they need to change Fortify to 50% less damage taken or something. In its current state you need to wipe the enemy team in order to kill one turret which just isn't right. Fix that and remove Tryde, Panth and Vlad from the game.
Jokey665 said:wiping the team doesn't even matter. fortify can be used while dead.
anyway, if you think that's bad just wait until you fight a team with karthus, shen, pantheon, twisted fate, and soraka where they all have revive, and shen/panth/tf have fortify while the others have teleport. they are always everywhere forever
That's false, his Cleave is a flat %. He can have a constant AE, and he increases damage based on health lost. Normally if you just throw on something like Atma. He'll be 300AD+ once in combat. That definitely isn't weak for how much punishment he can take and still easily be able to get away. He's similar to Nasus and Udyr, except has the super speed/CC reduction. Making him even better as the off tank to just blast through and mess of the other team's squishies.Macattk15 said:True but his damage output is rather poop. Just ignore him in team fights or CC him then kill his team.
shintoki said:That's false, his Cleave is a flat %. He can have a constant AE, and he increases damage based on health lost. Normally if you just throw on something like Atma. He'll be 300AD+ once in combat. That definitely isn't weak for how much punishment he can take and still easily be able to get away. He's similar to Nasus and Udyr, except has the super speed/CC reduction. Making him even better as the off tank to just blast through and mess of the other team's squishies.
I was just about to ask if there was any other EU players about. I'll add you.witchedwiz said:is it eu or us thread? if it's eu, add me
Chumly said:I just want to say that this game is really really broken when it comes to leavers. If you have a leaver on your team your completely and utterly fucked.
The main problem is that lots of people have multiple accounts so they don't even care.Erasus said:Not always, but most of the time yea. They are developing a new system to punish leavers more.
thestopsign said:People complain about Pantheon and Eve, but really, they are probably not level 30 yet. Those two champs are clear pubstompers, champs that are really easy to kill inexperienced players with. To those that are playing against Fortify + Revive/Teleport teams, if you are truly beating them, their fortifies shouldn't matter. It can sway close matches though, but just remember, for team fights you guys have the huge advantage of useful summoner spells, while they don't.
If your letting Panth do that, I'd say your pretty bad. Eve and Shaco are the other common ones, that players think are overpowered. But as long as you play defensive to start. You neutralize their character. If they can not get those 4 or 5 kills quickly(First 15 minutes)... It means they'll be useless for the rest of the game. But if they can get those ones, it means they'll be able to quickly jump around and add a few more in. They are pure snowball or die characters. There is no second chance for them.CrazedProfessional said:Eve I agree with but Panth is just way too much for pretty much every character. Ult in, kill two people, exhaust on the third and kill him, Repeat. This is especially true when he gets 3 Dorans Blades/Longswords up, nobody can touch him until atleast level 14. By then probably 1 or 2 of your towers are down. Panth definitely needs a second look at.
shintoki said:If your letting Panth do that, I'd say your pretty bad.
You can still push, you just have to know when and if your character is capable of handling it. This is 90% of the game. Map awareness and knowing characters capabilities.CrazedProfessional said:I never get killed by Panth, he kills everyone else. After level 6 it's very hard to push a lane without a tank in there to soak up Panth and his damage.
if anyone has those codes and dones't want to play again, feel free to share the love..BloodElfHunter said:Haven't played this for months, just got an email with a code from some free characters and skins if I'd return... I think I'm going to return![]()
mm..Archie said:
n0b said:I finally think I am figuring out the game.
3 games straight with a good score:
Playing pantheon, pretty low level games, but still, none of these were really pushovers, and the last one was a 4v5. Got people complaining about pantheon being op in the 4v5, even though I was playing catchup until mid-game. Panth damage is fun, but he dies so easily if you know how to fight him.
Archie said:I swear 75% of my losses are due to people who AFK or DC.
thestopsign said:How can you only one hero? That would bore me to tears. I see Mundo often enough, as a tank he doesn't really hit his stride until late in the game, so if he has a bad start, he is sort of fucked. He also shouldn't be the only tank on the team, there should be at least another off tank with decent CC like Blitz or someone. A lot of ranked games, I get two geniuses that think having a Morde and Mundo on the same team is a great idea until the other team with all of their CC rapes us.
As for Vlad, yea, he is really fucking annoying. They need to make him more risk for reward, rather than allowing him just to sit back and spam Q every three seconds after lvl 9.
CrazedProfessional said:When I hit level 20 I had the idea that I should pick a character, make a rune page then pick another after that is finished and repeat. I'm like 5 levels from 30.
Archie said:
Definitely going to get the tree.
VaLiancY said:I have to buy these two champions. I got burned by buying Cass but Renekon was really good and these two champions sound really nice.
Macattk15 said:Shrug. I've done nothing but wrecked face with Cass since I bought her ... in both Ranked and Normal games.
Waiting for the team to start fighting and running in and ult'ing in the best possible position really f's up a team while they are all standing in my slow poison and explosive poison.
I gotta try Renekton.
You mean it's similar to Nasus, except has a higher damage out put and better catching abilities. Minute Nasus gets hit ult, it's the same thing. Commence the fucking of up of anyone in your lane.idlewild_ said:Renekton is a beast after the buffs. Imho they went a little too far, you're almost guaranteed at least one kill, a lot of times a double, as soon as you hit 6.